All the Pages
From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers
The Readers and Rootworkers web site is large -- but not so large that we cannot provide readers with a handy alphabetized list naming all of the hundreds of pages and categories available here for your reading pleasure.
This site is constantly growing, thanks to the efforts of the AIRR Tech Team. We welcome suggestions for new topics as well as corrections and additions to what we have written so far.
Please note that in this alphabetical list, each entry is given only once because, even though, due to cultural mingling, it may be a member of two or more categories.
If you want to scroll through a topic-based, subject-oriented, and nested list of all of the entries at this site, go to our Sitemap.
For lots of fun graphics, see the Tech Team Placard Gallery.
- Aaron
- About the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers
- Abraham
- Adam and Eve
- Afterlife
- African and African-Diasporic Ancestral Traditions
- AIRR Application Form
- AIRR Code of Ethics
- AIRR is a Committee of the AISC
- AIRR Tech Team
- AIRR Tech Team Project Procedures
- AISC Board of Bishops
- Al-Khidr
- Allah Gobi
- All the Pages
- Altar Tools
- Altar Work and Prayers
- Amulets and Talismans
- Amun
- Anatomies of the Soul and Spirit
- Ancestors
- Ancestors and Ancestor Altars
- Angel Raziel
- Angels and Archangels
- Anima Sola
- Animal Sacrifice
- Anubis
- Apep
- Aphrodite
- Apollo
- Application on Behalf of Client Form
- Aquarius
- Archangel Gabriel
- Archangel Michael
- Archangel Raphael
- Archangel Uriel
- Aries
- Ascended Masters
- Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers Community Portal
- Association of Independent Spiritual Churches
- Astrology
- Athena
- Atum
- Aunt Caroline Dye
- Avalokitesvara
- Baal Shem Tov
- Babalu Aye
- Baghavad Gita
- Baha' al-Din Naqshband
- Baldr
- Baron Samedi
- Bastet
- Bath Products|Bath Products
- Beltane
- Bibliomancy
- Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
- Black Elk
- Black Hawk
- Black Herman
- Black Madonna
- Blessing, Cleansing, Healing, and Tranquility
- Bodhisattvas (Buddhist Saints)
- Body Reading
- Book of Psalms
- Brahma
- Brother Christopher
- Buddha
- Bwete
- Cai Shen
- Cancer
- Candles and Lamps
- Candle Reading
- Candle Spells
- Capricorn
- Card Layouts
- Card Reading
- Card Suits
- Career Success, Personal Power, Mastery, and Wisdom
- Caroline Dye Memorial Chapel
- Cassandra
- Catherine Yronwode
- Catholic Church Saints
- Catholic Folk Saints
- Celebrated Mediums and Conjure Doctors
- Celtic and Gaulish Deities
- Chakras
- Ching Ming Jie, Tomb Sweeping Day
- Chapel of Hope and Light
- Chola Wengue
- Chun Jie, Chinese Lunar New Year
- Church Pastors and Deacons in AIRR
- Churches of the AISC
- Cleansing
- Client Request for AIRR Pro Bono Services
- Clifford Low
- ConjureMan
- Contact AIRR
- Container Spells
- Contract for Rootwork
- Coronavirus Outreach Spell
- Court Cards
- Court Cases, Legal Matters, and Keeping Off the Law
- Creation of the Soul
- Crossing, Jinxing, Hot Footing, Revenge, and Break Ups
- Cup Reading
- Crossroads
- Crystal Silence League
- Damballa
- Daniel
- David
- Deacon Millett
- Dead and the Graveyard
- Deborah
- Deborah Voith
- Demons
- Dionysus
- Disclaimer
- Divination Fortune Telling Oracles
- Divine Harmony Spiritual Church
- Djinn
- Djwhal Khul
- Doc Murphy
- Dr. E.
- Dr. E. P. Read
- Dr. Jeremy Weiss
- Dr. Jim Jordan
- Dr. Jose Gregorio Hernandez
- Doll Babies, Voodoo Dolls, and Poppets
- Dowsing, Doodlebugging, and Water Witching
- Duan Wu Jie, The Dragon Boat Festival
- Durga
- Dybbuk
- Hades
- Handsome Lake
- Hanuman
- Hathor
- Health Care and Beauty Products
- Heidi Holton
- Heimdall
- Hekate
- Help
- Hera
- Hestia
- Hindu Deities
- Holidays and Festivals
- Holy Family
- Holy Spirit
- Holy Trinity
- Horned God
- Hoodoo Conjure Witchcraft Rootwork
- Hoodoo Heritage Festival Workshops
- Hoodoo Psychics
- Hoodoo Workshops on Demand
- Horus
- Hotei Buddha
- House of Self Empowerment
- How to Navigate the AIRR Site
- How Would YOU Like to Join AIRR?
- Hypnosis Coaching and Training
- Ma Kengue
- Maat
- Mabon
- Magical Coaching and Spiritual Advice
- Magical Traditions
- Main Page
- Mama E.
- Mama Vergi
- Maman Brigitte
- Margie Blackwell
- Marie Laveau
- Marin Graves
- Mariwanga
- Master Rakoczy
- Maximon (San Simon-Judas)
- Mazzikim
- Mediumship
- Meet the Members of AIRR
- Melchizedek
- Met Carrefour
- Metaphysical Authors in AIRR
- Midrash
- Minerva
- Minor Jewish Prophets
- Miriam
- Miss Athena
- Miss Bri
- Miss Marguerite
- Miss Michaele
- Missionary Independent Spiritual Church
- Mojo Bags
- Moses
- Ms. Robin
- Muscle Testing and Spiritual Kinesiology
- Obatala
- Obi and Diloggun Divination
- Ochosi
- Odin
- Odù Ifá
- Ogun
- Oils
- Olodumare
- Olokun
- Ombudsman Terms of Service
- The Surahs
- Orishas, The Pantheon of Lukumi
- Orthodox Church Saints
- Orthodox Folk Saints
- Orunmila
- Osain
- Oshun
- Osiris
- Ostara
- Our Lady Maria Dolorosa
- Our Lady of Charity
- Our Lady of Grace
- Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Our Lady of Lourdes
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel
- Outcome Times in Reading and Rootwork
- Oya
- Padmasambhava
- Palmistry
- Pan
- Papa Legba
- Papa Gee
- Papa Newt
- Parvati
- Paschal Beverly Randolph
- Pendulum Divination
- Perfumes and Colognes
- Personal Concerns and Magical Links
- Petitions and Magical Papers
- Pip Cards
- Pisces
- Privacy Policy
- Pro Bono Fund
- Pro Bono Fund Donation Form
- Prophecy
- Prosperity, Money Drawing, Business, and Gambling Luck
- Protection From Enemies, Warding Off Evil, and Safe Travel
- Psalms 1
- Psalms 2
- Psalms 3
- Psalms 4
- Psalms 5
- Psalms 6
- Psalms 7
- Psalms 8
- Psalms 9
- Psalms 10
- Psalms 11
- Psalms 12
- Psalms 13
- Psalms 14
- Psalms 15
- Psalms 16
- Psalms 17
- Psalms 18
- Psalms 19
- Psalms 20
- Psalms 21
- Psalms 22
- Psalms 23
- Psalms 24
- Psalms 25
- Psalms 26
- Psalms 27
- Psalms 28
- Psalms 29
- Psalms 30
- Psalms 31
- Psalms 32
- Psalms 33
- Psalms 34
- Psalms 35
- Psalms 36
- Psalms 37
- Psalms 38
- Psalms 39
- Psalms 40
- Psalms 41
- Psalms 42
- Psalms 43
- Psalms 44
- Psalms 45
- Psalms 46
- Psalms 47
- Psalms 48
- Psalms 49
- Psalms 50
- Psalms 51
- Psalms 52
- Psalms 53
- Psalms 54
- Psalms 55
- Psalms 56
- Psalms 57
- Psalms 58
- Psalms 59
- Psalms 60
- Psalms 61
- Psalms 62
- Psalms 63
- Psalms 64
- Psalms 65
- Psalms 66
- Psalms 67
- Psalms 68
- Psalms 69
- Psalms 70
- Psalms 71
- Psalms 72
- Psalms 73
- Psalms 74
- Psalms 75
- Psalms 76
- Psalms 77
- Psalms 78
- Psalms 79
- Psalms 80
- Psalms 81
- Psalms 82
- Psalms 83
- Psalms 84
- Psalms 85
- Psalms 86
- Psalms 87
- Psalms 88
- Psalms 89
- Psalms 90
- Psalms 91
- Psalms 92
- Psalms 93
- Psalms 94
- Psalms 95
- Psalms 96
- Psalms 97
- Psalms 98
- Psalms 99
- Psalms 100
- Psalms 101
- Psalms 102
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- Psalms 106
- Psalms 107
- Psalms 108
- Psalms 109
- Psalms 110
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- Psalms 112
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- Psalms 115
- Psalms 116
- Psalms 117
- Psalms 118
- Psalms 119
- Psalms 120
- Psalms 121
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- Psalms 123
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- Psalms 129
- Psalms 130
- Psalms 131
- Psalms 132
- Psalms 133
- Psalms 134
- Psalms 135
- Psalms 136
- Psalms 137
- Psalms 138
- Psalms 139
- Psalms 140
- Psalms 141
- Psalms 142
- Psalms 143
- Psalms 144
- Psalms 145
- Psalms 146
- Psalms 147
- Psalms 148
- Psalms 149
- Psalms 150
- Ptah
- Psychic Reading
- Psychometry
- Sachet Powders
- Sacred Texts
- Sagittarius
- Saint Agatha
- Saint Anne
- Saint Anthony
- Saint Barbara
- Saint Brigid
- Saint Cajetan
- Saint Christopher
- Saint Clare
- Saint Cyprian
- Saint Dymphna
- Saint Expedite
- Saint Florian
- Saint Francis
- Saint Germain
- Saint George
- Saint Hildegard of Bingen
- Saint Ivo of Kermartin
- Saint Joseph
- Saint Jude
- Saint Lazarus
- Saint Lucy
- Saint Martha
- Saint Martin de Porres
- Saint Nicholas
- Saint Norbert
- Saint Patrick
- Saint Peter
- Saint Raymond
- Saint Rita
- Saint Roch
- Saint Sebastian
- Saint Sylvester
- Saint Teresa of Calcutta
- Saint Therese of Lisieux
- Saints Sergius and Bacchus
- Samhain
- San Martin Caballero, Saint Martin of Tours
- Santeria Church of the Orishas
- Santisima Muerte
- Sarabanda
- Sarah
- Sarasvati
- Scorpio
- Scrying, Visionary Reading
- Sefer ha-Goralot (Book of Lots)
- Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Formation)
- Sekhmet
- Serapis Bey
- Set
- Shang Yuan Jie (The Lantern Festival)
- Shango
- Shiva
- Shu
- Simbi
- Sister Girl
- Sitatapatra
- Site Credits
- Sitemap
- Sobek
- Sol
- Solomon
- The Soul
- Spell Casting
- Spirit Board Divination
- Spirit Work
- Spirits and Spirit Guides
- Spiritual Suppliers in AIRR
- Spiritual Supplies
- Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming
- Suggestions For Clients
- Surah 'Abasa (He Frowned)
- Surah ad-Dahr (The Period)
- Surah ad-Dukhan (The Visible Smoke)
- Surah adh-Dhariyaat (The Scatterers)
- Surah adh-Dhuha (The Brightness)
- Surah al-'Aadiyaat (The Assaulters)
- Surah al-'Ankabut (The Spider)
- Surah al-'Asr (The Time)
- Surah al-A'ala (The Most High)
- Surah al-A'araaf (The Elevated Places)
- Surah al-Ahqaf (The Sand Hills)
- Surah al-Ahzab (The Allies)
- Surah al-Alaq (The Clot)
- Surah al-Ambiya (The Prophets)
- Surah al-An'aam (The Cattle)
- Surah al-Anfaal (The Spoils of War)
- Surah al-Balad (The City)
- Surah al-Baqarah (The Cow)
- Surah al-Bara'at / at-Tawba (The Repentance)
- Surah al-Bayyinah (The Clear Evidence)
- Surah al-Buruj (The Mansion of Stars)
- Surah al-Fajr (The Daybreak)
- Surah al-Falaq (The Dawn)
- Surah al-Fath (The Victory)
- Surah al-Fatihah (The Opening)
- Surah al-Fatir (The Originator)
- Surah al-Feel (The Elephant)
- Surah al-Furqan (The Criterion)
- Surah al-Ghashiyah (The Overwhelming Calamity)
- Surah al-Hadid (The Iron)
- Surah al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage)
- Surah al-Haqqah (The Sure Calamity)
- Surah al-Hashr (The Banishment)
- Surah al-Hijr (The Rock)
- Surah al-Hujuraat (The Chambers)
- Surah al-Humazah (The Slanderer)
- Surah al-Ikhlas (The Sincerity)
- Surah al-Infitaar (The Cleaving Asunder)
- Surah al-Inshiqaq (The Bursting Asunder)
- Surah al-Inshirah (The Expansion)
- Surah al-Ja'athiyah (The Kneeling)
- Surah al-Jinn (The Djinn)
- Surah al-Jumu'ah (The Friday)
- Surah al-Kaafirun (The Disbelievers)
- Surah al-Kahf (The Cave)
- Surah al-Kawthar (The Heavenly Spring)
- Surah al-Lahab (The Flame)
- Surah al-Layl (The Night)
- Surah al-Ma'arij (The Ways of Ascent)
- Surah al-Ma'idah (The Table-Spread)
- Surah al-Maa'un (The Daily Necessities)
- Surah al-Mu'min (The Believer)
- Surah al-Mu'minun (The Believers)
- Surah al-Mudathir (The Clothed One)
- Surah al-Mujadilah (The Pleading One)
- Surah al-Mulk (The Kingdom)
- Surah al-Mumtahanah (The Examined One)
- Surah al-Munafiqun (The Hypocrites)
- Surah al-Mursalaat (The Emissaries)
- Surah al-Mutaffin (The Defrauders)
- Surah al-Muzammil (The Wrapped-Up One)
- Surah al-Qadr (The Majesty)
- Surah al-Qalam (The Pen)
- Surah al-Qamar (The Moon)
- Surah al-Qari'ah (The Terrible Calamity)
- Surah al-Qasas (The Narrative)
- Surah al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection)
- Surah al-Quraysh (The Quraysh)
- Surah al-Takathur (The Multiplication of Wealth)
- Surah al-Waqi'ah (The Big Event)
- Surah al-Zilzaal (The Earthquake)
- Surah Ale-Imran (The Family of Imran)
- Surah an-Naas (The Man)
- Surah an-Naba (The Great Event)
- Surah an-Nahl (The Bee)
- Surah an-Najm (The Star)
- Surah an-Naml (The Ant)
- Surah an-Nasr (The Assistance)
- Surah an-Nazi'aat (Those Who Pull Out)
- Surah an-Nisa (The Women)
- Surah an-Nur (The Light)
- Surah ar-Rahman (The Beneficent)
- Surah ar-Rum (The Romans)
- Surah as-Saba (Saba)
- Surah as-Saff (The Ranks)
- Surah as-Saffaat (The Rangers)
- Surah as-Sajdah (The Adoration)
- Surah as-Shams (The Sun)
- Surah ash-Shu'ara (The Poets)
- Surah ash-Shura (The Council)
- Surah at-Taariq (The Night-Comer)
- Surah at-Taghabun (The Loss and Gain)
- Surah at-Tahrim (The Prohibition)
- Surah at-Takwir (The Covering Up)
- Surah at-Talaq (The Divorce)
- Surah at-Teen (The Fig)
- Surah at-Tur (The Mountain)
- Surah az-Zukhruf (The Embellishment)
- Surah az-Zumar (The Companies)
- Surah Bani-Isra'il (Children of Israel)
- Surah Ha Mim (Ha Mim)
- Surah Hud (Hud)
- Surah Ibrahim (Abraham)
- Surah Luqman (Luqman)
- Surah Maryam (Miriam)
- Surah Muhammad (s.a.w.) (Muhammad (p.b.u.h.))
- Surah Nuh (Noah)
- Surah Qaf (Qaf)
- Surah Ra'ad (Thunder)
- Surah Sa'ad (Sa'ad)
- Surah Ta Ha (Ta Ha)
- Surah Ya Seen (Ya Seen)
- Surah Yunus (Jonah)
- Surah Yusuf (Joseph)
- Susan Barnes
- Susan Diamond
- Sword of Moses, The
- Talmud
- Taoist Detities
- Taoist Seasonal Festivals
- Taranis
- Taurus
- Tawret
- Teachers, Classes, and Courses in the Magical, Mystical, and Spiritual Arts
- Tech Team Placard Gallery
- Tefnut
- Tehuti
- Tenskwatawa
- Testament of Solomon
- The Mystery of the Long Lost 8th, 9th, and 10th Books of Moses
- The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses
- Three Magi
- Three Star Gods
- Throwing the Bones and Reading Other Natural Curios
- Tripitaka
- Triple Goddess
- Trump Cards
- Washes and Waters
- Watariamba
- Webcasters in AIRR
- Welcome
- Werewolves
- Wheel of the Year
- Working Within the African and African-Diasporic Tradition
- Working Within the Buddhist Tradition
- Working Within the Catholic Tradition
- Working Within the Christian Tradition
- Working Within the Hindu Tradition
- Working Within the Islamic Tradition
- Working Within the Jewish Tradition
- Working Within the Native American Tradition
- Working Within the New Age Tradition
- Working Within the New Thought Tradition
- Working Within the Orthodox Tradition
- Working Within the Pagan and Neo-Pagan Tradition
- Working Within the Protestant Tradition
- Working Within the Spiritualist Tradition
- Working Within the Taoist Tradition
- Wovoka
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- Authors: nagasiva yronwode, catherine yronwode, Papa Newt, Reverend James
- Image: Unknown photographer; sourced and photo-edited by catherine yronwode