Hoodoo and Conjure Oils
From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers
Hoodoo and Conjure Oils, often called anointing oils, dressing oils, formula oils, or condition oils, are crafted for virtually every circumstance in life and for every magical purpose. Authentic condition oils will be made with natural ingredients, such as herbs, roots, and curios that have been added to a carrier oil and mixed with appropriate essential and fragrance oils. If well made, magical oils should not include toxic ingredients, and the proper dilution of the perfume oils with carrier oils should render them skin-safe for most people, although anyone with skin allergies is advised to do a patch-test before applying them to the body or hair.
These popular spiritual supplies are generally sanctified with altar work and prayers as they are being made and they are usually prayed or petitioned over when they are applied in spell-casting.
Hoodoo root doctors may compound specific oils for their clients as needed or they may purchase them from a reputable supplier and dispense them to clients as necessary. Rootworkers who specialize in one or two areas of conjure may keep larger bottles on hand into which they have pre-mixed or blended several different oil formulas for the same condition, such as three love attracting oils, or four money drawing oils. When a client needs a certain oil, a small quantity of the blend will be decanted and mailed to the client or, if the work is done in person, it may be bottled and given to the client, with instructions for its use.
Condition oils can be formulated to alleviate suffering, to remove or reverse crossed conditions, curses, or jinxes, for protection from enemies, or to draw specific changes and experiences to the client. The majority of hoodoo oils have secular magical names that clearly state the oil's purpose, like Pay Me, Crown of Success, and Love Me. Some oils have religious names like Archangel Raphael, Holy Trinity, or Lord Ganesha, signifying devotion to a deity or spiritual entity whose aid and assistance is being sought through magical prayer.
Hoodoo oils are employed for anointing petitions and prayer-papers; candles; mojo bags; talismans, amulets, enchanted jewelry, and coins; doll babies; roots; and one's own body. They may be added to magical bags, jars, and bottles. When a root doctor conducts in-person work for a client, an appropriate oil may be used to anoint a significant area of the client's body while prayers or portions of the Book of Psalms are incanted. For instance, the conjure worker may make a cross of Clarity Oil on the client's forehead for blessing, an anointing of the client's head for career success, crosses in the palms of the client's hands for money-getting, or crosses on the soles of the client's feet for safe travel.

Conjure oils are the most popular form of spiritual supply and have also been adopted for use by practitioners from a variety of other magical traditions. They are used in the preparation of many common spiritual supplies found in hoodoo practice, such as sachet powders, incense, baths, washes, and ointments, and hair care products. They can be used to scent these preparations and also to focus on the condition for which these magical goods are to be used.
As the most widely-used form of spiritual supply, oils may be applied in almost limitless ways, with two exceptions:
- The use of magical oils cannot be hidden if they are dabbed onto papers or cloth, for they stain fibrous goods. Therefore, if you are dressing papers, clothing, or upholstery that will be seen by the public, it is wise to discretely fix them with sachet powders or incense smoke instead.
- Due to the presence of essential oils in their formulation, conjure oils cannot safely be drunk, eaten, or added to foods. For such work, edible roots, herbs, and minerals are used instead.
No matter what type of essential oil or formula oil your conjure practitioner puts together or prescribes for you, the ingredients will be selected for your own personal spell-casting needs, whether for blessing, love-drawing, reconciliation, money-drawing, spiritual protection, court case and legal matters, or aggressive work against an enemy.
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- Author: catherine yronwode
- Contributors: Miss Michaele, Papa Newt, nagasiva yronwode
- Images: Valentina Burton, catherine yronwode
See Also
- Spiritual Supplies
- Hoodoo and Conjure Oils
- Hoodoo Roots and Herbs
- Hoodoo and Conjure Incense
- Hoodoo and Conjure Sachet Powders
- Hoodoo and Conjure Bath Products
- Hoodoo Washes and Waters
- Hoodoo Perfumes and Colognes
- Hoodoo Health Care and Beauty Products
- Hoodoo Candles and Lamps
- Hoodoo Amulets and Talismans
- Hoodoo and Conjure Altar Tools
- Hoodoo Food and Drink
- Hoodoo Petitions and Magical Papers