Susan Barnes
From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers
As a clairvoyant, medium, hypnotherapist, and spiritual author, I have been put on the Earth to be of service to others. I've devoted much of my life to the study of the metaphysical world. Being clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient, I use my gifts as a medium and intuitive to bridge the gap between the physical world and the world of spirit, channeling information for you from departed loved ones, spirit guides, and ancestors.
I have always been psychic, but the full force of this ability didn't come about until I had a near death experience on the operating table in 1994. Archangel Michael placed me in his arms and brought me back to life. This was such a powerful experience that it shifted my world vibrationally, allowing me to connect easily to the spirit world.
Raised on a working cattle and horse ranch, I learned to respect the land and animals. As a child I learned horse training from my grandfather, a jockey, trick rider, and professional horse trainer. He believed in working with animals through telepathy, sending directions to the animal through pictures in your mind with clear, kind intent. People and spirits can be communicated with through telepathy and mental pictures to heal them and to communicate your wishes to them.
I've raised and trained many different animals. Because of this experience, I also do animal healing. I consider myself to be an energy mover and curse breaker, shifting poverty to prosperity. My specialty involves the detection and removal of curses, jinxes, and hexes on land, buildings, animals and people. When breaking a generational, or ancestral curse, different methods will be considered and a plan will be followed to free the person, family or business from any curse no matter how ancient the curse may be.
Dowsing for energy clearing; ghost removal and curse breaking are current specialities. I regularly am sought to clean out negative entities, dull energy, ghosts, and poltergeists for businesses and homes, and I can do this work both on location and at a distance. I am a registered member, in good standing, of the American Society of Dowsers (ASD) and the West Coast Dowsers.
There are many types of curses; love, poverty,unjust accusations, repeated prison time, alcoholism, drug addiction, confusion, bad luck, sexual addiction, business not performing well, and attracting toxic people and situations, hauntings.
What I do is raise your energy level as high as possible so you can attract powerful, prosperous and happy situation in your life.
My teachers have been Ingo Swan (remote viewing), Jack Schwartz (founder of the Alethia Foundation and a Nazi Holocaust survivor, from whom I learned pain control and how to send and receive telepathic messages), José Silva (the Silva Method), Richard Bandler (co-founder of N.L.P. and a hypnotherapist), Dr. John Lilly (dolphin communication), Jeanne Dixon (psychic), Brother Mandus (faith healing), and Dr. Alex Tanous (astral projection, healing). I've attended a Pentecostal Bible college, where I learned to pray in the spirit, to heal, and to exorcise locations. I'm certified in N.L.P., hypnotherapy, and Time Line Therapy; an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church; and a graduate-apprentice of Catherine Yronwode's Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course. I have presented classes on spell-casting at the annual Hoodoo Heritage Festival Workshops, and I am a regular guest on the Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour radio show, where I give free readings to call-in clients.
I've written eight books in the spiritual genre and many online articles on the supernatural. My first job was as a TV newscaster and I've appeared on over twenty TV shows, including Rachael Ray, and several radio shows, including Playboy radio. I've also owned apartment buildings and am a stock trader. Because of these experiences, I do fame, charisma, and prosperity work.
Your freedom is my passion. Freedom from negative energy to positive energy, freedom to live a prosperous life, and freedom to live a happy life. My intent is to guide you toward your highest goal to reap all the abundance and happiness you deserve.
During a reading, I use a number of methods to assist in receiving the answers you seek, including card reading with tarot and oracle cards, dowsing for energy clearing and ghost removal with a pendulum, runes, and psychometry.
Discover how to light the fire that will be a strong flame of change in your life. You deserve money, abundance, and confidence.
My clients run the range from: stock brokers, business owners, real estate brokers, sales people, writers, actors, athletes, musicians and film producers.
Contact Information
Susan Barnes
Tulsa Oklahoma
Hours: 1:00PM to 5:00PM. Monday through Thursday.
Please EMAIL me at to make an an appointment.
Please note that I am located in the CENTRAL TIME ZONE in Oklahoma. I appreciate your taking any time differences into consideration when you call.
I am occasionally available for instant readings through Hoodoo Psychics at 1-888-4-HOODOO. My extension number is 9000.
How to Pay for and Schedule an Appointment with Me
All readings, conjure work, and curios must be pre-paid in advance at the time of the booking. You can pay for your reading, consultation, and rootwork through Paypal or in cash.
Readings must be payed for at the time they are made by Susan Barnes and you, the client.
All transactions are made through Paypal. No refunds for readings, services, or missed appointments.
Book a psychic reading, spiritual counseling, conjure consultation, or hoodoo rootwork services with Susan Barnes
You may contact me in person, or via email, skype, or my website. At the end of the consultation, you will receive a quote for any rootwork prescribed during the reading.
For in-person readings, a picture of you must be emailed to me, along with your first and last name and your birthdate. Please send these requirements to my email at:, at least one week in advance of the reading.
Please note: I do not give Yes/No question readings. I am not a reconciliation worker.
Readings and Spiritual Consultations:
I am available for both pre-scheduled and caller-initiated readings.
- 45 minute reading by phone: $100.00.
- One hour in-home reading: $120.00. Tea or coffee service will be provided.
- Private Parties: $65.00 per person. 5 person minimum. Must be paid in advance.
- Gallery readings: $500.00 and up, depending on the number of guests attending. Please email details before making a deposit.
Rootwork and Conjure:
All Rootwork and Candle Setting services require a reading beforehand.
- Amulets: $45.00 to $350.00
- Talismans: $45.00 to $350.00
- Mojo Bags: $65.00 to $85.00
- Fixed and Dressed Lodestones: $45.00 to $65.00
- Doll Babies: $150.00 to $450.00
- Bottle Spells: $450.00 to $600.00
- Any rootwork work deemed suitable after a consultation reading will be priced shortly after consultation.
Hoodoo, Conjure, and Spiritual Rootwork
- Altar Work and Prayers
- Contained Spells, Honey Jars, and Bottle Spells
- Candle Magic, Vigil Lights, and Lamps
- Petitions and Magical Papers
- Personal Concerns and Magical Links
- Rites of Spiritual Cleansing and Bathing
- Doll Babies, Voodoo Dolls, and Poppets
- Preparation and Prescription of Spiritual Supplies
- Mojo Bags, Nation Sacks, and Jack Balls
- Knot Spells for Tying and Binding
- Magical Talismans, Amulets, and Charmed Jewelry
- Working with Spirits, Ancestors, Deities, Archangels, Angels, and Saints
- Working in the Graveyard
- Working at the Crossroads
- Hypnosis Coaching and Training
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice Offered
- Card Reading with Tarot and Oracle Cards
- Dowsing for Energy Clearing and Ghost Removal
- Psychic Reading, Intuitive Reading, and Clairvoyant Reading
- Candle Reading, Pyromancy, Ceromancy, and Wax Reading
- Mediumship and Contact with the Dead
- Crystal Ball Reading
- Pendulum Reading
- Psychometry, Reading Photographs
- Interpretations of Dreams
- Magical Coaching
Client Condition and Situation Specialties
- Prosperity, Money Drawing, Business Success
- Blessing, Cleansing, Healing, and Tranquility
- Career Success, Personal Power, Mastery, and Wisdom
- Jinx Breaking, Uncrossing, Reversing, and Road Opening
- Court Cases, Legal Matters, and Keeping Off the Law
- Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming
Religious and Cultural Traditions
- Working Within the Protestant Tradition
- Working Within the Catholic Tradition
- Working Within the Jewish Tradition
- Working Within the Spiritualist Tradition
- Working Within the Buddhist Tradition
- Working within the Islamic Tradition
Outreach and Public Service
- Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR
- Webcasters in AIRR
- Metaphysical Authors in AIRR
- Crystal Silence League Member
- Pro Bono Fund Member
- AIRR Tech Team Member
• Absolutely amazing! Pinpoint details from this gifted lady! - J.e.
• Susan is truly gifted, truly powerful. A sweet, witty woman! - Pat
• Susan is one of the most generous and helpful persons. She takes on challenges! Her energy got me moving in the right direction! - Lori W.
• Susan is AMAZING! Her readings are accurate and in depth. - J.
• Susan Barnes is a brilliant intuitive and clairvoyant! Spot on every time! - T.P.
• I won money at the casino!! - Lisa M.
• Susan's words are a comfort to the soul. - Brenda
• Unbelievably cool! - O.Z.
• I've had many readings in my day and Susan's one hour session stands alone. Not only was the session very informative, it was a huge eye opener. She is extremely gifted! - Ron
• Beautiful, strong energy. - Tifi
• Such a kind spirit and giving soul. - Butterfly girl
• Such a kind person! Positive energy! - Elements
• I've had a huge shift in my casino work since hearing Susan on the radio. - Anonymous
• Accurate, compassionate, honest! - J.M.
• Susan Barnes has an authentic awareness and insight into the mind and soul's connection to the universe. Susan teaches you to attract all the love, bliss and charisma you are meant to enjoy! - L.L.
• I felt like a magnet! Susan teaches you what you can do today to improve your ability to become "a people magnet". Ms. Barnes will help you magnetize relationships to you and also draw in more wealth and opportunities into your "net"! - N.B.
• Susan is extremely helpful in selecting equities for investment purposes. Susan Barnes helped me make an obscene amount of money. - J.B.