Category:The Kabbalah and the Jewish Grimoire Tradition
From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers
Kabbalah is a term that, academically, only applies to a form of Jewish occult gnosis that originated in medieval Spain and Provence during the 12th-century, and which has been passed down among scholars. Colloquially, the term has become a catch-all for every form of Jewish occult magic. This is not the case, however, as a large body of Jewish magic comes under the category of non-religious Jewish and Yiddish Folk Magic and does not derive rom the Kabbalah.
The seminal masterpiece of the Kabbalistic grimoire tradition is a multi-volume tome called “The Zohar," a Hebrew title which translates to “The Book of Radiance." Other books associated with the Kabbalah include Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Formation), "Pardes Rimonim" (The Garden of Pomegranates"), and "Sefer Raziel HaMalakh" ("The Book of Raziel the Angel").
Since the 1990s, it has been observed and documented that Kabbalah spelled with a “K” generally refers to the Jewish Kabbalah, both ancient and modern; Cabala spelled with a “C” is often used to refer to the adoption of Jewish wisdom, philosophy, and numerology by Christian theologians and magicians; and Qabalah spelled with a “Q” frequently refers to Jewish mysticism (but not folk magic) that has been accepted by Thelemites.

There are three aspects to Kabbalah: investigative, experiential, and practical. Not every kabbalistic book or teaching deals exclusively with one of these aspects, and, conversely, not every author or scholar of the Kabbalah has an equal interest in all three of these branches of thought and practice.
The Investigative Kabbalah
The investigative dimension of the Kabbalah seeks to reveal the hidden reality of the universe, developing within the student an understanding of the universe’s origins, its structure and method of function.
This aspect of Kabbalah is concerned with acquiring secret and hidden knowledge regarding the nature of the universe, as opposed to mystical experience. It is generally considered to be philosophical as well as mystical.
The Experiential Kabbalah
The experiential aspect of the Kabbalah entails a quest for the mystical experience of knowing and feeling. It encompasses philosophical metaphysical techniques of esotericism by which the practitioner acquires secret knowledge, as well as a school of mysticism in which the adherent experiences “devekut” or closeness to God.
The best known component of this form of Kabbalistic thought is the Tree of Life, a diagram consisting of ten disks, called "Sephiroth" ("emanations" or "enumerations" of the attributes of God) and the thirty-two intersecting paths which connect them. These ten attributes are how the “Infinite” or “Ein Sof," the precursor to God prior to His self-manifestation, is revealed to humankind. This school of Kabbalah makes extensive use of numerology and astrology. The Tree of Life layout has been linked by 20th century cartomancers to the designs of pip cards in several decks of fortune-telling tarot cards.
The Practical Kabbalah
The practical side of the Kabbalah is the application of mystical forces to effect change in both the celestial world and the physical world around us, through the use of rituals for gaining and controlling power. Within Jewish culture, speaking of "the practical Kabbalah" is tantamount to speaking of magic and witchcraft within the Jewish Tradition.
Among other things, the practical Kaabbalah involves a number of ancient medical prescriptions, as well as the invocation of divine names and the recitation of prayers from the Psalms for gaining mundane advantage in matters of love, fertility, money, business, luck, blessing, cleansing, healing, personal power, wisdom, protection from evil, avoidance of accidents, safe travel, removal of curses, keeping off the law, winning court cases, exerting mental influence on others, cursing, getting revenge, and breaking up relationships. Additionally, the practical kabbalah includes mention of the means to create, summon, and control angels and demons in order to further God’s intention to uphold the good, to heal, and to subdue evil. The true master of the Kabbalah fulfills the human potential to be a co-creator with God.
Jewish Grimoires
The Book of Abramelin
The Book of Abramelin is a 15th century magical text authored by Abraham of Worms and filled with spells, formulas, and magic letter-squares. (Read More ...)
The Goralot of Ahitophel
The Goralot of Ahitophel is an oraculum, reputedly devised by Ahitophel, an adviser to King David, through the intercession of 117 angels.
The Midrash
The Midrash is a collection of commentaries on the Bible composed by prominent Jewish rabbis between 400 and 1200 CE. (Read More ...)
The Mystery of the Long Lost 8th, 9th, and 10th Books of Moses
The Mystery of the Long Lost 8th, 9th, and 10th Books of Moses: was published in 1945 as the purported sequel to the 19th century (and earlier) Jewish grimoire known as "The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses." (Read More ...)
Pardes Rimonim (The Garden of Pomegranates)
Written by Moses ben Jacob Cordovero in 1548, The Garden of Pomegranates is a 12 volume tome, and is, like the Zohar, encyclopedic in its coverage of mysticism.
The Seals of Moses
The Seals of Moses, contained in the The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses are a series of magical drawings with instructions to perform various tasks.
The Seals of Solomon
The Seals of Solomon, or the Greater Key of Solomon, is a translated compilation of Solomonic magic taken from seven different manuscripts ranging from the 15th to 17th centuries.
Sefer ha-Chaim (The Book of Life)
Sefer ha-Chaim (The Book of Life) was wriiten by Rabbi Eleazar ben Judah ben Kalonymos of Worms in the 13th century; it contains astrological knowledge and a formula to create a golem.
Sefer Gematriaot
A fourteenth century medieval grimoire of magical formula, biblical verses, spells and gems and their magical uses.
Sefer ha-Gilgulim (Book of Reincarnation)
Sefer ha-Gilgulim (Book of Reincarnation) is by Rabbi Chaim Vital (1542 CE - 1620 CE), a student of Isaac Luria, and is a book regarding Jewish thought on reincarnation and the soul.
Sefer ha-Goralot (Book of Lots)
Sefer ha-Goralot (Book of Lots) is an oraculum by Rabbi Chaim Vital (1542 CE - 1620 CE), an Ottoman Jewish Kabbalist who wrote extensively on the subjects of reincarnation, spirit possession, divination and dream interpretation. (Read More ...)
Sefer Hasidim (Book of the Pious)
Sefer Hasidim (Book of the Pious): 13th century book by Judah ben Samuel of Regensburg, which discusses the magical and medicinal uses of herbs and amulets. It also includes extensive lore on spirits, vampires and witches.
Sefer ha-Malbush (Book of the Garment)
Sefer ha-Malbush (Book of the Garment): A medieval text that describes the making and use of a magical deer-skin cloak, as well as the magical names of G-d.
Sefer ha-Razim (The Book of Mysteries)
Sefer ha-Razim (The Book of Mysteries): Written some time during the late third century or early fourth century CE, this text found in the Cairo Geniza, is filled with astrological knowledge regarding the structure of the heavens, listing the names of the angels and numerous magical spells and formula.
Sefer Raziel (Book of Raziel)
Sefer Raziel (Book of Raziel): Supposedly given to Adam by the angel Raziel, this is a book of astrological knowledge, angelic lore, gematria, protective spells, instructions on making amulets and the names of G-d. Although parts of the book can be traced back to Late Antiquity, the oldest book is from the 13th century.
Sefer Toldoth Adam
Sefer Toldoth Adam: Attributed to Yoel ben Uri Halperin, this is a notable 18th century text of magical formulae.
Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Formation)
Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Formation): A pseudoepigraphical work attributed to Abraham but likely written between the 3rd and 6th centuries. It describes thirty two paths to higher knowledge and records a formula for the animation of a golem. (Read More ...)
Sha'ar ha-Gilgulim (The Gates of Reincarnation)
Sha’ar ha-Gilgulim (The Gates of Reincarnation): A separate monograph on reincarnation and the soul by Rabbi Chayyim Vital. Different than Sefer ha-Gilgulim.
Shimmush Tehillim (On the Use of the Psalms; Secrets of the Psalms
Shimmush Tehillim (On the Use of the Psalms; Secrets of the Psalms)]]: Translated by Johannes Gottfried Seligman (1722–1795 CE), versions of this book date back to the 10th century. It is a listing of the Psalms and their respective magical uses.
Shoshan Yesod ha-Olam (The Rose Foundation of the World)
Shoshan Yesod ha-Olam (The Rose Foundation of the World)]]: 16th century medieval magical compendium by Yosef Trisomy.
The Six and Seventh Books of Moses
The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, allegedly written by Moses, is an 18th century German grimoire draws heavily on Sefer Raziel and contains knowledge of necromancy, control over the weather and the instructions and formulae to perform the magic and miracles of the Old Testament. (Read More ...)
Sodei Razaya (Secrets of Raziel, the Book of Desire)
Sodei Razaya (Secrets of Raziel, the Book of Desire: Written by Rabbi Eleazar ben Judah ben Kalonymos of Worms in approximately the 13th century, it contains extensive knowledge of the 76 names of the angel, Metatron and how to use them.
The Sword of Moses, Harba de Moshe
The author of The Sword of Moses is unknown and the earliest copy is c. 13th or 14th century. (Read More ...)
Testament of Solomon
Testament of Solomon: Found at the Cairo Geniza, The Testament of Solomon is a Greek text written sometime between the 1st and 5th centuries CE. (Read More ...)
Wondrous Healings of the Wise Kabbalistic and the Ancient Physicians
Wondrous Healings of the Wise Kabbalistic and the Ancient Physicians is a 1989 compilation by David Lustig published in both Hebrew and English that contains selected kabbalistic healing formulas and recipes based on the writings of Maimonides (1138 - 1204) and the source material purportedly used by Maimonides.
Zohar (The Book of Radiance)
Zohar (The Book of Radiance): While written in Aramaic (the colloquial language of Israel during the Second Temple period 539 BCE – 70 CE), the Zohar first appeared in Spain during the 13th century.
See Also
- Working Within the Jewish Tradition
- JHVH, Yahweh, Jehovah, God
- Angels and Archangels
- Jewish Spiritual Figures
- The Book of Psalms
- The Kabbalah and the Jewish Grimoire Tradition
- Jewish and Yiddish Folk Magic
- Coronavirus Outreach Spell
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