AIRR Tech Team Project Procedures

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The AIRR Tech Team keeps this web site running

This page is a continuation of, and a detailed addendum to, the

AIRR Tech Team Page

AIRR Members come and go, and although we always provide new members with an orientation to the Tech Team, a lot of information gets thrown at new folks, and not all of it sticks, so we are providing details about the AIRR Tech Team by way of a re-introduction to long-timers, and a catch-up for new members.

We gladly accept contributions of text from good writers who are not members of AIRR, who have knowledge on specific subjects. As this is a volunteer-run site, we do not pay our contributors, but they are named on our Site Credits page and on page=credits, and also share co-copyright with the AIRR site, enabling them to host their texts at their own sites or to publish them in books.

As of 2024, we can identify about 250 pages and categories in need of creation, illustration, or completion.

In addition, the Tech Team Placard Gallery should be updated regularly, if not weekly.


The AIRR Tech Team's Annual Rhythm

The AIRR Tech Team writes our information pages
The AIRR Tech Team hones and polishes our members' Bio and Booking pages to give them great search engine optimization
The AIRR Tech Team organizes large categories of information and from these it creates smaller, dependent pages on specific topics
AIRR Tech Team members receive training in web site coding and programming
AIRR Tech Team meetings are held once a week
The AIRR Tech Team works steadily and skillfully to serve our members and the public

Over the past 12 years, AIRR Tech Team meetings have developed a certain annual rhythm:


This year we conclude the Zodiac, and move on to the Seven Sacred Planets and the Chinese Zodiac. Lots of open spaces here for Christian and Jewish Festivals (either separate or interleaved) and at least ONE RESURFACED "GREAT PAGE" PER MONTH. Consider one Catholic Saint's Feast Day per month. A list exists, and more could be written.

January 7 - Wheel of the Year- GREAT PAGE
January 14 - Hoodoo Food and Drink DONE
January 21 - Aquarius - (January 20th)
January 28 - Odù Ifá DONE Obi Divination - Lukianos DONE

February 4 - Webcasters in AIRR DONE
February 11 - Personal Concerns and Magical Links [In Spiritual Supplies cat] DONE
February 18 - Pisces - (February 20th) DONE
February 25 - Reiki DONE

March 4 - Chakras DONE
March 11 - The Zodiac DONE completed with additional intro text
March 18 - Ethan Nicoll DONE
March 25 - Leafy Anderson DONE

April 1 - April Fool's Day (secular 5) - (April 1st)
April 8 - Dr. Buzzard Needs photo and editing
April 22 - The Rat (1) and start a list page for Lunar Zodiac with Chinese names in the titles
April 29 - find a GREAT PAGE
XXXX - Energy Healing
XXXX - Touch for Spiritual Healing
XXXX - Colour Symbolism and Colour Healing
XXXX - See July 29 Auras and Aura Healing
XXXX - Aura Cleansing (part of Auras and Aura Healing?

  • Aura Healing self
  • Aura Healing others
  • Aura trauma & PTSD (grief, military, domestic violence)
  • Aura suicide prevention
  • Aura supportive medical therapy
  • Aura helping pregnancies
  • Aura keeping their Aura clean
  • Aura magical attack

XXXX - Significator Cards
XXXX - Kitchen Divination [In the Signs and Omens cat]

May 6 - Mother's Day (secular 7) (May 11th this year)
May 13 - The Ox (2)
May 20 - Zora Neale Hurston [In Celebrated Mediums cat]
May 27 - Memorial Day / Decoration Day (secular 8) - May 31st or The Elements (four and five)

June 3 - The Tiger (3)
June 10 - Father's Day (secular 9) - (June 15th this year)
June 17 - The Sun (1) and start A LIST PAGE for the Seven Sacred Planets
June 24 - Henri Gamache (Anne Fleitman) [In Celebrated Mediums cat]

July 1 - National Holidays with a list (for July 4th) (secular 10)
July 8 - The Rabbit (4)
July 15 - The Moon (2) and link to Taoist Lunar festivals
July 22 - Myrtle Collins by cat [In Celebrated Mediums cat]
July 29 - Auras and Aura Reading (to go on the Main)

August 5 - The Dragon (5)
August 12 - Mercury (3)
August 19 - Mikhail Strabo (Sydney J. R. Steiner) by cat [In Celebrated Mediums cat]
August 26 - Labor Day (secular 11) (Sept 1st this year)

September 2 - The Snake (6) LUKIANOS
September 9 - Venus (4)
September 16 - FIND A GREAT PAGE
September 23 - Marcus Garvey and UNIA, plus Black Moses [In Celebrated Mediums cat]
September 30 - Another Jewish Grimoire or an Ascended Master or Something

October 7 - The Horse (7)
October 14 - Mars (5)
October 28 - The Dark Goddess to be rewritten as Cerridwen

November 4 - The Sheep (Ram or Goat) (8)
November 11 - Jupiter (6) or Armistice/Veterans/Remembrance Day (secular 13) (November 11th) and move Jupiter to Nov. 18
November 25 - Thanksgiving (secular 12)

December 2 - The Monkey (9)
December 9 - Saturn (7)
December 29 - Secular Holidays (13 links; needs text)

Potential Page Topics for 2025

Additional topics from LUKIANOS
Ba Zi (Chinese / Asian astrology)
The Elements (four and five)
Fixed Stars (Behennian)
Reiki and other systems of energy work

Category:Holidays and Festivals

Major Christian Festivals:

Mardi Gras
Ash Wednesday
Palm Sunday
Good Friday
Assumption of Mary
All Saints Day

Major Jewish Festivals

List is in cat's files!


Older pages that need more information and/or to be updated to the three-paragraph format and may need an image


January - The Rooster (10)
January - The Fool (0) Start 22 Tarot Trumps with a list page and The Fool (0) (NOTE: We will need to replace the img on Adam and Eve as it is now the RWS Lovers card)
January - The Seven Sacred Planets with intro text (OR we may add Neptune, Uranus, Pluto)

February - The Dog (11)
February - The Magician (1)
February - FIND A GREAT PAGE (or Neptune)

March - The Boar (Pig) (12)
March - The High Priestess (2)
March - FIND A GREAT PAGE or Uranus)

April - The Chinese Lunar Zodiac with additional intro text -- LUKIANOS
April - The Empress (3)
April - FIND A GREAT PAGE (or Pluto)

May - International Labour Day (secular 6) (May 1st) [break out of Beltane and expand]
May - The Emperor (4)
May - Serapis Bey

June - The Hierophant (5)
June - FIND A GREAT PAGE maybe Lady Luck?

July - The Lovers (6) (NOTE: We need to replace the img on Adam and Eve as it is now the RWS Lovers card)
July -

November - Remembrance / Armistice Day (Secular 13)

June 6th: Membership Renewals and Updates

June 6th is the date on which annual dues are paid. We encourage renewing members to look over their Bio and Booking pages, as well as their Navigation Box listings and Category listings at the time of renewal, so in June and July --

  • Upon receiving updates from renewing members, including new photos, rate changes, contact changes for their Bio and Booking pages, Navigation Box, and Category changes we make these changes at highest priority.
  • We create Bio and Booking pages, Navigation Box entries, and Category listings for new members, on an as-needed basis.
  • We make no site-wide changes during this period and we set aside all ongoing development projects for one month to assist renewing members.
  • If we receive updates (new photos, rate changes, contact changes, Navigation Box changes, Category changes, and new text) from members, we work on their pages.
  • We create Bio and Booking pages, Navigation Box entries, and Category listings for new members, on an as-needed basis.
  • Once the HHF site is in place, continued support is provided for updates, random checks of pages that may need corrections, or potential overlooked link-coding, handled by AIRR Tech Team trainees learning to code.

Supporting AIRR With Workshop Sales

Note: This is not a Tech Team Volunteer Project, but an AISC Board Authorized Paying Project. It is placed here for convenience only.

1. In 2023 the Bard approved paying James and Greg to create a Podia sales portal for the 30 video workshops of 20220, 2021, and 2022. Additinally, a Readers and Rootworkers page hosting the placards and "Buy" buttons was created at Hoodoo Workshops on Demand DONE

2. In 2023 the board decided to release the 10 video workshop videos from 2023 on December 1st, 2023.

3. In 2023 the Board approved paying Papa Gee to edit together as many workshops as possible from the found video of much earlier workshps in Nagasiva's possession, to be released at the rate of one per month during 2024 -- with the first one to be Dr. E.'s workshop on dolls.

4. In 2023, cat proposed more ads for the Online Workshops. The Tech Team met informally with some Board members and it was decided to add the relevant Online Workshop placards and "Buy" buttons to each participant's bio page and to each relevant category or topic page -- and that this project was to be split between Newt (Bios) and James (Categories and Pages) and this was to be a paying job at the rate of $30.00 per hour, approved by the AISC Treasurer.

For convenience:

14 new people have ads on their bios for 2023 workshops;

10 new category / page have ads for 2023 workshops:
Spititualism (Jon)
Money/Business (Art)
Spell Casting (Michaele)
Astrology (cat)
Love (Panel)
Baths and Waters (Robin)
Herbs and Roots (Heidi)
Spell-Casting (Murphy)
Altar Work (James)
Talismans (Lukianos)

Application Revision and Update

The application to join AIRR has not kept up with the changing structure of formatted member pages and needs to be revised to facilitate that transmutation.

Long-Term Site-Building Projects

  • Updates for Member Pages. If we receive updates (new photos, rate changes, contact changes, Navigation Box changes, Category changes, and new text) from members, we work on their pages.
  • New Member Bio and Booking Pages. We create Bio and Booking pages, Navigation Box entries, and Category listings for new members, on an as-needed basis.
  • Expansion of AIRR's Educational Web Site. We develop long term "build-out" projects by organizing new topics, upgrading site-wide code, and developing new categories of information to which we assign writers. This is our major expansion phase each year. Our goal is to host 1,001 categories and pages on divination and folk-magic.

Expansion of AIRR's Educational Web Site

Some of our ongoing build-outs and hoped-for texts include:

Photo-Cropping and Naming Standardization Project

This project is under the direction of Papa Newt, Reverend James, and Nagasiva Yronwode

We need standard-sized 300px x 400px head shots of every AIRR member. We will also institute a new standard naming convention. These will be substituted on ALL bio pages and on the all outreach pages.

  • Meet the Members of AIRR pics are currently 200 px x 250 px cropped: swap in new 300px x 400px portraits at 200px wide as they are completed.

OLD, NOT CURRENT Supporting the Hoodoo Heritage Festival

From January until June we are working on the Hoodoo Heritage Festival project:

  • We work on the coming year's HHF site, including text, illustrations, and the development of the affiliated ticketing site. AISC Board members also use this meeting time to discuss proposed workshops that have been presented by AIRR members and others, and to assign editors to presenters who will be preparing written material for their workshops. AIRR Tech Team members who are not board members function as general membership representatives in these discussions, as we work toward consensus on HHF planning matters.

Outreach Pages Needing Image Standardization

In this group, pics are currently 150 px wide and height floats; swap in new 300px x 400px portraits at 150px wide as they are completed.

The following outreach pages await creation:

Categories Needing Lists of Spiritual Entity Pages

These lists are Categories. Each is intended to lead to a series of single pages with at least one image, three paragraphs of data, and a Nav Box citing why people seek out the entity for veneration or supplication.

Ascended Masters. As of 2023 we have 26 listed and six completed. This page needs a Navbox for the listed entities and the NOTOC reinstated. Miss Cat is the lead writer on this project. NOTE: some of these appear as links but are unfinished as text dumps were a SOURCE DUMP, not our original text, and may also lack an image.

Outstanding Pages Needing Completion in the Ascended Masters category:

Bodhisattvas (Buddhist Saints). As of 2023 we have 16 listed, and three completed. This page needs a Navbox for the listed entities and the NOTOC reinstated. Jon Saint Germain is our lead writer on this project.

Outstanding Pages Needing Completion in the Bodhisattvas (Buddhist Saints) category:

Catholic Saints. As of 2023 we have 37 completed listings. Additional contributions are always welcome if authors are inspirited to provide them. Miss Michaele and Papa Newt are our lead writers on this project.

  • Halloween: 31 October – also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, is a celebration observed in many countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day.

Buddha. As of 2023 we have 9 listed and one completed. This page needs a Navbox for the listed entities and the NOTOC reinstated. Reverend James is the lead writer on this project. NOTE: Gautama Buddha, Hotei Buddha, and Kasyapa Buddha are listed, linked, and have images but lack text.

Outstanding Pages Needing Completion in the Buddha category:

Celebrated Mediums and Conjure Doctors. As of 2023 we have 14 listed and six completed. This page needs a Navbox for the listed entities and the NOTOC reinstated. Miss Michaele is our lead writer on this project.

Outstanding Pages Needing Completion in the Celebrated Mediums and Conjure Doctors category:

Demons. As of 2023 we have 38 listed and seven completed. This page needs a Navbox for the listed entities and the NOTOC reinstated. nagasiva yronwode is the lead writer on this project. NOTE: Krampus is listed, linked, and has images but lacks text. Upon completion the pages will link to both Demons and Germanic and Nordic Deities categories, and will be linked via Krampusnacht to the Category:Religious Festivals category.

Outstanding Pages Needing Completion in the Demons category:

Celtic and Gaulish Deities. As of 2024 we have 19 listed and 7 completed. This page needs a Navbox for the listed entities and the NOTOC reinstated. We need a lead writer on this project! NOTE: Several are partially started and available for editing.

Outstanding Pages Needing Completion in the Celtic and Gaulish Deities category:

Germanic and Nordic Deities. As of 2023 we have 25 listed and five completed. This page needs a Navbox for the listed entities and the NOTOC reinstated. We need a lead writer on this project! NOTE: Krampus is listed, linked, and has images but lacks text. Upon completion the pages will link to both Demons and Germanic and Nordic Deities categories, and will be linked via Krampusnacht to the Category:Religious Festivals category. ALSO: Loki is available for editing.

Outstanding Pages Needing Completion in the Germanic and Nordic Deities category:

Gnostic Deities. As of 2023 this category page is unfinished, we have 4 listed and one is complete. We want to reach 12 pages in this list. This page needs a Navbox for the listed entities and the NOTOC reinstated. We need a lead writer on this section!

Outstanding Pages Needing Completion in the Gnostic Deities category:

Greek Deities. As of 2023 we have 19 listed and eight completed. We want to reach 20 pages in this list. This page needs a Navbox for the listed entities and the NOTOC reinstated. Miss Michaele is a lead writer on this project.

Outstanding Pages Needing Completion in the Greek Deities category:

Islamic Spiritual Figures. As of 2023 this category page is unfinished, we have 16 listed and two complete. This page needs a Navbox for the listed entities and the NOTOC reinstated. We need a lead writer on this project!

Outstanding Pages Needing Completion in the Islamic Spiritual Figures category:

Jewish Spiritual Figures. As of 2023 we have 21 listed and 20 completed. This page needs a Navbox for the listed entities and the NOTOC reinstated. Jeremy has been the lead writers on this project!

See MANY IMAGES from Bible Cards at

Outstanding Pages Needing Completion in the Jewish Spiritual Figures category:
Outstanding Pages Needing Completion in the Celebrated Jewish Rabbis category:

Native American Deities. As of 2023 we have 22 listed and two completed. This page needs a Navbox for the listed entities and the NOTOC reinstated. We need a lead writer on this project!

Outstanding Pages Needing Completion in the Native American Deities category:

Netjeru (Ancient Egyptian Deities). As of 2023 we have 23 listed and 21 completed. This page needs a Navbox for the listed entities and the NOTOC reinstated. Miss Michaele is our lead writer on this project.

Outstanding Pages Needing Completion in the Netjeru (Ancient Egyptian Deities) category:

Orthodox Saints. As of 2023 we have 14 listed and eight are complete. This page needs a Navbox for the listed entities. Reverend Art is our lead writer on this project.

Outstanding Pages Needing Completion in the Orthodox Saints category:
  • Saint Anna
  • Saint Boniface
  • Saint George
  • Saint John
  • Saint Juliana
  • Saint Seraphim
  • Saint Xenia

Roman Deities. As of 2023 we have 21 listed and four complete. This page needs a Navbox for the listed entities and the NOTOC reinstated. Miss Michaele is the lead writer on this project.

Outstanding Pages Needing Completion in the Roman Deities category:

Major Categories and Pages Needing Creation or Expansion

The Kabbalah and the Jewish Grimoire Tradition. As of 2023 we have a list of 26 pages in this category and 7 completed. We need a lead writer on this section!

Outstanding Pages Needing Completion:

Feng Shui. As of 2023 this category is complete, however not "closed." We need a lead writer on this section! We welcome suggestions and text submissions to expand the page.

Soul. As of 2023 this category is complete, however not "closed." Miss Michaele is the lead writer. The following topic pages were requested and have not yet been written. They may be approached as four separate topics or compiled into one page under the heading Shamanic Soul Rituals, as desired.

  • Shamanic Journey including ritual 'Ascent of the World Tree' to obtain information or orientation.
  • Vision Quest as a means of maturation, finding of allies, or orientation to the world.
  • Walkabout as a means of maturation and spiritual orientation.
  • Soul Retrieval, a shamanic term referring to the reintegration of lost Soul parts back into a person to promote healing.

Working Within the Ceremonial Magic Tradition. As of 2023 this category and its subsidiary pages have not been created. We need a lead writer on this section! The following topic pages are suggestions, not a firm or complete list, due to it's primary focus on 19th century members of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

Outstanding Pages Needing Completion in the Ceremonial Magicians category:

Working Within the New Age Tradition. As of 2023 this category is complete, however not considered "closed." We need a lead writer on this section! The following topic pages were requested and have not yet been written:

Sacred Texts. As of 2023 we have a list of 23 pages and 5 are completed. We need a lead writer on this section!

Outstanding Pages Needing Completion in the Sacred Texts category:

Working Within the Shamanic Tradition. As of 2023 this category and its subsidiary pages have not been created. We need a lead writer on this section!

Meditation. As of 2023 this category and its subsidiary pages have not been created. We need a lead writer on this section!

As-Yet-Unstarted Categories and Pages

Regarding AIRR and the AISC

  • Category:AIRR Tech Team. Recycle content from AIRR Tech Team page into a category with member avatars and data, ala the podcasters page, then remake all site links and delete the old page. This will then need to be added to the "Outreach" template and to the bio page of each member of the cat.
  • Category:The Churches of the AISC. We need a category hub to introduce the actual churches in the AISC with a link and read-more list to the individual pages for those in the directory.
  • Category:Clergy. Add a category, define clergy, and make short sub-heads defining each religio-cultural type of clergy (Rabbis, Priests, Ministers, Bhikkus, Gurus, Imams, Muftis, etc.), then host a navbox listing and linking all AIRR members who are clergy of one type or another.
  • Category:Crystal Silence League Recycle content from Crystal Silence League page into a category with CSL Pastor member avatars and data, ala the podcasters page, then remake all site links and delete the old page. This will then need to be added to the "Outreach" template and to the bio page of each member of the cat.

In World-Wide Folk-Magic

  • Category:The Evil Eye. A subsidiary cat to which AIRR members may be attached via text and navbox. We need a lead writer for this section! May use a pick-up from 2021 HHF pdf by Miss cat Dr. Jeremy Weiss with permission and credit.
  • Category:Religious Holidays. We already have the Pagan and Neo-Pagan holiday set called the Wheel of the Year. We need holiday sets for Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, and other religious traditions. Images would generally be a greeting card plus a photo (See Wheel of the Year sub-pages for format); text would be brief and include historical and contemporary information. We need a lead writer for this section!
  • Category:Temple Oracles. A cat that will include topics such as the Oracle of Delphi, sand diviners of the Chinese temples of the goddess Xiwangmu, or Taoist monks consulting Tien Chung or Chi Chi sticks. We need a lead writer for this section!

How to Contact the AIRR Tech Team

To contact the AIRR Tech Team, just check into the AIRR Forum once a week and read the AIRR Tech Team reports. They are dated by week and year.

Reach Us Via the AIRR Forum

In the dated AIRR Tech Team threads at the AIRR Forum you will see what we are working on, what we did at our last meeting, and what we plan for our next meeting. Post your requests in the most recent thread.

When the AIRR Tech Team next meets, we always check the previous week's thread to see if anyone posted, and we assign our tasks accordingly.

  • If we sent out a call for listings in a new Category, with a template, please fill out a copy of your listing according to the template form.
  • If you have an emergency request for a change or update to your Bio page, Booking page, Navigation Box listings or Category listings, please post a notice at the end of the most recent thread.
  • If you have a photo change request for your Bio page, please plan to include the photo in your post at the AIRR Forum (maximum size is 600px wide x 900 px high -- which is also a good size at the AIRR web site (although we prefer 600 px high (square format) at the web site.
  • If for technical reasons you cannot include your photo in your AIRR Forum post, contact our system-wide AIRR Tech Team Manager nagasiva yronwode and he will assist you to get your photo into your Forum post.

How *NOT* to Contact the AIRR Tech Team

Sending private request messages to one or more AIRR Tech Team members with requests for updates and changes may delay your requests from being implemented. Remember...

  • Not all members attend every meeting, and the person you selected may be busy or on vacation at the next meeting.
  • You may have reached a member who has not yet been trained on how to do the the specific task you want done.
  • If you send multiple messages, you may cause members to overlap or do redundant work in an attempt to help you outside of AIRR Tech Team Meeting times.
  • The member you reached may be working on a different site-wide project and may not remember to pass your message on to the Team,

Always Contact the Tech Team Via the AIRR Forum

Your request will be handled as a Team task.

And Remember: You Are Invited!

All AIRR members are invited to attend any and all AIRR Tech Team meetings, to join in fellowship, to help the organization, or simply to effect specific changes on their own Bio and Booking pages and to their Navigation Box and Category listings.

Attending AIRR Tech Team meetings does not require that you join the AIRR Tech Team for training or to engage in any further volunteer work. You may attend as a social participant, if you wish, with no tasks other than proofreading finished pages and making suggestions.

We meet every Tuesday at 10:30 AM Pacific Time via Zoom. Meetings generally last 2 hours, but when we get very involved in a project, we may keep going for up to 4 hours. Members may drop in or leave at any time during any meeting.

To receive a Zoom invitation to the next meeting, contact nagasiva yronwode, the AIRR Corresponding secretary. He will add you to the "call list," sending you a Facebook message with the Zoom meeting ID and passcode.

Thanks for reading this ... and thanks for being a member of AIRR.

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