Hoodoo and Conjure Sachet Powders
From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers
Hoodoo and Conjure Sachet Powders or dusting powders are compounded blends of powdered mineral and vegetable starches such as talcum, arrowroot, or corn starch, along with finely powdered herbs, roots, and essential oils. They are spiritual supplies that can be applied to the body and to other objects as needed.
Their magical use developed out of the tradition of using sachet powders in personal care, as after-bath dusting powders, in face makeup, or to surround oneself with the aroma of a subtle perfume. The earliest hoodoo-oriented sachets were specially prepared lucky and love-drawing variants of cosmetic face powders and dusting powders marketed to African American women. These sachets caught on quickly because their use in magic paralleled the African tradition of employing powders for cursing through foot track work and people knew, because of their family traditions, how to use them as spiritual supplies.
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Preparing Sachet Powders

When conjure doctors prepare or prescribe sachet powders for clients they first select the ingredients based in the intention for which the powder was created. Love powders, for instance, may be made with Orris Root, Rose, and Violet essences, while powders for use in a court case might contain ingredients such as Chewing John and Grains of Paradise. Some recipes also include mineral powders, such as Magnetic Sand to draw money or Graveyard Dirt to call ancestors or spirits of the dead into the work.
The selected herbs, roots, and minerals are reduced to a very fine powder, augmented with a traditional magical blend of essential oils to enhance the scent. They are usually extended with a powder base to ensure better application, and the base powder may be lightly tinted in accordance with traditional occult colour correspondences, such as pink for romance or pale blue for healing.
The powders are then prayed over to focus their use for the client's condition or situation and packaged to preserve their freshness and scent. The word "sachet" means "envelope," and many magical sachets are still sold in flat paper or plastic packets.
Using Sachet Powders
Sachet powders may be worked into commercial mineral makeup to draw attraction and admiration. They can be added to body dusts or foot powders for protection or safe travel. They may also be sprinkled or lightly blown onto sheets, clothes, or shoes; or brushed onto the edges of cards, books, or papers with a makeup brush.
In addition to being used to dress people, papers, bedding, or clothing, sachet powders may be blown to the four corners of a room or outdoor area to adjust its energy or prepare it for occupation, They may also be scattered or blown on a floor or carpet and swept or vacuumed up as a quick-fix floor sprinkle to cleanse or bring peace to a room.
Their application by any of these methods may be made with specific intentions or accompanied by the recitation of prayers regarding the person one wishes to affect.
Powders may also be dusted onto oiled candles to fix them for use. They also find use to draw symbolic circles, triangles, or stars on the altar, where candle magic is conducted. For example, three candles dedicated to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost may be set at the vertices of a triangle of Holy Trinity sachet drawn on the altar.
Sachets in Sneaky Tricks
Sachet powders are especially convenient in the deployment of sneaky tricks which are effective in part because they are done in secret. They can also be sneaked into the personal dusting powders of a lover and the user of the powder may never know the difference.
Although conjure oils are more popular than powders, their use is limited or impractical when one wishes to dress paper goods, money, legal documents, or clothing, because oil shows up on papers and cloth and may even stain them. Lightly dusted sachet powders, however, leave no visible trace of itself on paper or cloth and is often used to dress letters, money, and documents of all kinds for this reason. They may also be secretly worked into a carpet that someone will step upon.
Sachets in Foot Track Magic
Affecting people through their feet is one of the characteristic methods of African American folk magic, and deploying sachet powders to contact the feet or shoes is very popular, both for positive and negative outcomes. If the powder can be placed in a person's shoes or socks, the trick will go unseen, but if it will be deployed out of doors or on a floor or caret, it is common to mix the sachet with some local dirt to mute its colour, allowing it to blend in with the surrounding surfaces. Since many folks use talcum powder to keep their feet dry, adding a magical sachet to their foot powder will produce the added bonus of some powerful foot track magic.
Some special kinds of powders used in hoodoo, which do not derive from cosmetics, are employed in foot track spells for cursing, harming, or driving people away. These powders are proprietary blends composed of minerals, spices, herbs, roots, and occasionally biological material, like powdered snake sheds or dried scorpions. Sulphur, salt, and ashes from a fire pit or cookstove are common ingredients found in them as well, as are Black Pepper, and Red Pepper powders.
Hot Foot Powder is used primarily for getting rid of unwanted people and Goofer Dust is used to kill, hurt, or cross an enemy. They are traditionally sprinkled on the ground for an enemy to walk over or step into, thus conveying the curse to the foe. Other, related formulas are Jinx powder, Crossing powder, and Destruction powder.
Evil powders, once discovered, can be washed away with water or an herbal tea, or negated by overlaying them with counteractive powders such as Jinx Killer, Uncrossing, or Fear Not to Walk Over Evil powder.
Custom-Made Sachets
No matter what form of sachet powders your conjure practitioner puts together or prescribes for you, the ingredients will be selected with reference to your personal needs, whether for blessing, love-drawing, reconciliation, money-drawing, spiritual protection, court case and legal matters, or aggressive work against an enemy.
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- Author: catherine yronwode
- Contributors: Miss Michaele, Papa Newt, nagasiva yronwode
- Images: Dusan964, Domnitsky Yar, SunLabsOnline, and Unknown Photographers
See Also
- Spiritual Supplies
- Hoodoo and Conjure Oils
- Hoodoo Roots and Herbs
- Hoodoo and Conjure Incense
- Hoodoo and Conjure Sachet Powders
- Hoodoo and Conjure Bath Products
- Hoodoo Washes and Waters
- Hoodoo Perfumes and Colognes
- Hoodoo Health Care and Beauty Products
- Hoodoo Candles and Lamps
- Hoodoo Amulets and Talismans
- Hoodoo and Conjure Altar Tools
- Hoodoo Food and Drink
- Hoodoo Petitions and Magical Papers