Association of Independent Spiritual Churches
From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers
The Association of Independent Spiritual Churches or AISC: was founded in 2006 in California as a confederation of independent inter-denominational Spiritual, Spiritualist, Spiritist, and New Thought churches located all around the country. It is informally known as "The Small Church Denomination," due to the diminutive size of many of its ecclesiastical structures. One of its affiliates, Missionary Independent Spiritual Church, is officially billed as "The Smallest Church in the World."
AISC Denomination

The AISC is the parent body of
- the Association of the Independent Readers and Rootworkers (AIRR)
- the Crystal Silence League (CSL)
- the Hoodoo Heritage Festival (HHF)
- the AIRR Tech Team Committee
- the HHF Workshop Sales Committee
- the AIRR Pro Bono Fund
- the AIRR Sustaining Members Fund
- the AISC Sacred Spaces Restoration Fund
- the AISC Church Fan Fund
- the AIRR Ombudsman Program
All of the members of AIRR are affiliated with AISC through their AIRR membership, and in addition to doing divinatory readings and traditional rootwork for private clients, those AIRR members who are also church deacons and pastors may offer special ecclesiastical services at their own chapels, such as prayers, life cycle ceremonies, and the consecrated setting of lights.
AISC Board of Bishops
Board Members: The AISC is governed by a Board of Bishops, several of whom are founding Members of AIRR and oversee its operations.
At its founding, the Association of Independent Spiritual Churches had a five-member Board of Bishops. Their roles were President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and AIRR Liaison. Four were members of AIRR and one was not.
In 2020, the Board was expanded to include the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and several more AIRR Liaisons.
AISC Affiliated Churches
The AISC denomination consists of the following affiliated Spiritual Churches:
- Missionary Independent Spiritual Church in Forestville, California ("The Mother Church"). Pastor: Rev. catherine yronwode
- Four Altars Gospel Sanctuary in the California High Desert ("The Father Church"). Pastor: Rev. Deacon Millett
- Caroline Dye Memorial Chapel in Willits, California. Pastor: Rev. Michaele Maurer
- Divine Harmony Spiritual Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. Pastor: Rev. Jon Saint Germain
- Santeria Church of the Orishas in Los Angeles, California. Pastor: Rev. Dr. E. Ekun Dayo Oní Shangó
- House of Self Empowerment in California. Pastor: Lady Muse
- Folk Faith Ministries in Western North Carolina: Pastors Reverend James and Reverend Art
At our church websites, you can learn more about each church's history, creed, denominational affiliates, pastors, and ministry services.
AISC Committees
The AISC has developed a number of committees to carry out its mission.
AIRR: Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers
The Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers (AIRR) is a gathering of professional practitioners of African American folk magic, hoodoo, conjure, and rootwork who provide psychic readings and spiritual root doctoring services to the public. AIRR promotes quality service and ethical conduct by means of accreditation and evaluation of our Members. Unlike commercial online psychic reader services, AIRR is a Membership-supported organization that receives no fees or kickbacks for referrals. The following committee structure was adopted and accepted by the Board Members on June 6, 2009, on the third anniversary of the founding of the first Church in the AISC union, MISC.
The AISC is responsible for all AIRR activities, and those who are Members of AIRR report directly or through liaisons to the Church Board Members for oversight.
Founding Members of AIRR: A small panel of invited Members who served the group by volunteering to help write and provide technical support for the AIRR web site and AISC Membership documents, and who provided ideas, resources, and feedback to the technical and editorial team during the 6-month development of the site from January to June, 2009. Their names can be found on the AIRR Site Credits page.
General Members of AIRR: Members admitted after the establishment of AIRR as a functional Membership body through a vetting process described in the text below ("Admittance").
AIRR Web Site
The AIRR Tech Team, comprised of Members of AIRR with technical knowledge of web site development, has volunteered to develop and maintain a web site for AIRR at (Readers and Rootworkers dot org). This site describes various forms of divination and rootwork for the benefit of our clients, as well as hosting web pages for members with introductions to each of the members by name and picture, and booking pages where payments can be made to book member services. The costs of operating the site are underwritten by the AISC.
AIRR Social Media Outlets
The AIRR Tech Team has volunteered to create and maintain social media platform outlets for AIRR at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and You Tube. The use of these platforms incurs no charges to the AISC.
AIRR Pro Bono Fund
Members in AIRR have agreed to volunteer time and materials to deliver readings, prayers, conjure supplies, and altar work to members of the public in financial hardship. Their efforts are coordinated through the leadership of the Chairwoman of the AIRR Pro Bono Fund.
AIRR Tech Team
Since its inception in January 2009, the AIRR Tech Team has been comprised of volunteer Members who meet in a live online venue once a week to provide content for and maintain he AIRR Web Site, AIRR Social Media Outlets, HHF Web Site, and CSL Web Site.
The primary purpose of the AIRR Tech Team is to assist with writing, illustrating, and updating biographical and booking pages for AIRR Members on the worldwide web, and promoting the AISC and its AIRR, HHF, and CSL committees through social media outlets once a week.
The secondary goal of the AIRR Tech Team is the creation and hosting of 1,000 free web informational pages on the subjects of world-wide folk magic, divination, and multicultural religious traditions at []. This material, which is under co-copyright ownership with the volunteers who create the content, supports public interest in reading, rootwork, and spirituality.
The third goal of the Tech Team is to provide free training to AIRR Members in html and wiki coding, professional web site design and development, and effective social media management. Any Member can attend the weekly AIRR Tech Team meetings and receive this extensive training at no cost.
Current and past members of the Tech Team are credited on individual pages and at tTheir names can also be found on the AIRR Site Credits page.
AIRR Ombudsman Program
We hope that our members' ethical code of conduct and our list of suggested questions to ask your psychic reader, spirit medium, spell-caster, spiritual advisor, or hoodoo rootworker will help you have a pleasant and successful experience with AIRR. If you should have any problem in working with one of our members, we will provide free Ombudsman services for mediation of your complaint.
HHF: The Hoodoo Heritage Festival
The Hoodoo Heritage Festival (HHF) is a yearly gathering of folk magic and divination teachers and students. It was founded in 2008 by AIRR co-founders Ms. Robin, Miss cat yronwode, and nagasiva yronwode to bring together professional rootworkers and those who are interested in learning more about the practices of African-American hoodoo and other world-wide forms of spell-casting, fortune-telling, and spirituality. The two-day event is supported by ticket sales and is open to the general public. It features on-site hands-on workshops in practical conjure and rootwork, panel discussions, spiritual services from many traditions, scheduled food service, and informal times for participants to get readings or hang out and meet with one another. Flyers from the HHF presentations are collected and published in book form, with copyrights vested in the names of the authors and royalties paid to them.
HHF Web Site
Members of the AIRR Tech Team with technical knowledge of web site development have volunteered to develop and maintain a web site for the HHF at the Official Hoodoo Heritage Festival website. The cost of maintaining the site is underwritten by the AISC.
HHF Workshop Sales
In 2022 the HHF Workshop ales Committee was formed to initiate and expedite the sales of previous HHF video workshops to the public.
HHF Social Media Outlets
The HHF receives promotion through the AIRR Social Media Outlets at Facebook, Instagram, and You Tube. Promotional material is provided by the HHF workshop presenters, the volunteer AIRR Tech Team and by paid independent content providers. The use of these platforms incurs no additional charges to the AISC.
CSL: The Crystal Silence League
Originally founded in 1919, the Crystal Silence League was planned as a Committee of MISC in 2008. The plan was implemented and the League was re-dedicated in 2011 as a prayer network open to any member of a church within the AISC Churches denomination, any member of AIRR, and any member of the general public.
CSL members agree to send prayers and affirmations to anyone wishes prayers to be said on his or her behalf, who sends in a prayer request, and who possesses a crystal ball with which to aid CSL members in concentrating positive thought and directing it to the one in need.
CSL Web Site
The CSL Web Site offers information about crystal reading and provides a free prayer service to the public. It is created and updated by the AIRR Tech Team. The cost of maintaining the site is underwritten by the AISC.
CSL Social Media Outlets
The CSL Social Media Outlets are updated weekly with information about crystal reading, the free CSL prayer service, and the CSL Podcast Radio Show. These outlets are created and maintained by the AIRR Tech Team. The use of these platforms incurs no charges to the AISC.
CSL Podcast Radio Show
The Crystal Silence League Hour is a weekly podcast radio show that is available to the public free of charge. It provides instructions in crystal gazing as well as covering broad topics of spirituality and philosophy. All episodes are available in archive. Payment for creation of the CSL radio show contents has been underwritten by gift certificates provided to the host by the Lucky Mojo Curio Co. and Missionary Independent Spiritual Church. The AISC underwrites the archiving of the shows.
AISC Sacred Spaces Restoration Fund
The AISC Board of Bishops maintains a fund through which donations are made to churches and cemeteries that have been vandalized or damaged by natural disasters. Members may nominate a site for donations; the unanimous decision of the Board of Bishops is necessary for the donation to be approved.
AISC Church Fan Fund
Members in AIRR have agreed to volunteer time and materials to design and manufacture paper church fans advertising the AISC, AIRR, CSL, and member churches who pay for them. These are distributed at by church pastors to their congregants and at AISC events such as the Hoodoo Heritage Festival.
Follow our affiliated churches on Facebook!
* Follow the Association of Independent Spiritual Churches on Facebook
* Follow Missionary Independent Spiritual Church on Facebook
* Follow Divine Harmony on Facebook
* Follow the House of Self Empowerment on Facebook
Please follow and like our affiliated church Facebook, Instagram, and You Tube pages to see updates about each church, notification of upcoming events, and a steady stream of educational and inspirational videos and posts from our pastors.
See Also
Client Outreach Services
These pages contain general information for the public about services that our members offer in addition to psychic reading, spell-casting, and candle services:
- Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR
- Metaphysical Authors in AIRR
- Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR
- Radio Podcasters in AIRR
- Video Webcasters in AIRR
- Occult Shopkeepers and Spiritual Suppliers in AIRR
- Church Pastors and Deacons in AIRR
- Hoodoo Heritage Festival Presenters in AIRR
- Streaming Video Classes with PDFs from AIRR
- The Churches of the AISC
- The Crystal Silence League
- The AIRR Pro Bono Fund
- The AIRR Ombudsman Team
- The AIRR Tech Team
- Internet Forum and Group Facilitators in AIRR
- AISC Board of Bishops
- The Church Fan Fund