Brother Christopher

From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers

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Greetings! My name is Brother Christopher. I was born in Southern California, and raised in Christian Science, even attending the only Christian Science college in the US. During my childhood my parents encouraged me to pray and focus my attention on God and to understand him through the works of Jesus Christ, the great teacher and way shower. During a time of doubt and struggle in my teenage years, I reconnected God through New Thought inspirations, Neo Paganism, and solitary witchcraft. For many years I did this alone, until I sought out Neo Pagans in my community, and attended my first Pagan Pride. This would later lead me to finding my High Priest who would initiate me into the Minoan Brotherhood, and later elevate me to the High Priesthood in that tradition after many years. During this time of spiritual growth and evolution, I would meet many other human guides and instructors, as well as spirit guides. Through one friend I was directed to Lucky Mojo, and miss cat’s correspondence course in 2008, where I joined and graduated at the end of that year. The course completely transformed my approach to spells, magic, and rituals.

A Mirror Box Spell for LGBT client
A Money Drawing and Protecting Spell for a client
A Sugar Jar for a clients Reconciliation

As a child growing up, one phrase that was repeated to me often by my mother was that I was reflection of Perfect Divine Mind, God, and that I could embody that. This first manifested as an ability to know the results of coin tosses in sporting events, which made me quite popular in youth sports. Later it would expand into my just knowing how events would turn out, and telling people so, often to their shock and surprise when it all came about as I said. This gift was expanded over time to connect with psychic gifts of claircognizance, intuition, and clairaudience, as well as dreaming true and dream interpretation. My curiosity into these practices would lead to me to dive deeper into spiritual practices, such as meditation, mediumship through seances, spiritual healing, subtle energies, divination and fortune telling through runes, tarot, playing cards, geomancy, pendulums, and casting lots, and the casting of spells using candles, oils, powders, incense, herbs, and baths. I was strongly enamored with candle spells, and sought out many sources to expand my knowledge of candle spells, figural candles, and moving candle spells.

As a reader, I seek to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and not to sugarcoat the impact of potential bad news. In my philosophy, forewarned is forearmed, and if you can’t always change what is going to happen, you can prepare for the aftermath.

I feel that the greatest work one can have is to aspire to Wisdom, for through Wisdom can all things be attained. My own pursuit of wisdom has helped me in providing penetrating insight of what kind of spiritual work will benefit a situation. My spirit guides and helpers will often help me to provide the right kind of work and assist the work when called upon.

You may read more about me at my Runeworker website.

Contact Information

Brother Christopher

Scheduled Booking Hours: Monday through Friday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Please note that I am located in the Pacific Time Zone in California. I appreciate your taking any time differences into consideration when you call.

How to Pay for and Schedule an Appointment with Me

You may book my services as a reader online using Paypal as a payment method: Please pre-schedule telephone, and in-person readings, rootwork, and hands-on cleansings.

Book a psychic reading, spiritual counselling, conjure consultation, or hoodoo rootwork services with Brother Christopher

I am also available at 1-888-4-HOODOO extension 3332 for Immediate Telephone Readings via Hoodoo Psychics.


Readings and Spiritual Consultations:

  • 30 minute pre-scheduled reading: $60.00

Rootwork and Conjure:

  • Setting of Lights: $30.00
  • Mojo Bags: $100.00
  • Bottle Spells: $100.00
  • Hands-on Cleansing: $200.00
  • Other Forms of Spell Casting: $100.00 and up

Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice

Hoodoo, Conjure, Rootwork, and Spell-Casting

Client Condition and Situation Specialties

Religious and Cultural Traditions

Outreach and Public Service



“Events in my personal life were turbulent when I received my Venus charm from Christopher Lung, and I honestly had no hope of any romantic connection in my life, but I carried it in my bag with me every day. Ups and downs continued with work and love, but before I knew it, I was dating someone. It happened so naturally I was almost unaware of it unfolding, but it’s been several years, and I have never been this deeply connected to anyone before”. -- Drew Anderson – Tokyo Japan

The reading was going fine the first part of it until he paused for a moment and began to say things that I knew were absolutely meant for me. It was at time in my life where so many choices needed to be made and I honestly needed help and guidance. The reading gave me the insight to make the right decision and feel good about it. All I know is that Br. Christopher was the person who knew exactly how to read the cards and give the right message that I needed at the moment and I’m truly grateful for his talent. -- Sebastian, Los Angeles, California

I've known Br. Christopher for many years, and he has assisted me magically on a few occasions. I am always impressed with his grasp of lore, and practical use of the art, science, and spirituality of magic for useful and helpful ends. In times past he has assisted me with healing oils, spiritual assessments, and helped with clarifying issues. I consider him a trusted 'turn to' for a second opinion when something is uncertain to me, or out of my grasp, as I am certain he will have a lead, notion, or useful suggestion. Christopher is also fun to talk with and listen to, well versed, and packed with knowledge and sass, I highly recommend. -- Scott, Los Angeles, California

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