Reverend Art
From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers
I was born along the Great Lakes in Erie, Pennsylvania, and now reside in the Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina -- the heart of Appalachia. I am an ordained minister of the Order of Melchizedek, a medium, a certified Reiki Master and Teacher of the Usui Sensei lineage, a spiritual life coach, and energy healing practitioner working in several modalities, for individuals, groups, and locations.
An inquisitive and precocious youngster, I was raised in the Catholic Church, always questioning everything in my efforts to understand the abilities that many of the elders in my family displayed and that I myself had received. With an ancestry strongly heralding from the Eastern European areas of Slovakia, Hungary and Romania, and well Celtic European lineage from England and Ireland, I was able to recognize that there was something special going on in great-gramma’s kitchen with all the herbs and roots, but yet too young to fully appreciate what I was witnessing. Sadly the members of the immigrant generations of my family passed before I was able to directly preserve their history.
Having always felt that something was missing in my religious upbringing that there was something more, at the age of 18 I began searching for a spiritual practice that matched what I felt in my heart. I was introduced to Wicca and Paganism and felt a spark of recognition and a sense of “coming home” in my spirit, but it wasn’t a complete match. There was still something missing. I learned of Spiritualism and a more robust sense of wholeness came over me and I’ve been a Spiritualist ever since.

I have worked with Spirit since early childhood, the kid that always seemed to “know” things before they’d happen. After discovering Spiritualism, I began growing, learning, honing, and adapting the sensory perception abilities of clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience. As far back as I can remember, I have been able to see and hear Spirit, and ultimately in 1999 began formal studies into the practice of mediumship, the healing arts and Spirituality. Over the years I’ve learned to implicitly trust the gifts of my intuition and my guides and utilize them to coach my clients through the twists and turns of life to find love, and to prosper, grow, learn, and heal.
Rootwork and the practice of hoodoo was the final piece of the puzzle, completing my spiritual quest; a piece that I formalized and integrated seamlessly – and powerfully – into my established spiritual practices upon graduating Catherine Yronwode’s Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course in 2018 and becoming a pastor at Folk Faith Ministries. Hoodoo and rootwork have not only complemented my spiritual gifts but in many ways augmented them as well. It was a natural, harmonious blending.
Readings and spell casting booked with me are treated with the highest level of integrity and discretion, without judgement, although I reserve the right to refuse requests for unjustified curses. Workings do require a reading before beginning to ensure clear intentions and outline expectations for the best outcome possible. It’s my goal to assist anyone I can to be the best versions of themselves, empowered, living life to its fullest extent.
You may read more about me at my Folk Conjure website.
Contact Information
Reverend Art
Folk Faith Ministries
Western North Carolina
Hours: I am available for readings Saturday ONLY from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM Eastern Time, by appointment.
Please note that I am located in the Eastern Time Zone in North Carolina. I appreciate you taking any time differences into consideration when you call.
I am occasionally available for instant telephone readings through Hoodoo Psychics. My extension number is 8888.
How to Pay for and Schedule an Appointment with Me
You may book my services online through Folk Faith Ministries, using Paypal as a payment method:
Book a psychic reading, spiritual counselling, conjure consultation, or hoodoo rootwork services with Reverend Art
On the day and time scheduled for your reading, you should call me at Folk Faith Ministries at 828-380-5588. This number is not for making appointments (they are booked online) but it is for scheduled readings and rootwork consultations.
My telephone and in-person reading schedule may be booked in advance. If you want an in-person tarot card reading or foot washing, please schedule ahead.
I am also available for instant calls when I am online at Hoodoo Psychics, at extension #8888.
If you wish me to use my gift for psychometry on your behalf, you can send me a photograph of yourself or the person you want me to "read" via email or postal mail. If you are booking a tarot card reading, there is no extra charge for psychometry, which I will simply perform during the course of the reading.
Readings and Spiritual Consultations:
I offer several forms of divination, psychic readings, spiritual consultations, magical coaching, and practical advice:
I am available for both pre-scheduled and caller-initiated readings, in person and by telephone.
- 10 minute pre-scheduled reading, consultation or magical coaching: $25.00
- 30 minute pre-scheduled reading, consultation or magical coaching: $50.00
- 60 minute pre-scheduled reading, consultation or magical coaching: $100.00
- One Yes / No Question: $10.00
- One Question via email: $15.00
- Caller-initiated reading via Hoodoo Psychics: $3.99 per minute
For the price of a one-hour consultation I will instruct you on how to do conjure work yourself if you wish. I will give you a list of everything you need to perform your spell, and instruct you on the procedure. You may take hand-written notes or record the consultation for future reference.
If I cannot provide certain rootwork services to you because I am over-booked or cannot take your case for another reason, I will select and recommend at least three other AIRR rootworkers to you, based on what I understand of your case. If you engage one of them, I will provide a complete copy of my notes from our reading to the worker of your choice, via email. This will save you considerable time in consultation. My consultation notes are not available to the public and can only be sent to another AIRR member upon receipt of a request from you, the client.
Rootwork and Conjure:
- Lamp Spells and Setting Lights: $30.00
- Mojo Bags: $70.00
- Doll Babies plus 1 month altar work: $175.00
- Bottle Spells plus 1 month altar work: $160.00
- Sweet Jar plus 1 month altar work: $160.00
- Hands-on Cleansings and Foot Washings: $350.00
- Distance Cleansings: $175.00
- Hands-on House Cleansing: $400.00 plus expenses
- Distance House Cleansing: $200.00
- Custom Spell-Work: $185.00 and up
- Cursing Work: $555.00
- In-person Aura Cleansing or Chakra Balancing $80.00
- Distance Aura Cleansing or Chakra Balancing $35.00
- In-person Usui Reiki $110.00
- Distance Usui Reiki $65.00
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice
- Tarot Readings
- Clairaudient, Clairsentient, and Clairvoyant Psychic Readings
- Candle Reading by Flame, Glass, and Wax Remains
- Pyromancy
- Tea Leaf and Coffee Ground Readings
- Trance and Channeled Mediumship
- Pendulum Readings
- Psychometry with Photographs and Objects
- Interpretations of Dreams, Signs, and Omens
- Dowsing
Hoodoo, Conjure, Rootwork, and Spell-Casting
- Spell Casting
- Altar Work and Prayers
- Bottle, Jar, Box Potted Plant Spells and Honey Jar Spells
- Fixed and Moving Candle, Lamp Spells, Setting Lights, with a Candle Report
- Petitions and Magical Papers
- Personal Concerns and Magical Links
- Spiritual Cleansing: Bathing consultations, recommendations, and instructions; Foot Washing in person
- Smoking, Smudging, and Censing in person and at a distance
- Cleansing a location in person and at a distance
- Dolls Babies & Poppets
- Prescribing and Manufacturing Spiritual Supplies: Herbs, Oils, Incense, Baths, Powders, Washes, Colognes
- Mojo Bags, Conjure Hands, Nation Sacks, Jomos, Trick Bags, and Jack Balls
- Knot Spells for Tying and Binding
- Working in the Graveyard
- Working at the Crossroads
- Petitioning Deities, Archangels, Angels and Saints
- Magical Coaching
Client Condition and Situation Specialties
- Love Drawing, Romance, Marriage, Fidelity, and Reconciliation
- Prosperity, Money Drawing, Business, and Gambling Luck
- Blessing, Cleansing, Healing, and Tranquility
- Career Success, Personal Power, Mastery, and Wisdom
- Protection From Enemies, Warding Off Evil, and Safe Travel
- Jinx Breaking, Uncrossing, Reversing, and Road Opening
- Court Cases, Legal Matters, and Keeping Off the Law
- Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming
- Crossing, Jinxing, Hot Footing, Revenge, and Break Ups
Religious and Cultural Traditions
- Working Within the Catholic Tradition
- Working Within the Orthodox Tradition
- Working Within the Spiritualist Tradition
- Working Within the Buddhist Tradition
- Working Within the Neo-Pagan Tradition
- Working Within the New Thought Tradition
- Working Within the New Age Tradition
Outreach and Public Service
- Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR
- Metaphysical Authors in AIRR
- Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR
- Webcasters in AIRR
- Occult Shopkeepers and Spiritual Suppliers in AIRR
- Church Pastors and Deacons in AIRR
- Churches of the AISC
- Hoodoo Heritage Festival Presenter
- Streaming Video Classes with PDFs from AIRR
- Crystal Silence League Member
- Pro Bono Fund Member
- AIRR Tech Team Member
Reverend Art is an Amazing reader! He’s highly knowledgeable and kind. I’m so happy I found him! You’re a breath of fresh air! Positive, uplifting and knowledgeable! -- S.B.
I don’t trust a lot of people, but I trust [Reverend] Art. [Meeting through a mutual employer and] being of similar minds we talk magick often. When I’m in need, he has come through. Art has worked or interceded on my behalf three times [in situations] concerning my children and my wellbeing. {Recently} my teenage [daughter] and grown [son] had an argument. My daughter disengaged from her brother. Feeling I’d sided [against] her disengaged [from] me. Her walking away from me triggered some dark issues I thought I’d dealt with. The anxiety and depression [from this situation] sapped every ounce of [my] will. I was consumed by fear she’d never talk to me again. I didn’t care about food. I stopped listening to music. My laugh left me. I can’t remember ever being that low. Needing a friendly voice and support I called Art. [He] listened and formulated a plan. Asking very measured questions, he established what I’d already done (a sugar jar, prayers, and chanting, etc.) and confirmed my instinct to work a doll baby to love and cajole in my daughter’s absence. He started a blockbuster followed by a communication vigil. The next day the air felt different when I woke up. I was confused by it but then it hit me: Art. I gradually came back to my own mind and no longer felt I was a danger to myself. The day after this energy shift happened, I turned on the radio in my car and wasn’t annoyed. My smile started to reemerge. I made the doll baby and started working it. Within a week my child was talking to me again. I found out Art had done [a distance energy healing] after we got off the phone. It allowed me to feel while releasing the oppression of [the situation]. I could breathe again. Art’s blockbuster and communication workings allowed us to come together to find a way forward. It’s no exaggeration saying the energy working he did legitimately saved my life. I know he will be there as my child and I continue to try to heal. I would recommend his work, his counsel, and his insight to anyone in need. Truly a talented and inventive, cunning person! -- C.O.
Learn Hoodoo with Reverend Art
"Taking Root: Hoodoo For Building and Protecting a Successful Business" with Reverend Art. Succeed, protect, and attract customers to your business. |