Elvyra Curcuruto-Love

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I am a graduate and personal apprentice of catherine yronwode's hoodoo rootwork program and currently am employed at the Lucky Mojo Curio Company in Forestville, California as a reader and rootworker. In addition, I have trained with two hereditary Wiccan priestesses, a traditional navigational Kahuna, and several excellent specialized teachers over the last twenty-two years. I have walked many paths to attain knowledge, with over forty years experience in tarot card reading, astrology, numerology, Reiki energy work, Amanae bodywork, and Hawaiian navigational energy work.

I offer nurturing and support to clients through life crises and difficult transitions, by the arts of listening, witnessing, and spiritual mentoring. The truest help one can give to another is to be truly present through their life transitions. My specialty is facilitating life changes through prayer, candle services, co-created spell-casting (also known as dual casting), education, and integrative energy work based upon ancient principles and techniques that complement modern health care, motivational and performance enhancement, and personal and spiritual exploration.

Crown of Success altar for prosperity, mastery, and abundance
A money mojo prepared with a Chinese cash coin, ready for dedication on a money altar
Altar work for peace and prosperity in the home
Preparing a mojo hand for love with a name paper, red candles, Dixie Love oil, roses, and love-drawing roots
Come to Me spell on a love altar to draw in a lover
My tarot cards, pendulum, and crystal balls, with a Psychic Vision candle to enhance clairvoyance during readings

My roots are Keltic and Mediterranean. My background in traditional education is a B.A. in drama with a psychology minor from University of Southern California. I am a licensed reverend with a Ph.D. in Cross-Cultural Theology. I have presented at several international anthropological conferences as well as volunteering as an associate teacher at Sonoma State University on courses as diverse as mythology, the Goddess, and labyrinths, and establishing a colony on Mars. I have taught clsses on labyrinths and working with angels and archangels at the annual Hoodoo Heritage Festival Workshops and my work has been published in The Black Folder: Personal Communications on the Mastery of Hoodoo. On the LMC Radio Network, I am a co-host of The Witch, the Priestess, and the Cauldron, a weekly Pagan-oriented show, and I am also a regular guest on the Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour where I give free readings to call-in clients.

In addition to the usual sort of spell-casting that others offer -- casting spells on your behalf -- I am a shamanic teacher. As a spiritual mentor, I am prepared to guide you through the process of simultaneous spell-casting, a style of working also known as "dual casting" or "backing up the work." In this form of conjure practice, I will perform a spell on your behalf at my own altar while teaching you, through consultation and prescription of spiritual supplies, to cast your own supportive spell for the same condition at your own home altar. Together we will open the way for you to reach your goals.

The power of spirit flows through me, gracing artwork, jewelry, and writing. Shamanic artwork comes from the alchemical fires that process out the impurities, shape-shifting itself into illuminative beauty. The masques and jewelry I create have a life and spirit force of their own. Though a symbol of reality, an outward form, these pieces represent what one possesses within -- a beauty both spiritual and physical. I have been working in the genre of shamanic artwork for over ten years. For my masques, I use items found in nature as well as recycled materials that culminate in these mixed media pieces, breathing new life, meaning, and purpose into otherwise discarded objects. My artwork and jewelry have been commissioned by clients both here in the United States and abroad. Commission artwork ranges from single pieces to series.

You may read more about me at my Elvyra web site.

Contact Information

Elvyra Curcuruto-Love
Missionary Independent Spiritual Church
6632 Covey Road
Forestville, California 95436
707-887-7808 (church)
707-236-0022 (cell)
email: elvyralove@gmail.com

Hours: 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM Central Time, Monday through Thursday

Please note that I am located in the Central Time Zone in Arkansas. I appreciate your taking any time differences into consideration when you call.

How to Pay for and Schedule an Appointment with Me

You may book my services online through Missionary Independent Spiritual Church, using Paypal as a payment method:

Book a psychic reading, spiritual counselling, conjure consultation, or hoodoo rootwork services with Elvyra Curcuruto-Love

After your payment is received, you should call 707-236-0022 on the day and time scheduled.

Booking my service as a spell-caster and rootworker requires a prior consultation and reading.


Readings and Spiritual Consultations:

I charge the same hourly rate for all forms of divination, psychic readings, spiritual consultations, and advice that I offer:

  • 15 minute pre-scheduled reading, consultation or magical coaching: $25.00
  • 30 minute pre-scheduled reading, consultation or magical coaching: $50.00
  • 60 minute pre-scheduled reading, consultation or magical coaching: $100.00
  • Caller-initiated reading via Hoodoo Psychics: $3.99 per minute

Rootwork and Conjure:

  • Any spiritual supplies that I prescribe during a reading or consultation may be purchased from the shop where I work at the shop's regular rate; there is no additional mark-up for prescribed supplies, and neither the church nor I receive direct compensation for such supplies.
  • Hoodoo Rootwork: Please call to discuss rates for hoodoo rootwork.

Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice

Hoodoo, Conjure, Rootwork, and Spell-Casting

Client Condition and Situation Specialties

Religious and Cultural Traditions

Outreach and Public Service



"Just wanted to say a big thank you to Miss Elvyra Love for the reading you gave me. You are truly gifted and I can still feel the peace that emanated from you. Thank you again for using your gift to help others." G.F.

"My wife had an amazing in-person reading from Elvyra while we were in Forestville on our Honeymoon. She was very impressed. We had to go sit and talk on the back patio for a few hours after the reading. It was wonderful." J.M.

"She did a wonderful reading for me. I feel very confident in her advice and now know what path to take. Thank you, Miss Elvyra!!!" G.

"Ms Elvyra gave me a reading and she was right on the nose. I have to say about "the water" she was seeing as far as work was concerned -- my temporary job was one block from the lake. How on point is that? Thank you, Ms Elvyra." C. M.

"Okay, man oh man, I don't know what to say. I had a reading with Miss Elvyra. She said that the ex-wife wanted him back, but not to worry. Okay, I doubted it at the time that she told me, because the ex-wife is gay, well supposedly gay, and I have seen and met plenty of her ex gfs. But it was true! Once again, Miss Elvyra hit another on the head." S.F.

"Awesome!!! She is gifted and talented and I appreciate her so much!!!" T. T.

"I had a reading done by Elvyra and was so impressed that I told my sister about her and she had one done also. All I can say is mission accomplished. Also my sister received her $12,000.00 that Elvyra told her she would get. Thanks Elvyra." T. L.

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