Category:Religious Traditions
From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers
Religious traditions are cultural belief systems revolving around the engaging and understanding of the numinous, a term that can refer to philosophical, theological, and cosmological concepts of deity, spirit, nature, and the universe. Common characteristics of a religion are a distinction between clergy and lay persons and a liturgical order of services. Any given religion may or may not be centered around a sacred text or book of scriptures and may or may not include magical prescriptive rites and/or divination or prophecy. Religious services generally include both worship and fellowship.
Religions can be categorized into world religions, which are international faiths; new religious movements, which are religions that are newly founded; and indigenous or folk religions, which are local, regional, tribal, culture-specific, or nation-specific faiths. These categories are relatively fluid and there are some religions that may fit into more than one.
Many religious traditions can be linked to a form of spirit work, as they are means by which people engage with spirits, spirit guides, or deities. Some religious traditions can be said to incorporate magic into their practices and even include prescriptive services for clients and devotees. Other religions deny any involvement with magical traditions, but may include some elements of magical practice within their associated folkloric or cultural traditions. Whether approved by the clergy or not, magical rites are widely found among adherents of Christianity, African Traditional and Diasporic religions, Judaism, Paganism and Neo-Paganism, Buddhism, Taoism, Spiritualism, Hinduism, Native American religions, and Islam.
Working Within the African and African-Diasporic Tradition

For more information, see Working Within the African and African-Diasporic Tradition
Africa is a vast continent and has given rise to many world-spanning religious traditions, each with its own pantheon, among them the orishas of the Yoruban or Lukumi religions, the lwa of the Vodoo or Vodoun religion, and the kimpungulu (also known as mpungos) of the Congo. (Read more ... )
- Working Within the African and African-Diasporic Tradition
- African and African-Diasporic Ancestral Traditions
- The Book of Psalms
- Orishas
- Kimpungulu (Mpungos)
- Lwa (Loas)
- Netjeru (Kemetic Deities)
- The Soul in the African and African-Diasporic Tradition
Working Within the Buddhist Tradition
For more information, see Working Within the Buddhist Tradition
Buddhism is a religion and philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs, and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha, "the awakened one." The [:Category:Buddha|Buddha]] lived and taught in the eastern part of Indian subcontinent some time between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE. He is recognized by Buddhists as an awakened or enlightened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end ignorance (avidyā) of dependent origination, thus escaping what is seen as a cycle of suffering and rebirth. (Read more ... )
- Working Within the Buddhist Tradition
- Buddha
- Bodhisattvas (Buddhist Saints)
- Buddhist Demons
- The Soul in the Buddhist Tradition
Working Within the Christian Tradition
For more information, see Working Within the Christian Tradition
Christianity grew out of the Jewish tradition, and is generally distinguished from Judaism by the veneration of Jesus Christ and the addition of further scriptures, called The New Testament, to its canon. Christianity retains many Jewish concepts, including belief in Angels and in the efficacy of the recitation of The Book of Psalms for spiritual benefit. In a modification of Jewish monotheism, some branches of Christianity venerate the The Holy Trinity, and the Virgin Mary in addition to God. The major lineages of the Christian tradition are the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant, denominations; some Spiritualist and New Age adherents also identify as Christian. (Read more ... )
- Working Within the Christian Tradition
- Working Within the Catholic Tradition
- Working Within the Orthodox Tradition
- Working Within the Protestant Tradition
- The Holy Trinity
- JHVH, Yahweh, Jehovah, God
- Jesus Christ
- The Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost
- The Virgin Mary
- Catholic Church Saints
- Catholic Folk Saints
- Angels and Archangels
- Christian Demons
- The Soul in the Christian Tradition
- The Book of Psalms
Working Within the Hindu Tradition
For more information, see Working Within the Hindu Tradition
The Hindu tradition represents the collation of a number of once-regional tribal religions that arose in ancient times among the people of the Indian sub-continent. It is a grouping of polytheistic traditions and there are therefore Ta large number of individual devas (gods) and devis (goddesses) within the Hindu pantheon. Popular gods, like Shiva, Vishnu, Durga, Kali, and Ganesha each have a story and purpose in their own right, but they are also seen collectively as divine aspects of the Supreme Creator. (Read more ... )
- Working Within the Hindu Tradition
- Devas and Devis (Hindu Deities)
- Hindu Demons
- The Soul in the Hindu Tradition
Working Within the Islamic Tradition
For more information, see Working Within the Islamic Tradition
Islam is a monotheistic religion set forth in scriptural form in the Qur’an or Koran, a sacred text considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God, whose name in Arabic is Allah. It is also described through teachings called the Sunnah, composed of the Hadith or saying of Muhammad, considered to be the last prophet of God. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim. (Read more ... )
- Working Within the Islamic Tradition
- Islamic Spiritual Figures
- Angels and Archangels
- Islamic Demons
- Djinn (Genies)
- The Benefits of the Recitation of Certain Surahs
- The Soul in the Islamic Tradition
- The Arabic Grimoire Tradition
Working Within the Jewish Tradition
For more information, see Working Within the Jewish Tradition
Judaism originated in the Middle East among a group of Semitic people. The major feature of the Jewish religion is the veneration of the deity JHVH, also known as Yahweh or Jehovah and the use of several books of scriptures known as the Tanakh or Jewish Bible. The tree of Judaism comprises a number of branches, among them Orthodox, Reform, Liberal, Hassidic, Conservative, and Ethical Culture Judaism. (Read more ... )
- Working Within the Jewish Tradition
- JHVH, Yahweh, Jehovah, God
- Angels and Archangels
- Jewish Spiritual Figures
- Jewish and Yiddish Folk Magic
- Jewish Demons
- The Book of Psalms
- The Soul in the Jewish Tradition
- The Kabbalah and the Jewish Grimoire Tradition
Working Within the Native American Tradition
For more information, see Working Within the Native American Tradition
Traditional Native American religions exhibit a great deal of diversity, largely due to the relative isolation of the different tribes that were spread out across the entire breadth of the North American continent for thousands of years, allowing for the evolution of different beliefs and practices between tribes. (Read more ... )
- Working Within the Native American Tradition
- Native American Deities
- Native American Spiritual Figures
Working Within the New Age Tradition
For more information, see Working Within the New Age Tradition
New Age is a term applied to a range of spiritual or religious beliefs and practices that developed in Western nations during the 1970s. Because New Age denominations vary a great deal, there is no one way to succinctly describe them as a group, but in general it is accurate to say that certain denominations and lineages of the New Age tradition carry within them embedded concepts and beliefs drawn from earlier Christian denominations, including the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant traditions, as well as selected portions of Spiritualist, New Thought, Hindu, Buddhist, New Thought, Hindu, Buddhist, Native American, and Pagan and Neo-Pagan doctrines and practices.
- Working Within the New Age Tradition
- Angels and Archangels
- Ascended Masters
- The Soul in the New Age Tradition
Working Within the New Thought Tradition
For more information, see Working Within the New Thought Tradition
The New Thought Movement arose primarily within 19th century Christianity, and more specifically within Protestant denominations, and for this reason, there are many Judeo-Christian New Thought churches that incorporate at least some elements of Protestant doctrine and liturgy. (Read more ... )
Working Within the Pagan and Neo-Pagan Tradition
For more information, see Working Within the Pagan and Neo-Pagan Tradition
Neopaganism or Neo-Paganism, sometimes known as Contemporary Paganism or simply Paganism. is an umbrella term used to identify a wide variety of modern religious movements, particularly those influenced by or claiming to be derived from the various religious beliefs of pre-modern Europe. Although they do share commonalities, contemporary pagan religious movements are extremely diverse, and there is no set of beliefs, practices or sacred religious texts shared by all of them. (Read more ... )
- Working Within the Pagan and Neo-Pagan Tradition
- Greek Deities
- Roman Deities
- Gnostic Deities
- Germanic and Nordic Deities
- Celtic and Gaulish Deities
- Kemetic Deities (The Netjeru)
- The Soul in the Pagan and Neo Pagan Tradition
Working Within the Spiritualist Tradition
For more information, see Working Within the Spiritualist Tradition
Spiritualism centers around the belief that the dead are able to communicate with the living through the assistance of a gifted spirit medium. It is not a single denomination and, depending on the beliefs of any given lineage, its adherents may embrace elements of Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Christianity, as well as New Thought, New Age, Hindu, or Buddhist concepts and beliefs. (Read more ... )
- Working Within the Spiritualist Tradition
- List of Spiritualist Organizations
- Spirits and Spirit Guides
- Ancestors
- The Dead and the Graveyard
- Spirit Mediumship
- Angels and Archangels
- The Soul in the Spiritualist Tradition
Working Within the Taoist Tradition
For more information, see Working Within the Taoist Tradition
Taoism or Daoism is a mingled philosophical and religious tradition in which the basic concept is to establish harmony with the Tao, which is the mechanism of everything that exists. The word "Tao" or "Dao" means "nature," but in English it is usually translated as "way," "path," or "principle." (Read more ... )
- Working Within the Taoist Tradition
- Taoist Deities
- Taoist Demons
- Taoist Seasonal Festivals
- The Soul in the Taoist Tradition
See Also
- Religious Traditions
- Magical Traditions
- Divination, Fortune Telling, and Oracles
- Hoodoo, Conjure, Witchcraft, and Rootwork
- The Soul in Various Religious Traditions
- Working with Spirits
- Celebrated Mediums and Conjure Doctors
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The Association of Independent Readers & Rootworkers (AIRR) is here to help you find gifted, sincere, and honest spiritual guidance, successful counseling, and professional magical spell casting and ritual conjuration. Every independent member of AIRR has been certified for psychic ability, magical skill, and ethical reliability. Every AIRR psychic, reader, seer, diviner, scryer, root doctor, and spiritual practitioner has completed a year-long program of training in conjure, hoodoo, witchcraft, rootwork, making mojo hands, and casting powerful magick spells. All of our psychics have served the public professionally for a minimum of two years -- and in many cases, significantly longer. Certified AIRR Readers & Rootworkers who will perform this type of work to help you find love, money, protection, and luck are listed below.Pages in category "Religious Traditions"
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