Hoodoo and Conjure Bath Products
From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers

Hoodoo and Conjure Bath Products are spiritual supplies that include mineral compounds like salt and Epsom salts; herbs, roots, and flowers that can be brewed and made into bath-teas; crystal bath salts that have been dressed and scented with appropriate condition oils and added herbs; and hand-made herbal soaps.

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Rituals of Cleansing
Spiritual bathing is one of the oldest rituals in the world. We find many different religious and magical traditions advocating the use and benefits derived from consistent spiritual bathing. In hoodoo, we use spiritual bathing to remove jinxes and crossed conditions, to cleanse our bodies, minds, and spirits and open the road for us, to protect ourselves, and to draw certain desired conditions like more money or a new love.
It is a very old custom to bathe at sunrise to prepare for the day, both to remove negative energies and to draw in positive ones. Baths of removal proceed from the head or neck downward, and those for drawing in improvements proceed from the feet upward. Left-over bath water may be used as an ingredient in floor washes, thrown to the east toward the Sun for blessings or toward the west for removals, or even poured out at a crossroads to spread one's influences far and wide. In former times baths were often taken out of doors, and the tub was tipped in the chosen direction. Since the 20th century, when most houses received indoor plumbing, people sometimes gather a cup of the used bath water before it all goes down the drain and dispose of it in the traditional manner.
How Root Doctors Prepare Baths
Some spiritual workers prepare bath mixtures for clients using only mineral salts, and some use only mixtures of herbs, but most will combine herbs with mineral salts and scented oils to craft a bath product according to authentic recipes. The salts may be dyed with a colour symbolic of the work being done, such as pink or lavender for love, green or gold for wealth, or pale blue for healing. Some prefer to put together bath mixtures at certain times of the day or on certain days of the week, according to the traditions of astrology. Most practitioners recite prayers or petitions over the mixtures while compounding them, as they deem appropriate to the condition or situation in which the supplies are to be used.
If the client and the rootworker can get together physically, the worker might prepare the bath on location and offer hands-on bathing. Alternatively, the client may request a proxy ritual of spiritual cleansing at a distance. However, in most cases, the spiritual worker will prescribe a specific form of bath and send the client the ingredients needed, along with directions on how to perform the rite of bathing, including what prayers are to be spoken during the work. Prayers may be extemporaneous and unrehearsed, or they may include recitation of portions of scripture, such as The Book of Psalms.
Spiritual Soaps
The tradition of ritual bathing has ancient roots in folkloric magic, but even the most dedicated client does not usually have time to take a full-scale spiritual bath every day. This is where spiritual soaps come in. They carry the energy of the spell work, but in a handy, convenient form that can be used daily or while travelling.
If properly made, spiritual soaps should contain a measure of the traditional magical herbs, roots, and essential oils appropriate to the condition for which they are prescribed. If your root worker prescribes a spiritual soap for you to use after a large-scale spiritual cleansing bath or between weekly or monthly cleansing baths, you can be assured that the soap, if used with attention and focus to your goals and desires, will assist you in carrying the good work on.
Bathing for Varied Conditions
There are many effective, traditional baths for different purposes and conditions. The selected herbs and oils used in the manufacture of these products correspond to the symbolism of the conditions for which the bathing is prescribed, including spiritual cleansing and all forms of spell casting.
No matter what form of bath products your conjure practitioner puts together or prescribes for you, the ingredients will be selected with reference to your personal needs, whether for blessing, love-drawing, reconciliation, money-drawing, spiritual protection, court case and legal matters, or aggressive work against an enemy.
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- Author: catherine yronwode
- Contributors: Miss Michaele, Papa Newt, nagasiva yronwode
- Images: Marin Graves, catherine yronwode, Almaje, and Unknown Photographer
See Also
- Spiritual Supplies
- Hoodoo and Conjure Oils
- Hoodoo Roots and Herbs
- Hoodoo and Conjure Incense
- Hoodoo and Conjure Sachet Powders
- Hoodoo and Conjure Bath Products
- Hoodoo Washes and Waters
- Hoodoo Perfumes and Colognes
- Hoodoo Health Care and Beauty Products
- Hoodoo Candles and Lamps
- Hoodoo Amulets and Talismans
- Hoodoo and Conjure Altar Tools
- Hoodoo Food and Drink
- Hoodoo Petitions and Magical Papers