Category:Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming
From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers
Clients seek out hoodoo rootworkers and Spiritualist practitioners to cast spiritual spells for a number of different reasons, so under this category, conjure doctors group together many types of magical spells and spell-casting traditions undertaken on behalf of clients who are seeking to enhance their spirituality; to develop gifts of divination and prophesy, dreaming true, psychism, and mediumship; who are students of occultism; and/or who wish to use mental influence or telepathic knowledge in their spell work.
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For more information, see Spiritualism
Spirituality is an ineffable term, difficult to define, and always open to interpretation. In the practice of hoodoo, which is a form of folk magic, spiritual spell casting, especially when such work is performed at an altar, generally refers to work that is aimed at deepening the client's connection to the world of spirit and strengthening the client's faith whether that is conceived in religious or non-religious terms. A varied group of religions based on spirituality are collectively known as Spiritualism
Spiritual spells may be employed
- to make contact with spiritual entities such as angels
- when personal growth is sought though the enhancement of natural gifts for prophesy
- during attempts to gain insights into the study of occultism
- while encouraging the development of mediumship, trance communication, and channelling
- for the improvement of spiritual understanding of scriptural texts
- to make one more open to the workings of synchronicity and mystical coincidences
- to enhance one's ability to perform scrying, card reading, and other forms of divination
- to enter into mystical awareness of higher planes or higher forms of consciousness.
For more information, see Psychic Reading
Psychism is the development of the gift and art of being consciously psychic. Conscious psychism or pschyic reading allows the linking of the psychic mind and the mundane conscious mind in harmony and power. While most people have occasional hunches or premonitions, the true psychic can develop the ability to see such visions to the extent that they no longer occur as happenstance, but are under the direction of the will.
For more information, see Reiki
Reiki, roughly translated as "Universal energy," refers both to a system of energetic healing originating in Japan in the late 1800s and the universal energy it uses for healing. Reiki does not use the practitioner’s own ki ("energy") in administering treatment, rather it follows in the style of a yin Qigong ("passive ki circulation"), in which the practitioner allows energy to flow through their energetic and physical bodies. In this case, that energy is Reiki.
Reiki can be used
- to convey physical and emotional health benefits
- to bring about better sleep,and improved mood
- to relieve anxiety, depression, and fatigue
- to provide pain relief and pain management
Mental Influence and Telepathy
Telepathy refers to receiving or sending impressions, feelings, or precise data at a distance through mental or spiritual effort alone. Mental Influence is a form of unspoken communication at close range or distant communication through telepathy whereby one person makes a decided impression upon the mind of another and may bring about a change in the person's state of consciousness, opinions, or even actions.
Telepathic spell casting requires that the spiritual worker have a natural gift for mentally contacting, perceiving, and communicating with or to the spirit of the targeted person. This style of spell casting, sometimes called astral work, is a development of specific talents such as clairvoyant reading, clairaudient reading, and empathic reading.
Mental influence or astral spellwork is a useful and effective method of working by itself, but it is often used in combination with other techniques and tools, such as burning candles and incense, or working with a doll-baby. Once contact has been established with the person whom the client wishes the root doctor to influence, the worker must call the spirit and communicate a request, desire, or command. This can be done while the target is awake or asleep, and in the latter case, it also falls under the heading of dream work. Although many root doctors do prefer to make the contact while the target is sleeping, as they find it easier to insinuate their own will and thoughts into the target's unconscious mind, a powerfully gifted conjurer can send messages to the client's person of interest while he or she is awake, and the result may be surprisingly rapid.
Mental influence can also arise outside of intentional spell-casting. For example, it can have a religious origin when it is the result of angelic communication, or it can consist of demonic possession in which a non-human evil spirit inhabits the victim's mind and cause a mental breakdown.
Mental Influence spells may be employed
- to work on other people's minds, whether they are awake or asleep
- to enhance one's ability to induce a hypnotic trance in another person
- to influence or control another person's actions through in-person or telepathic suggestion
- to cause a person to do or say something, such as initiating contact, expressing love, or confessing to a serious crime.
For more information, see Hypnosis Coaching, and Training
Hypnosis is widely defined as "an artificially induced trance state resembling sleep, characterized by heightened susceptibility to suggestion." It is a specific form of mental influence in which the subject -- who may be a client or a practitioner who uses self-hypnosis, removes mental barriers to influence, induces a trance state, and then sends messages into the mind which will remain in place either during the trance state or after awakening. In addition to openly proclaimed hypnotism, the use of mental influence as taught and practiced by adherents to the New Thought Movement, especially when conducted in person, may be considered a form of hypnotism.
Therapeutic hypnosis, when administered by a well-trained, wise, and compassionate healer, can be used
- to rid oneself of pernicious bad habits, such as smoking, drinking, or over-eating
- to lessen or remove repetitious negative self-talk
- to bring a measure of relief from chronic pain
- to act as an secular analogue to affirmative prayer for those who are not religiously-minded
Dream Work
For more information, see Interpretations of Dreams, Signs, and Omens
In conjure practice, there are several types of spells, prayers, and practices that fall under the heading of dream work.
Root doctors who specialize in prosperity spells and gambling luck spells can prescribe herbs, roots, incenses, oils, and other curios to clients who want to dream lucky numbers or receive visions that will lead them to make better and more inspired career and financial decisions. In these cases the root doctor does not actively attempt to contact the sleeping client, but instead opens the client's mind to the reception of beneficial dreams.
Clients who are troubled by nightmares or uneasy sleep may seek help from spiritual practitioners who can prepare traditional teas and prescribe protective prayers or other remedies utilized by many to ease difficulties that mar a restful night's sleep. In these cases the spiritual worker not only prescribes for the client but may also make an effort to stay awake while the client sleeps, usually at long distance, in order to observe, if possible, the reasons for the client's nightmares or disturbing dreams. If the worker determines through direct clairvoyance or via some means of divination that the cause of the client's trouble sleeping is an enemy attack, a negative spirit, or the fact that the client's house is haunted, the worker will then proceed to assist the client in removing the problem by appropriate spell-casting means.
Another form of dream work is that in which the conjure worker stays awake and spiritually visits the client's friends, loved ones, or enemies while they are asleep, and sends them suggestive dreams to help or harm them, as the client may direct. The root doctor may invite a reluctant lover to contact the client or tell a negative and gossipy colleague of the client to back away and leave the client alone. Of course not all spiritual workers will undertake to invade people's dreams on a client's behalf, but those who will not do the work themselves are often willing to teach such dream work to their clients by the process of spiritual consultation known as magical coaching.
Dream Work spells may be employed
- for personal growth though the enhancement of natural gifts for dreaming true or dream interpretation
- to communicate with others while they sleep
- to cultivate the power to remember one's dreams
- to bring about spirit contact with the dead while asleep
For more information, see Mediumship
For more information, see Celebrated Mediums and Conjure Doctors
Mediumship is the gift of contact with spiritual entities. Many hoodoo psychics are mediumistic, and, strange to tell, so are many rootwork clients. In fact, clients with gifts for mediumship often seek out conjure doctors in the hope that they can learn how to harness their innate talents in the same way that their psychic advisers have done. While no root doctor can make a client into a medium, many gifted mediums are willing to help their clients develop their own mediumship by the process of spiritual consultation known as magical coaching. Mediumship is a regular feature of the religious services offered in Spiritualist churches.
For more information, see Prophecy
Prophecy is said to be a sacred dialogue with the divine that has been communicated to a person, typically called a prophet, and may be transmitted as dreams, visions, or omens. Found throughout many cultural and religious traditions the prophetic message is often conveyed in the form of guidance, warnings, symbols and parables. The task of delivering these vital messages to the people may be met with disregard or disbelief.
Tools and Techniques
Magical spells to enhance spiritual and psychic gifts such as divination and prophesy are not a very commonly requested kind of spell work, except within the Spiritual Church Movement, but most rootworkers have undertaken to perform such work for themselves as they developed their own gifts and talents, and so they are often willing to share their techniques with clients who may be on their own paths to becoming readers, professional spiritual practitioners, and or Spiritual Church ministers.
Conjure doctors can prescribe herbs, roots, incenses, oils, and other curios to clients who want to find spiritual insight or to develop their inherent gifts of psychism. Some spiritual workers will also undertake to teach their own favourite spiritual and psychic techniques to their clients by the process of spiritual consultation known as magical coaching.
These spells can be performed with the aid of candles, roots and herbs, oils, and curios believed to be efficacious in the development of spiritual powers or drawing beneficial spirits closer. Some of the curios used in occult, mystical, and spiritual spell work to perform divinations, to study occult subjects, or to enter into trance states include Spirit Guide and Indian Spirit Guide (to connect with spirit guides), Master Key (to open occult secrets), and Lucky Dream incenses (for dreaming true). White or blue candles which can be dressed with beneficial and dream-remembering herbs such a althaea (to attract good spirits), and other roots, herbs, and oils. Psychic Vision talismans or custom-made mojo bags may be worn on the body while studying or kept under the pillow while asleep.
These pages contain more information:
- Altar Work and Prayers for Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming
- Candle Spells, Vigil Lights, and Lamps for Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming
- Mojo Bags, Conjure Hands, Nation Sacks, and Jack Balls for Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming
- Doll Babies, Voodoo Dolls, and Poppets for Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming
- Spiritual Cleansing and Bathing for Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming
- Contained Bottle and Box Spells for Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming
- Oils, Incense, Sachet Powders, Baths, Teas, and other Spiritual Supplies for Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming
- Spell Casting for Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming
- Magical Talismans, Amulets, Charms, and Enchanted Jewelry for Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming
- Working with Spirits for Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming
- Petitioning the Saints for Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming
This page is brought to you by the AIRR Tech Team:
- Author: catherine yronwode
- Contributors: Nagasiva Yronwode, Miss Bri, ConjureMan, Reverend James, Papa Newt
- Images: Engraving of Camille Flammarion sourced and edited by catherine yronwode. Photos provided by Deacon Millett, Flora, Lukianos, Miss Elvyra, Mother Mystic, and by Wavebreakmedia
See Also
Conditions and Situations
- Hoodoo Rootwork and Conjure Spells for Love Drawing, Romance, Marriage, Fidelity, and Reconciliation
- Hoodoo Rootwork and Conjure Spells for Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming
Learn Spirituality and Influence Magic from AIRR
"Hypnosis in Hoodoo" with Madame Nadia. Self-hypnosis andis hypnosis are powerful tools for change. |
"Skull Candles and Skull-Proxies to Influence Others" with ConjureMan. Control people with your commands. |
"An Artist Among the Spirits" with Jon Saint Germain. Discover the life and contributions of Adele Clemens. |
See All Online Workshops from AIRR
AIRR Readers & Rootworkers Who Perform This Work for Clients
The Association of Independent Readers & Rootworkers (AIRR) is here to help you find gifted, sincere, and honest spiritual guidance, successful counseling, and professional magical spell casting and ritual conjuration. Every independent member of AIRR has been certified for psychic ability, magical skill, and ethical reliability. Every AIRR psychic, reader, seer, diviner, scryer, root doctor, and spiritual practitioner has completed a year-long program of training in conjure, hoodoo, witchcraft, rootwork, making mojo hands, and casting powerful magick spells. All of our psychics have served the public professionally for a minimum of two years -- and in many cases, significantly longer. Certified AIRR Readers & Rootworkers who will perform this type of work to help you find love, money, protection, and luck are listed below.Pages in category "Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming"
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