Pro Bono Fund
From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers

The AIRR Pro Bono Fund is an outreach program of The Association of Independent Spiritual Churches. Working through the Pro Bono Committee of the AISC, it offers a limited number of psychic reading sessions, hoodoo spiritual supplies, altar services, and conjure spell casting free of charge to those in financial need.
The Pro Bono Fund collects hoodoo spiritual supplies and distributes them to client-practitioners who are unable to pay for such goods, and arranges for free services such as psychic reading sessions and conjure spell casting on behalf of indigent clients.
As a committee of The Association of Independent Spiritual Churches, the Pro Bono Fund operates under the direction of a volunteer Chairperson and a vonunteer Assistant, who are solely responsible for the coordination of volunteer donations of goods and labour, and for the distribution of these to clients in financial need.
AIRR Members who have joined the Pro Bono Fund are those who contribute free readings, rootwork consultations, hoodoo supplies, or financial donations on a regular basis to the Chairwoman, who then arranges for distribution.
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How Clients Obtain Goods and Services from the Pro Bono Fund

If you are a client without funds who wishes to have a free spiritual consultation or receive free rootwork advice or a free tarot card reading with one of the seers or hoodoo psychic readers of AIRR, or who wishes to acquire basic conjure supplies, have candle services performed, or obtain spell casting services at no cost, you must apply through a regular AIRR root doctor.
Submitting a Pro Bono Fund Application
There are two ways clients may apply for help from the Pro Bono Fund: on their own behalf or through the intercession of an AIRR member on their behalf.
Application by a Client on His or Her Own Behalf
Tp apply for a reading or a candle service on your own behalf, please fill out the
Client Request for AIRR Pro Bono Services.
We accept a limited number of these requests per month, and your application does not guarantee that your case will be taken by the Po Bono Fund. However, we will contact you and let you know the results of your Application.
All Client Request for AIRR Pro Bono Services Forms should be copied into email and sent to the Chairwoman of the AIRR Pro Bono Fund, Miss Michaele:
Application by an AIRR Member on Behalf of a Client
To have an AIRR member submit a Pro Bono Fund application on your behalf, please schedule and pay for a ten minute assessment reading, and request at that time that your reader prepare an application for you.
Your reader will then fill out the
AIRR Pro Bono Services Application on Behalf of Client Form for the AIRR Pro Bono Fund
on your behalf and bring your name and case before the Chairwoman of the AIRR Pro Bono Fund
Please note that the Pro Bono Application may only be filled out and submitted by an AIRR reader or rootworker on behalf of a client. It may not be filled out by a client on behalf of himself or herself or another client.
All Application on Behalf of Client Forms should be copied into email and sent to the Chairwoman of the AIRR Pro Bono Fund, Miss Michaele:
How You Can Donate to the AIRR pro Bono Fund
We gladly accept donations to support the only fund of its kind -- a Reading and Rootwork Fund that helps indigent clients receive professional spiritual help at no cost.
AIRR Clients and Members of the Public Can Donate
You may donate to the AIRR Pro Bono Fund as a way of thanking a spirit or saint who has "come through" for you on a petition or prayer or as a way to give a thanks-offering for the successful outcome of a case. If you have been helped and want to help others through the AIRR Pro Bono Fund, please fill out the
AIRR Pro Bono Fund Donation Form.
Monetary donations of any size may be sent via Paypal to The Association of Independent Spiritual Churches; please attach a note stating that the funds are to be used for the Pro Bono Fund.
Donate to the AIRR Pro Bono Fund with Paypal
AIRR Readers and Rootworkers Can Donate
If you wish to donate time, money, materials, or hoodoo rootwork services to help indigent clients through the AIRR Pro Bono Fund, please fill out the
Monetary donations of any size may be sent via Paypal to The Association of Independent Spiritual Church; please attach a note stating that the funds are to be used for the Pro Bono Fund. Completed Donation Forms should be copied into email and sent to the Chairwoman of the AIRR Pro Bono Fund, Miss Michaele:
Donate to the AIRR Pro Bono Fund with Paypal
Thank You Notes from AIRR Pro Bono Clients
"I just want to say thanks for the help you provided me when my entire Altar caught fire. I had help right away. Ms Cat was there for me with no questions, ifs, ands, or buts. I received replacement of some of my items from the AIRR Pro Bono fund. That helped me get back on my feet with the work I was doing to get jobs. She made sure that she sent me work for protection, which I needed. I got a emergency reading with no hesitation. D.B. -- September 2, 2010
"Thank you, Miss Michaele, for your time and efforts in helping me to get accepted for the Pro Bono fund! It takes a truly caring heart to be so willing to take the time to help others in need. I am extremely grateful for the AIRR members' commitments to helping those in need! Your dedication and willingness to do what you can to contribute to individuals and families that have little or nothing, to enable them to obtain the guidance and resources needed in troubled times, is absolutely amazing! I intend to give back as soon as I have a better balance to my life. I look forward to the days to come. May Love, Light, and Blessing be with you always." W. -- October 2, 2010
"Thank you so much for the AIRR package, I received it and was overwhelmed with all of the generous contents. I will follow all the directions. I hope to be able to make a donation to pay it forward to the next client in need. Many blessings to you and yours." L. -- January 23, 2011
See Also
Client Outreach Services
These pages contain general information for the public about services that our members offer in addition to psychic reading, spell-casting, and candle services:
- Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR
- Metaphysical Authors in AIRR
- Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR
- Radio Podcasters in AIRR
- Video Webcasters in AIRR
- Occult Shopkeepers and Spiritual Suppliers in AIRR
- Church Pastors and Deacons in AIRR
- Hoodoo Heritage Festival Presenters in AIRR
- Streaming Video Classes with PDFs from AIRR
- The Churches of the AISC
- The Crystal Silence League
- The AIRR Pro Bono Fund
- The AIRR Ombudsman Team
- The AIRR Tech Team
- Internet Forum and Group Facilitators in AIRR
- AISC Board of Bishops
- The Church Fan Fund
Public Education About Client Services
These pages contain general information for the public about dealing with psychic readers, engaging the services of root doctors and spell-casters, and how to keep yourself safe from spiritual and magical scams and frauds: