Category:Taoist Deities
From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers
Among the most popular of the Taoist deities are The Three Star Gods, Mazu or Matsu, the Mother Goddess of the Sea; Chang'e, the Moon Goddess; Fu De or Tu Di Gong, the Earth God of Wealth and Merit; the Military God , also known as Kwan Dai, Kuan Ti, or Kuan Kung, Hotei, and The Kitchen God. Originally regional or tutelary deities, they have, over the course of centuries, become popular throughout China and wherever people of Chinese descent now live, while still retaining their regional qualities.
Due to China's historical domination of smaller adjacent nations, Chinese deities have often been syncretized with local deities. Thus it is not uncommon to see a local deity, such as the Vietnamese Wealth God Than Tai, associated with a prominent Chinese Wealth God, such as Cai Shen -- and for either or both of them to be considered an aspect of the Chinese Star God of Prosperity, Lu
The rise of Communism in China, with the imposition of state-mandated atheism, has diminished outward reverence to the Taoist belief system, but the old deities still retain their popularity among the people and can be found throughout Asia and the Americas.
Petitioning Taoist Deities
Like all deities, those of the Taoist pantheon have special feast-days, forms of offering, and traditional prayers set aside for them. Incense, uncooked grains, and fresh fruit are common offerings. Some of the festivals dedicated to deities have taken on the character of national Taoist Seasonal Festivals.
The festival dates dedicated to particular deities vary somewhat in the diverse Chinese regions, and they have also been adapted to accommodate social and secular life in the Chinese diaspora, where worship and veneration are sometimes presented as street festivals for tourists. These diasporic festivals often reflect the era in which the migrants left China, so that in world-wide Chinese communities, the forms of offerings, food, music, and dance associated with seeking boons from Taoist deities may represent 19th century customs no longer practiced in mainland China.
Popular Taoist Deities

- Chang'e, the Moon Goddess, is given special reverence at the Zhong Qiu Jie ("Middle of Autumn Festival") also known as The Mid-Autumn Festival, The Moon Festival or The Moon Cake Festival, which is celebrated on the night of the 15th day of the 8th month at the Full Moon,
Cai Shen
- Cai Shen, whose name means "Wealth God," is an ancient deity of prosperity; he is venerated in his own right and also syncretized with other deities and noble historical figures. {Read More...)
- Fu, also known as Fuk, is the Star God of Happiness.
Guan Yu
- Guan Yu or Kwan Yu (160 - 219) was a Chinese military leader who was famed a just, loyal, and noble warrior. After his death in battle, he was deified. (Read More...)
- Hotei, also known as Ho Tei, is the Rice God, a deity of abundance and wealth, often depicted with a bag of rice and large boat- or slipper-shaped ingots of gold bullion in his hands. Among syncretic Taoist-Buddhists, especially in America, he is sometimes referred to as Hotei Buddha, The Lucky Buddha, or The Laughing Buddha. {Read More...)
Lao Tse
- Lao Tse is the bringer of magic and mysticism.
- Lu, also known as Luk, is the Star God of Prosperity and is also sometimes syncretized with the Wealth God Cai Shen.
- Mazu or Matsu is also known as The Mother Goddess of the Sea.
- Shou, also known as Sho, Sau, and Suk, is the Star God of Longevity.
The Three Star Gods (San Xing)
- The Three Star Gods are a trinity of stellar Immortals, each represents a singular astronomical object. They are Shou (Canopus or Alpha Carinae), Lu (Ursa Major or the Big Dipper), and Fu (the planet Jupiter). (Read More...)
Tian Guan
- Tian Guan, is the heavenly official who bestows happiness; he is associated with the star Zeta Tauri in the constellation of Taurus and his birth is celebrated at the annual Lantern Festival, which takes place on the first Full Moon after the Spring Festival or Chinese New Year.
Tu Di Gong
- Tu Di Gong or Fu De, also known as The Earth God bestows wealth and and mundane merit.
Xi Wang Mu
- Xi Wang Mu, also known as The Queen Mother of the West, is the Guardian of the Peach of Immortality, monarch of the Kunluns, and mother Goddess married to Yu Huang or the Jade Emperor
Yu Huang
- Yu Huang, also known as The Jade Emperor, is the supreme ruler and head deity of the celestial court. {Read More...)
Zao Jun
- Zao Jun, also known as Zao Shen or Zhang Lang, is the Kitchen God, also known as the Stove God, and is the Guardian of the hearth, the family, and health.
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- Authors: catherine yronwode
- Contributors: ConjureMan, Dr. E., nagasiva yronwode, Reverend James, Prof. C. D. Porterfield
- Images: Ms. Robin, Unknown Artists, Unknown Photographers, sourced and photo-edited by catherine yronwode
See Also
- Taoist Seasonal Festivals
- Religious Traditions
- Magical Traditions
- Divination, Fortune Telling, and Oracles
- Hoodoo, Conjure, Witchcraft, and Rootwork
- Working with Spirits
Pages in category "Taoist Deities"
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