Nagasiva Yronwode
From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers

I am a student of all things spiritual and arcane. For the greater portion of my life i have studied conventional and unusual types of religious and magical occult groups and practices, becoming proficient in divination and magic as a young adult. In 1991, i dedicated my life to the Hindu goddess Kali, constructing altars and a temple for Her. In 1998, after years of archiving and networking occult, spiritual, and mystical information, and assisting New Age, Neo-Pagan, ceremonialist, and folk magical workers, i journeyed to Sonoma County to meet catherine yronwode, a woman i knew through the internet. We are now happily married and live in Forestville, California, enjoying a rural country atmosphere conducive to health and well-being.

I am an initiate of the O.T.O., a graduate of catherine's Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course, the co-owner of the Lucky Mojo Curio Company, and the President of the Board of Directors of the Yronwode Institution for the Preservation and Popularization of Indigenous Ethnomagicology (YIPPIE). I am an archivist, writer, editor, book designer, and typsetter, and the database manager and web master of the Lucky Mojo commercial sites, as well as the company's many non-commercial, educational occult sister-sites, including the Arcane Archive, Southern Spirits, The Mystic Tea Room, Your Wate and Fate and Satan Service. I am also the regular board operator for the weekly Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour radio show, which features regular appearances by the members of AIRR and live call-ins from the public seeking more knowledge of psychic phenomena and hoodoo.
Although i am not a professional psychic reader or conjure doctor, i am a pastor at Missionary Independent Spiritual Church, a member of the AISC Board of Bishops of the Association of Independent Spiritual Churches, the web master of the AISC's Crystal Silence League prayer chain, the Secretary of AIRR, a member of the AIRR Tech Team, and a contributor to this site in many ways.
Read more about me in my Facebook group.
Contact Information
nagasiva yronwode
Forestville, California