Reverend James
From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers
Born in South Carolina, and now living in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Appalachia, I am deep-rooted and well educated in Southern folk practices. My old-world roots are of Scottish and French Huguenot decent, so although I was raised Southern Baptist, it’s not surprising that I had an early affinity to Celtic Wicca and Druidism. However, the mysticism and mysteries of the mountain-folk and conjure practices have always been a part of my life.
From water witching to cutting a notch in a tree to cure asthma, I’ve been steeped in the history, lore, and customs of folk remedies, conjure, and mountain magic, practicing them naturally and fluently. One of my earliest memories involves an accident where my face was burned by boiling water. My mother — panicking — was told to take me to an old woman the next town over to “talk the fire out.” We rushed there and the woman prayed for a moment, made some hand gestures, and blew on my face. Immediately the pain was gone, and my face never scarred. The power of folk magic was immediately evident, and this experience started my spiritual journey, instilling in me the driving force of my spiritual work – helping others.

My teen years brought opportunities for additional growth and understanding of the mystical world around us. Upon discovering a nearby New Age shop, I ventured inside, unknowingly opening new doors, rapidly advancing my journey, and shaping my spiritual development throughout my teens. Here I met my first teacher, still one of my mentors today, and was initiated into a lineage of Caledonii Grande Tradition of Celtic Wicca and Druidism. I started learning and practicing Tarot by reading for family and friends. After accurately predicting my hairdresser's pregnancy and the baby’s gender at the age of 14, I launched into the life of a professional reader. This set me on a quest to uncover and understand my ancestry and the intergenerational folk methods and magic used in my community. Exploring my heritage led me to rootwork and hoodoo, which naturally harmonized with the innate skills I had demonstrated and broadened my abilities. I am a 2018 graduate of Catherine Yronwode’s Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course. The years since have proven me an adept and proficient practitioner.
I’ve studied multiple energy healing modalities, including Reiki, and incorporated them into my practice to further enhance my mission of helping others. I have also developed my holistic capabilities, completing coursework to become a licensed massage and bodywork therapist and a certified professional aromatherapist. I am a pastor at Folk Faith Ministries.
I’m non-judgmental and discreet. However, I will not take unjustified curse work, but I fully realize that sometimes “the best defense is a good offence.” All workings require a reading before commencement to clarify intentions, define the situation, examine the forces present that could influence the work, and ensure the best possible outcome. Basic information required for a reading includes the petitioner’s name, birth date, and the specific question or goal that is sought. Other works or readings may need additional information; this will be discussed upon meeting.
You may read more about me at my Folk Conjure website.
Contact information
Reverend James
Folk Faith Ministries
Western North Carolina
Hours: Tuesday through Saturday: 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM.
Please note that I am located in the Eastern Time Zone in North Carolina. I appreciate your taking any time differences into consideration when you call. I am occasionally available for instant readings through Hoodoo Psychics at 1-888-4-HOODOO. My extension number is 7777.
How to Pay for and Schedule an Appointment with Me
You may book my services online using PayPal as a payment method. Please pre-schedule telephone, skype, and in-person readings, rootwork, and hands-on cleansings.
Please note that I am located in the Eastern Time Zone in North Carolina. I appreciate you taking any time differences into consideration when you call.
Book a psychic reading, spiritual counseling, conjure consultation, or hoodoo rootwork services with Reverend James
Readings and Spiritual Consultations:
- 10 minute pre-scheduled reading: $25.00
- 30 minute pre-scheduled reading: $50.00
- 60 minute pre-scheduled reading: $100.00
- One Yes/No question pre-scheduled reading: $10.00
- One Question answered by email: $15.00
Rootwork and Conjure:
- Lamp Spells and Setting Lights: $30.00
- Mojo Bags: $70.00
- Doll Babies plus 1 month altar work: $175.00
- Bottle Spells plus 1 month altar work: $160.00
- Sweet Jar plus 1 month altar work: $160.00
- Hands-on Cleansings and Foot Washings: $350.00
- Distance Cleansings: $175.00
- Hands-on House Cleansing: $400.00 plus expenses
- Distance House Cleansing: $200.00
- Custom Spell-Work: $185.00 and up
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice
- Tarot Readings
- Astrological readings, Chinese Astrology
- Numerology Analysis for Compatibility and Lucky Numbers for Games of Chance
- Bibliomancy
- Dowsing, Doodlebugging, and Water Witching
- Candle Glass and Candle Wax Divination
- Pendulum Readings
- Interpretations of Dreams, Signs, and Omens
- Throwing the Bones
- Feng Shui - Form School
- Muscle Testing and Spiritual Kinesiology
Hoodoo, Conjure, Rootwork, and Spell-Casting
- Spell Casting
- Altar Work and Prayers
- Setting Lights, with a Candle Report
- Petitions and Magical Papers
- Personal Concerns and Magical Links
- Bottle Spells and Honey Jar Spells
- Doll Babies and Poppets
- Mojo Bags and Jack Balls
- Knot Spells for Tying and Binding
- Hand-made Spiritual Supplies
- Fixed and Prepared Amulets, Coin Charms, Curios, Seals, and Talismans
- Working with Spirits
- Working in the Graveyard
- Working at the Crossroads
- Working With Saints; Mother Mary, St Expedite, St. Cyprian, St. Jude, St. Joseph, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Dymphna
- Working With Angels and Archangels
Client Condition and Situation Specialties
- Love Drawing, Romance, Marriage, Fidelity, and Reconciliation
- Prosperity, Money Drawing, Business, and Gambling Luck
- Blessing, Cleansing, Healing, and Tranquility
- Career Success, Personal Power, Mastery, and Wisdom
- Protection From Enemies, Warding Off Evil, and Safe Travel
- Jinx Breaking, Uncrossing, Reversing, and Road Opening
- Court Cases, Legal Matters, and Keeping Off the Law
- Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming
Religious and Cultural Traditions
- Working Within the Christian Tradition
- Working Within the Protestant Tradition
- Working Within the Buddhist Tradition
- Working Within the Taoist Tradition
- Working Within the Pagan and Neo-Pagan Tradition
Outreach and Public Service
- Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR
- Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR
- Webcasters in AIRR
- Occult Shopkeepers and Spiritual Suppliers in AIRR
- Church Pastors and Deacons in AIRR
- Churches of the AISC
- Hoodoo Heritage Festival Presenters
- Streaming Video Classes with PDFs from AIRR
- Crystal Silence League Members
- Pro Bono Fund Members
- AIRR Tech Team Members
“Fantastic reading with James. He was able to see things later I saw to be true. His intuition was right on. I also appreciate his compassion for my issue and professionalism.” - A.H.
“A few months ago was going through some changes in my life and wasn't really sure the decisions I had recently made were the right ones? So after much thought and research I had a lenormand reading done by James, at first I was unsure of what to expect as I have never had a reading before, well let me tell you it was amazing! Even after all this time has past, things he said to look for and expect are still happening and I wouldn't have been able to handle those things in the manner I had if it wasn't for James and his reading!” - K.C
“Wonderful, as always! The [Rev’s] reading is quite fascinating! I highly recommend! So many details!” - S.W.
“Wonderful to work with, he is updating me with the process, how cool is that?” - L.M.
“The [Rev] was great! Look forward to working with him in the future” - M.M
“[James] is amazing! Will continue to work with him as he is very helpful and supportive” - M.M
“[James] is very helpful and knowledgeable about what he does. He answers all your question with great detail so you can understand better. I recommend.” - R.N.
“[…] detailed, clarified points I had questions on. Thank you!” - K.F
“I honestly was looking for a good bone reader. Seller delivered and more. So pleased!” - L.S
“Always a pleasure to work with [The Rev], well respects from!” - N.S
Learn Hoodoo with Reverend James
"Chinese Moon Blocks and Paper Talismans" with Reverend James. How to contact Taoist deities. |
"Consecrating Altar Statuary" with Reverend James. How to consecrate and fix statues. |
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