Missionary Independent Spiritual Church
From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers

Missionary Independent Spiritual Church of Forestville, California, is a member church of the Association of Independent Spiritual Churches.
We are an interfaith full gospel church, welcoming all deities to our altars and all people to our congregation. We believe in the immanence of spirit, the intercessory power of prayer, and the efficacy of the practice of setting vigil candle lights for petitions and praise.
Following an eclectic mixture of religious traditions, including New Thought, Spiritualist, Jewish, Protestant, Catholic, folkloric magical traditions and spiritual practices with Ancestors, Angels, Deities, and Saints, we serve a worldwide congregation and offer a full line of candle services to the public. You do not need to be a member of our church to request services at our candle and prayer altars.

With less than 36 square feet of space inside the church building, we are one of about a dozen "World's Smallest Churches." Our candle altar takes up an equal amount of space. We participate in the online prayer chain at the Crystal Silence League under the auspices of the Association of Independent Spiritual Churches.
Our pastor, Catherine Yronwode, is a member of the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers. Our candle readers provide ceromantic divination email reports and also will conducts ten-minute telephone readings on candle signs and omens, as well as spiritual and magical coaching for church clients. In addition, we employ a staff of dedicated deacons to assist with the preparation of candles.
Missionary Independent Spiritual Church or MISC was founded on June 6, 2006, and opened its doors for divinatory readings, candle services, and spiritual counselling on June 6th, 2007. During the next ten years we served thousands of clients and congregants, and set an estimated 50,000 candles. In July 2017 the original MISC church building burned to the ground and fr the next year we continued to offer divinatory readings and spiritual counselling while we rebuilt the church. In July 2018, thanks to the generous help of many congregation members who contributed more than 10,000 dollars in love offerings, the MISC church was rebuilt and we re-opened our altars for candle services once again.
If you cannot burn vigil or novena candles in your home for any reason -- for instance, because of safety concerns or because you do not want anyone in the home to see them burning -- we will prepare, pray over, and set lights for you here on the consecrated altars of Missionary Independent Spiritual Church. We will do the work of dressing the candles with herbs and oils, affixing petitions, praying over each candle on your behalf, and mailing you a Candle Report after the light is finished, giving you an interpretation of the outcome based on the ancient art of ceromancy, or divination by wax.
Read more about us at our Missionary Independent Spiritual Church website.
Contact Information
Missionary Independent Spiritual Church
6632 Covey Road
Forestville, California 95436
Hours: Seven days a week from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Time.
We set candle lights daily, but divinatory readings, either by telephone or in person, are only given by pre-paid appointment. If you drop in and one of our three staff readers is available, you may pre-pay on the spot, but rather than suffer disappointment, we encourage you to book your reading in advance.
Please note that we are located in the Pacific Time Zone in California. We appreciate you taking any time differences into consideration when you call.
Our Services
Readings and Spiritual Consultations:
Our two staff readers, Miss Cat and Miss Elvyra, offer several forms of divination, psychic readings, spiritual consultations, magical coaching, and practical advice, both in person at the church and via telephone appointments. Our two candle deacons, Althea Anderson and Rev, Ernest, offer candle setting with email candle divinations readings, as well as telephone consultations.
You may book readings with our staff through our Missionary Independent Spiritual Church Online Booking Page .
- 15 minute pre-scheduled reading, consultation or spiritual coaching: $25.00
- 30 minute pre-scheduled reading, consultation or spiritual coaching: $50.00
- 60 minute pre-scheduled reading, consultation or spiritual coaching: $100.00
Candle Services
We offer hundreds of different types of vigil candles, both religious and folkloric. You are encouraged to send us your specifically-worded petition or prayer request when ordering.
The base cost of setting vigil lights in the church is $25.00 per candle, and includes an email candle glass divination report. If you wish to have a personal telephone reading on your candle, please schedule and pre-pay for a telephone reading with Rev. Ernest.
We offer volume discounts for longer runs of candles.
We also set free 4" emergency lights for specific financial needs, personal safety, dated court cases, dated job interviews, hospitalizations, dated medical procedures, first days of school or employment, missing persons or pets, and the like. We do not set emergency lights for ongoing situations such as troubled love issues, generational curses, lifetime bad luck, or addictions, but we will set an emergency light for a love situation where an unexpected break-up occurred, if we receive the request within 24 hours of the break-up.
You may arrange candle services through our Missionary Independent Spiritual Church Candle Ministry Page .
- One vigil light with one email report: $35.00
- Run of three vigil lights with three email reports: $85.00
- Run of seven vigil lights with seven email reports: $180.00
- Run of thirteen vigil lights with thirteen email reports: $300.00
- 10 minute pre-scheduled candle glass reading and consultation: $15.00
- One Emergency Light 4" candle: FREE
Ladies Auxiliary
The Ladies Auxiliary of Missionary Independent Spiritual Church was organized in 2010 as a Committee that is open to both male and female members. The Ladies Auxiliary is the body responsible for, among other things, production and publication of the church's fund-raising cookbooks, "Hoodoo Food! The Best of the Conjure Cook-Off and Recipe Round-Up" and associated events. The Path Sweepers are members of the Ladies Auxiliary who keep the grounds open and accessible to visitors.
Most of the time the candles I set are on ongoing relationship or work issues so I can't always see "did it work" or not, but this time I had very specific, time-stamped goals -- and how they burned and how the reports were written was EXACTLY what transpired. But exactly! freegirl
Thanks to the MISC for setting a steady work candle for me. Although I haven't landed a job just yet, I am receiving calls for interviews (1 per week for the last 3 weeks). Before the candle setting I didn't hear from any companies I applied to. Things are definitely moving in the right direction. kiki82
I just wanted anyone who was thinking about having prayer lights set in the church, don't think, just do. For me, what was best was that instead of worrying over how my candle was burning, I was able to think about it setting on the altar in church during my prayers and to trust the rest to the Universe. The service was wonderful and the experience was purely good. If I need another candle set, I'll come to you good people again. truzzie
I just got three candle reports on my progress in business. The reports were very easy to understand and indicated that the cause of my business problems comes with my own propensity to put dollars above friendships and social relationships. I was amazed, as I had never had a candle reading before, and yet the report came back as if the reader knew me. It's all true, too -- and I got the message clear and straight. I am humbled by this candle reading. It was awesome. Thanks. I am going to take the advice to heart and learn to spend more "face time" with customers. I am also burning a run of three Crown of Success candles, for this new goal. kemchua
I had two Boss Fix candles set for me in the church for a very important meeting with my boss and another manager. I was pretty nervous, but the meeting went great. I know having the candles blessed, prayed over, and lit in the church while the meeting was happening helped me with extra confidence. The first candle report described the meeting's outcome to a T. The candle was a great predictor. I highly recommend this service. Scarlett