Our Pastor, Miss Michaele
Reverend Michaele Caroline Dye Memorial Chapel
Reverend Miss Michaele is an ordained minister, spiritual counsellor, and rootworker. She is a member of the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers, Hoodoo Psychics, and the Crystal Silence League, as well as co-author of the books Hoodoo Bible Magic: Sacred Secrets of Scriptural Sorcery and Sneaky Tricks: How to Hide Your Hoodoo in Plain Sight. She offers blessing, altar prayers, and the setting of oil lamps for protection and justice.
Caroline Dye Memorial Chapel
Willits, California
An oil lamp in Caroline Dye's honor; lighting her lamp is part of our evening candle service.
Our Pastor, Reverend Jon Saint Germain
Reverend Jon Saint Germain Divine Harmony Spiritual Church
Reverend Jon Saint Germain is an ordained minister, spiritual counsellor, and rootworker. He is a member of the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers, and the Crystal Silence League. He is author author of Crystal Magic, Lithomancy, and An Artist Among the Spirits. He offers prayer for clients on one or more of his seventeen altars and shrines, including the Black Hawk Power shrine, the Divine Harmony Pet shrine, and the Temple of Saint Germain.
Divine Harmony Spiritual Church
Knoxville, Tennessee
Phone: 865 216-4212
Divine Harmony Spiritual Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Reverend Art Folk Faith Ministries
Reverend Art is an ordained minister, spiritual counsellor and rootworker. He is a member of the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers, and the Crystal Silence League. He is an ordained in the Order of Melchizedek, and is a spirit medium, a certified Reiki Master and Teacher of the Usui Sensei lineage, a spiritual life coach, and an energy healer who coaches his clients through the twists and turns of life.
Folk Faith Ministries
Western North Carolina
Folk Faith Ministires in Western North Carolina.
Our Pastor, Reverend James
Reverend James Folk Faith Ministries
Reverend James is an ordained minister, spiritual counsellor, and rootworker. He is a member of the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers. He began his journey in the Caledonii Grande Tradition of Celtic Wicca and Druidism and then branched out into other traditions
such as Hoodoo, Taoism, and Buddhism. For those in need he offers free services such as the addition of clients prayers to his Crystal Silence League shrine, an emergency white candle, and the mailing of blessed water and prayer cloths.
Folk Faith Ministries
Western North Carolina
Folk Faith Ministires in Western North Carolina.
Our Pastor, Deacon Millett
Deacon Millett Four Altars Gospel Sanctuary
Deacon Millett is an ordained minister, spiritual counsellor, and rootworker. He is a member of the Board of Bishops of the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers, the founder of Hoodoo Psychics, a member of the Crystal Silence League, and the author of the books Hoodoo Honey and Sugar Spells and Hoodoo Return and Reconciliation Spells. In addition, he provides an absolutely discreet candle-burning service for those whose lives require ongoing protection and prayer.
Four Altars Gospel Sanctuary
High Desert, Southern California
our Altars Gospel Sanctuary in the High Desert of Southern California
Lady Muse House of Self Empowerment
Lady Muse is an ordained minister-prophet and teacher, spiritual counsellor, and rootworker. A member of the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers, the Crystal Silence League, and Hoodoo Psychics, she is an Eclectic Spiritualist and Initiated Palo Priestess
with a long-time background in Deliverance Ministries within the Pentecostal Christian tradition.
House of Self Empowerment
Victorville, California
House of Self Empowerment in Victorville, California
Our Pastor, Reverend Mama Vergi
Mama Vergie House of Self Empowerment
Mama Vergi is an ordained pastor of the House of Self Empowerment, a spiritual coach, and rootworker. A member of the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers, the Crystal Silence League, and Hoodoo Psychics, her background in altar work and prayer lies within the Baptist, New Thought, and New Age traditions, but she willingly assists and serves clients of all religious faiths.
House of Self Empowerment
Victorville, California
House of Self Empowerment in Victorville, California
Our Pastor, Miss catherine yronwode
Reverend Miss catherine yronwode Missionary Independent Spiritual Church
Reverend catherine yronwode is an ordained minister, spiritual counsellor, and rootworker. She is a member of the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers, Hoodoo Psychics, and the Crystal Silence League, and is the author of Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic, Astrology for Rootworkers, The Art of Hoodoo Candle Magic, Hoodoo Dolls and Effigies, and many more books on folk-magic and fortune telling. She offers prayer services, blessings, and the setting of magical and religious vigil lights, as well as free altar candles for those in need of immediate help.
Missionary Independent Spiritual Church
6632 Covey Road
Forestville, California
Missionary Independent Spiritual Church in Forestville, California
Mama E Santeria Church of the Orishas
Mama E is an ordained minister, spiritual counsellor, and rootworker. She is a member of the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers and was
initiated as Yaya in Palo Kimbisa in
2001, and Olorisha of Oshun (Iyalorde) in the
Lucumi tradition in 2002. She has studied Usui Reiki and Shamanism, and is a frequent
participant in Spiritual Circles in Espiritismo, and the Neo-Pagan Unnamed Path groups. She is fully bilingual in Spanish and English.
Santeria Church of the Orishas
Los Angeles, California
The Santeria Church of the Orishas in Southern California