AIRR Tech Team

From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers

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The AIRR Tech Team keeps this site up and running

The AIRR Tech Team is a volunteer-run program of AIRR in which technically adept associates with writing and graphic design skills donate an hour or more per week toward maintaining, upgrading, and developing new aspects of the AIRR web site and its public outreach programs.

AIRR Tech Team volunteers research and write new web pages, add images, create links between pages, correct errors, and continually work to improve the site's navigability and usefulness to members of the public who look to AIRR for educational information about worldwide traditions of religion and prayer, folkloric customs and beliefs, divination and prophesy, folk magic, spirit mediumship, psychic readings, traditional spiritual practices, conjure doctoring, and Southern style rootwork. In addition, the AIRR Tech Team volunteers assist AIRR members to develop their own spiritual service announcement pages.

The AIRR Tech Team is a group of volunteers within the general membership who are working for the good of all members. Any member may join the Tech Team; there are no restrictions on Tech Team membership.

There are currently about 10 members of the AIRR Tech Team. All of us have received or are currently receiving training in coding, and all of us have logins and passwords to the AIRR site by virtue of attending Tech Team meetings.

Since January 6th, 2009, the lead writer and editor-in-chief of the Tech Team has been Catherine Yronwode. She oversees the weekly Tech Team meetings, assigns tasks to volunteer writers, researchers, and artists, and edits all the pages in AIRR'S encyclopedia of folk magic and fortune telling.

Since December 14th, 2021, the Tech Team's Nagasiva Yronwode has produced weekly placards for distribution on social media (Facebook and Instagram) advertising our weekly page contributions. These placards are shared widely and appear on the personal pages and groups of all AIRR members who allow the Tech Team to have administrative input into their accounts.

• See all of our beautiful page-announcement placards at the Tech Team Placard Gallery.
• Follow our plans for coming AIRR pages at the AIRR Tech Team Project Procedures


AIRR Tech Team Goals

The AIRR Tech Team plans the structure of this site, researches topics, and writes informative web pages on various aspects of spirituality, divination, and folk-magical practices around the world
The AIRR Tech Team is responsible both to the Association of Independent Spiritual Churches and to members of the public who are served by this site
The AIRR Tech Team uses social networking to share information about spirituality, seership, religion, and folk magic with the world
The AIRR Tech Team writes our information pages
The AIRR Tech Team hones and polishes our members' Bio and Booking pages to give them great search engine optimization
The AIRR Tech Team organizes large categories of information and from these it creates smaller, dependent pages on specific topics
AIRR Tech Team members receive training in web site coding and programming
AIRR Tech Team meetings are held once a week
The AIRR Tech Team works steadily and skillfully to serve our members and the public
The AIRR Tech Team keeps this web site running

The AIRR Tech Team has five goals:

  • To assist members in the creation and upkeep of their own bio pages, booking pages, navigation box listings, and category listings.
  • To write and maintain 1,001 informational pages at the AIRR site about folk magic, divination, and spirituality.
  • To publicize AIRR and all of its services to the general public via social media, search engine optimization, aand via the Tech Team Placard Gallery, at the rate of one page per week., on Tuesdays
  • To create and maintain illustrated web pages for the AISC-run Hoodoo Heritage Festival events and Hoodoo Workshops on Demand.
  • To train team members in coding and web site development for their own use.

AIRR Tech Team Weekly Meetings

The AIRR Tech Team meets once a week on Tuesdays, at 10:30 AM Pacific Time via Zoom. At these meetings we socialize and enjoy one another's company, and then we get to work.

Once the work period starts, an experienced member may assign tasks to trainee-members, trained members may self-assign themselves tasks related to the team's five goals, and trainee-members may request help with coding problems and receive instruction from an experienced member.

Our meetings last anywhere from 1 to 4 hours. Not all of us attend every meeting, and not all of us stay for the duration of every meeting.

At the end of each Tech Team meeting, we discuss what we plan to do next meeting. Then, to close the meeting --

  • One member is assigned (or volunteers) to post a notice about the week's Tech Team Meeting at the AIRR Forum.
  • If a new AIRR page has been completed and is now live, one member is assigned (or volunteers) to post an announcement about it, with a photo, at the AIRR Facebook page.
  • All Tech Team attendees are verbally requested to share any announcement at the AIRR Facebook page to their own social media feeds.

Enrollment in the Tech Team does NOT obligate one to weekly attendance -- all volunteers are free to come and go at will.

The Tech Team Reports to AIRR Associates

In order to stay in contact with the general membership of AIRR -- and especially to take messages and handle requests for bio and booking page updates -- the Tech Team maintains an entire sub-section of the private AIRR Forum, where messages and updates are posted.

Weekly Tech Team reports are posted to the general list of AIRR members at the private AIRR forum, so that AIRR members can see what is being done and know who has donated the time to do it.

When new topical sections or listing pages are under development at the AIRR site, the Tech Team posts regular announcements to AIRR members via the private AIRR forum, requesting that members submit material for inclusion if the topic is relevant to their work for clients.

The Tech Team Reports to the Public

In order to inform the public about our work and to promote the value of AIRR, the AIRR Tech Team maintains the AIRR Facebook page for the benefit of members and posts announcements there.

When a new informational web page is created at the AIRR site on a topic of general interest such as divination, psychic reading, hoodoo rootwork, spiritual practice, religious traditions, or magical spell-casting -- the page is announced by the Tech Team to the general public via social networking at the AIRR Facebook page.

Consultations with the Tech Team

AIRR members and/or their web designers who wish to speak to a Tech Team volunteer about contributing text or images to the overall site development projects, instituting bio page or booking page updates, or making other changes to their listings or to the AIRR site should follow Tech Team announcements in the private AIRR forum to determine the date of the next meeting. They should then email the Secretary of AIRR, nagasiva yronwode, at and he will see that they receive notification of the next Tech Team meeting and a Skype invitation. to join the meeting

At the meeting, Tech Team volunteers will be glad to discuss all aspects of AIRR's site development plans and help Associates implement their own requests for changes and updates. Volunteers are available to assist with text and photo editing, on-site link creation, addition or deletion of members' names from specific categories of practice, and evaluation of members' bio and booking pages from the standpoint of search engine optimization.

Please Join!

The requirements to join the AIRR Tech Team are simple:

  • You must be a member of AIRR.
  • You must have -- or wish to acquire -- a basic knowledge of Mediawiki code.
  • Photoshop experience is a plus, but is not required.

AIRR associates who wish to volunteer for the Tech Team, as well as AIRR members who wish to receive weekly notification of upcoming Tech Team meetings should email the Secretary of AIRR, nagasiva yronwode, at and he will see that their names are placed on the permanent Tech Team announcement list.

Want to Learn More?

We have a whole page devoted to describing the procedural work of the AIRR Tech Team in specific detail. It is intended as a reference document for AIRR Tech Team members, but it is also available to the public and to all prospective members of AIRR for review. We call it --

AIRR Tech Team Project Procedures


This page is brought to you by the AIRR Tech Team:

See Also

Client Outreach Services

These pages contain general information for the public about services that our members offer in addition to psychic reading, spell-casting, and candle services:

Brought to You By ...

As a non-profit service, AIRR is supported by the following individuals, groups, sponsors, and underwriters -- and by the generous contributions of readers like you:

  • The AIRR Tech Team: A volunteer group that meets weekly to assist in ongoing site development and maintenance
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