Hoodoo Washes and Waters
From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers

Hoodoo Washes and Waters are liquid preparations, primarily used in baths and as floor washes. They may be employed for spiritual cleansing and healing, for personal bathing, laundering clothes and linens, or cleansing the premises. They may be used as-is or diluted with water, and they may be combined with hoodoo bath products, spiritually active herb teas or with perfumes and colognes for use.
In addition to their use in spiritual cleansing and healing, washes and waters are also traditionally employed in spells of protection, drawing love, increasing money-luck, and getting rid of crossed conditions.
Additionally, culinary-grade scented waters are used in magical cookery, as body-splashes, and as additives to the bath.
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Water-Based-Spiritual Supplies
As their name implies, water is the primary ingredient in these preparations. Some also contain alcohol, but they are far more watery than hoodoo perfumes or colognes. Some ammonia, or concentrated liquid soaps;, and the home-practitioner is expected to dilute these with water before use.
When preparing concentrated washes, with water, experienced workers often prepare a tea made from spiritually active herbs for the dilution, and they may add essential oils or spiritual formula oils and to the diluting water before use. Weak colognes, called toilet waters, may also be diluted with water for use as washes.
Washes and waters are spiritual supplies that may also be combined with herbal and mineral bath salts to be used in the laundry as rinse additives so that the essence of the preparation will cling to the client's or clients family's clothing or bed linens.
Culinary-Grade Scented Waters
Some spiritual waters, like Rose Water, Willow Water, and Orange Water, are simply derived from a single ingredient. These water-based preparations, enhanced with a small amount of essential oil, may be employed in cooking or baking, and are especially popular for this purpose in the Middle East.
Culinary Grade scented Waters also make fragrant additions to the bath, with or without the addition of conjure bath products. Other washes are traditional formulas prepared specifically for conjure work containing a number of ingredients that are used to bring about a definite condition. Perhaps the two most famous of these formulas are War Water and Peace Water.
Floor Washes and Wall Scrubs
Conjure washes and waters are commonly employed as floor and wall scrubs during the spiritual cleansing of a physical property. Some people clean house with magical floor washes on a daily or weekly basis, accompanying their use with the recital of appropriate Psalms and others use them in the regular cleaning of their spiritual altars. Floor washes are especially effective in the practice of hoodoo foot track magic, and when used to lightly dampen clean swept rugs, they can dramatically change the vibration in a home or place of business.
Waters and washes may also be used as ingredients in spell casting, to dress or wash mojo hands, conjure bags, doll babies, amulets, and other items, and to sprinkle over objects or statuary on the altar.
Washes and Waters for Many Conditions
Many of these washes are prepared to clean, purify, and open up a space, or to draw positive conditions such as luck, romance, or health to a location. Likewise, a root doctor may prescribe floor washes to a client for the fulfillment of specific desires, such as bringing money into a retail shop or sexual love into a bedroom. Specialized herbal or mineral waters, as well as holy water from a church or water from a sacred spring, may be used to clean a home or a client, can be placed on an altar as offerings to ancestors, spirits, and spiritual allies. One of the most popular of these sacred waters is that from the grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes in France, which is widely reputed to bring healing to the body and the mind.
Root doctors who do hands-on cleaning of people or physical places will often incorporate a water or wash into their work. Spiritual waters and washes are available commercially, but some rootworkers also make their own for clients. As with all spiritual preparations, your worker should give you basic instructions on how and when you are to use the wash.
No matter what form of wash or water your conjure practitioner puts together or prescribes for you, the ingredients will be selected with reference to your personal needs, whether for blessing, love-drawing, reconciliation, money-drawing, spiritual protection, jinx-breaking, court case and legal matters, or aggressive work against an enemy.
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- Author: catherine yronwode
- Contributors: Miss Michaele, Papa Newt, nagasivayronwode
- Images: Lara Rivera, Schankz, Wittayayut, and Unknown Photographer; photos sourced and edited by cat yronwode and nagasiva yronwode
=See Also
- Spiritual Supplies
- Hoodoo and Conjure Oils
- Hoodoo Roots and Herbs
- Hoodoo and Conjure Incense
- Hoodoo and Conjure Sachet Powders
- Hoodoo and Conjure Bath Products
- Hoodoo Washes and Waters
- Hoodoo Perfumes and Colognes
- Hoodoo Health Care and Beauty Products
- Hoodoo Candles and Lamps
- Hoodoo Amulets and Talismans
- Hoodoo and Conjure Altar Tools
- Hoodoo Food and Drink
- Hoodoo Petitions and Magical Papers