AIRR application
From Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers
Who May Apply to AIRR
Basic Qualifications
As an applicant to AIRR, you must bring to us --
1) A Basic Level of Competence: Be a graduate of catherine yronwode's year-long Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course,
2) Agreement With AIRR's Principles of Service: Be sure that you have read and are prepared to signify agreement with the terms under which AIRR facilitates services with the public (see below),
3) A History of Professional Experience: Have a minimum of two years professional experience for clients (see below) as both a reader and rootworker (see below),
4) A Professional Services Web Site: Have a website describing your professional services under the same professional name with which you have applied to AIRR (see below),
5) A Dedicated Telephone Line: Have a dedicated phone line to conduct your business; it must have a voice mail or answering machine in service on the line during hours that it is not answered in person(see below),
6) A Scheduling System: Have a working booking or scheduling system in place (we recommend Bookeo),
7) A Payment Acceptance System: Have a working payment-acceptance system in place (cash, checks, money orders, credit cards and / or Paypal),
8) A Way to Deliver Services: Have a working form of delivery of readings to clients (email, telephone, skype, mail order, and / or physical shop or office).
Definition of "Agreement With AIRR's Principles of Service"
All members of AIRR have agreed to abide by and uphold certain principles of conduct and service, as outlined on this site. Please be sure, before applying, that you have read these pages and agree with their content:
Definition of "Professional Experience"
To qualify as a "professional" as understood by AIRR, you must have performed readings and rootwork for the public for a minimum of two years. If you have only worked for yourself, your family, or your friends -- even for ten or twenty years -- you do not, for the purposes of AIRR, have "professional experience."
You need not have consistently charged set rates of money to your clients for two years in order to qualify as having had two years of "professional experience." Many people, especially in the Spiritual Church Movement, work for donations, and thus do not charge a set fee. This is a tradition of long and honourable standing, as is working for barter or trade. Regardless of your fees or methods of recompense, for the purposes of this AIRR Application, you are a "professional" as long as you have openly and accessibly read or worked for the public at large and not only for yourself, your family, or your friends for a minimum of two years.
Definition of "Reader and Rootworker"
Applicants must be both readers and rootworkers.
Applicants may work primarily as readers, but if so, they must at least undertake rootwork to the extent of competently prescribing spiritual supplies to clients.
Applicants may also work primarily as rootworkers, but if so, they must at least give readings that consist of a spiritual consultation or assessment for their prospective rootwork clients; for the purposes of this application, such an initial consultation or case assessment is called a "reading."
Definition of "Professional Services Web Site"
Applicants must have a business web site and it must contain one page which hosts a biographical description page ("about me") to which AIRR will link and from which you will be required to link back to AIRR using code which we will supply. The biography on that page must be different in text than the biography page proposed for inclusion in the AIRR directory. It must be a biography only, and not contain notices of any items for sale, prices for services, or shopping cart buttons, although those may be hosted on all other pages at your site, if desired. Note that having a Facebook professional page, while recommended, is not the same as a web site with a bio page on which you will host the AIRR link-back text and image.
Definition of "Dedicated Telephone Line"
Applicants must have a dedicated phone line to conduct business with the public and with AIRR; it must have a voice mail or answering machine in service on the line during hours that it is not answered in person. If you wish, you may use an additional optional dedicated email address, skype account, and / or a physical shop or office for contact with the public. You do not need to use this telephone number for incoming "cold" calls from the public, but if you conduct telephone readings, they must be conducted via a line that is separate from your private cell or home line. We do not accept web-based form-mail as a primary method of contact with the public as it is an anonymized "black hole" service that does not allow clients to actually know if they have made contact.
AIRR Membership Application Form
Personal information provided on this form will remain confidential.
Copy this page, fill in the information and email the completed form to for our consideration.
Personal Bio Data and Contact Information
- Legal name:
- Astrological Birth Date (Date, Time, and Location of birth):
- Language(s) spoken:
- Home address:
- Business address:
- Home Phone number:
- Business phone number:
- Personal Email address:
- Business email address:
- Business fax number:
- Skype username:
- LMCCo Forum username
- URL(s) for your personal website
- URL(s) for your business website(s):
- URL(s) for your business website landing/bio/about page:
- URL(s) for your Facebook personal profile:
- URL(s) for your Facebook business page:
- URL(s) for your Instagram personal profile:
- URL(s) for your Instagram business page:
- URL for your Hoodoo Psychics bio page URL?
- URL for your YouTube channel URL?
- Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course student #:
- Year enrolled:
- Year graduated:
- Professional names ever used:
- Business names (if different / separate than the name on this application):
- Business License # / Resale License # (if applicable in your state):
- Current employment additional to / other than reading and rootworking:
- Do you have a dedicated business phone line?:
- Does it have an answering machine or voicemail after business hours?
- Are you an Independent Contractor at ?
- If so:
- What is your Hoodoo Psychics extension number?
- For how long have you been with Hoodoo Psychics?
- What is your Hoodoo Psychics extension number?
- Would you be willing to promote AIRR via your Facebook profile or page?
- Other education, training, degrees held:
- Memberships in other social, fraternal, and / or business organizations:
Personal References
Please provide two references who can affirm your reliability and ethical character. These should be business associates, vendors, other professionals, or clients with whom you have established an ongoing and satisfying business relationship, and who will attest to your ethical standards and the quality of your work:(1)
Their business relation to you:
How long you have known them?:
Their contact information:
Relation to you:
How long you have known them?:
Their contact information:
Training, Personal, and Professional Experience
Training and Experience as a Reader
When did you become a professional reader?:
How did you learn to do readings for people? Please describe any formal education you received in this field, including any books or teachers who have influenced you, apprenticeships you have taken, instructors you have studied with, etc.:
Why did you begin professionally doing readings for other people?:
During the past 12 months, have you given 50 or more paid readings to clients? ("Readings" include cards, bones, scrying, intuitive psychism, conversation with spirits, pendulum, bibliomancy, dowsing, tea leaf reading, dream interpretation, palmistry, candle reading, spirit board reading, crystallomancy, reading natural signs and omens, feng shui, numerology, and more.)
Have you had personal experience as a reader's client?:
How has being a client influenced you as a professional reader?:
How often do you hire the services of other readers?:
What are your strengths as a reader?
What kinds of reading work do you most enjoy?:
Are there any categories of reading cases (e.g. reading about the dead, reading about curses, reading about ex-lovers) that you refuse to take?:
Training and Experience as a Rootworker
When did you become a professional rootworker?:
How did you learn to do rootwork for people? In addition to your study in the HRCC, please describe any additional education in this field, including any other books or teachers who have influenced you, apprenticeships you have taken, other instructors you have studied with, etc.:
Why did you begin doing rootwork professionally for other people?:
During the past 12 months, have you taken on 12 or more paid rootwork cases? ("Cases" include both verbal and written prescriptions, consultations about rootwork, and actual jobs of work, such as with candles, oils, baths, incense, house cleansings, dolls, mojo bags, bottles and jars, petitions, amulets, talismans, prayer work, graveyard work, crossroads work, hands-on work, and the maintenance of altars that you have performed on behalf of paying clients.)
Have you had personal experience as a rootworker's client?:
How has being a client influenced you as a professional rootworker?:
How often do you hire the services of other rootworkers?:
What are your strengths as a rootworker?
What kinds of rootwork jobs do you most enjoy?:
Are there any categories of rootwork cases (e.g. reconciliation cases, cursing cases, cases to assist people in illegal activities such as prostitution) that you refuse to take?:
500 Word Biographical Description
Please include a biographical description of yourself and your work written in the first person. Minimum allowable length is 475 words. Maximum allowable length is 500 words. Because the link to your own website will state "You can read more about me at my website," your AIRR biographical description may not duplicate biographical text at your own site.
In the event that you are accepted for AIRR membership, the AIRR Tech Team will edit this Biographical section of your bio page to conform to AIRR site typographical standards and will create links within your biography to appropriate sections of the AIRR website.
(Insert bio text here.)
Professional Contact Methods
Booking Methods For Readings and Rootwork
How do clients contact you to book readings or rootwork services? (Please "X" all that apply):_____ in person
_____ via telephone
_____ via text message
_____ via email
_____ via website form
_____ via Bookeo or other Calendar-based booking service
_____ via Skype
_____ other (please explain)
Performance Methods For Readings and Rootwork
How do you perform your readings and rootwork? (Please "X" all that apply):_____ in person
_____ via personal telephone
_____ via Hoodoo Psychics telephone; my extension number is _____
_____ via text message
_____ via email
_____ via Youtube
_____ via Skype or Zoom
_____ other (please explain)
Note: We require that you post at least one contact method on your booking page that is a clickable link. If you read for Hoodoo Psychics, please list your extension number above and we will make that link for you. Our preference is that in addition to Hoodoo Psychics you also offer pre-scheduled readings and that your buttons be either (1) a Paypal button with pull-downs for every reading time-rate and/or rootwork service without pre-arrangement through consultation (e.g. mojo bags) that you offer and / or (2) a link to your Bookeo page, if you use Bookeo for scheduling. We highly recommend Bookeo over Paypal for the scheduling of readings because it is automatic and requires no call-backs on your part. In summation, on your booking page you may have a Hoodoo Psychics button, a Paypal button, and a Bookeo button, if you are available through Hoodoo Psychics, are using a Bookeo link for your reading schedule, and are using a Paypal button for non-consultive rootwork services such as mojo hands.
Rates and Payments
Rates and Payments for Readings and Rootwork
What is the average fee range you charge for reading sessions?:_____ 10 minute
_____ 1/2 hour
_____ 1 hour
_____ Yes/No question
_____ other (please describe)
Note: We require that you post rates for readings.
What is the average time-length of your readings? _______
_____ Setting lights
_____ Mojo Bags
_____ Doll Babies
_____ Bottle Spells
_____ Hands-On Cleansings
_____ Other Forms of Spell Casting
_____ May we post these rates?
Note: We need to know your rates in order to interview you, but you do not need to post public rates for rootwork if you choose not to. However, we strongly advise you to post rates for rootwork, at least in the form of a range of prices. The reason for this is that many potential clients do shop by price and will not approach a rootworker who does not post rates, for fear of being embarrassed when extremely high prices are quoted.
Payment Methods for Readings and Rootwork
What methods of pre-payment do you accept?:_____ cash
_____ personal check
_____ credit cards
_____ money orders
_____ Paypal
_____ barter or trade-in-kind
_____ pro bono
Note: We require that you receive PRE-payment for readings and rootwork services. The reason for this is to facilitate Ombudsman mediation of disputes with clients. Furthermore, we require that if you use Paypal for pre-payment, you are responsible for the creation and installation of your own Paypal button(s). Please see already-extant AIRR booking pages for samples of how this is done.
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice
What types of readings do you offer? (Please "X" all that apply):_____ Card Readings_____ using playing cards_____ Psychic or Intuitive Readings
_____ using oracle cards (which decks?)
_____ using Tarot cards (which decks?)_____ Clairaudient Readings
_____ Clairsentient Readings
_____ Clairvoyant Readings_____ Palmistry (hand reading)
_____ Astrological Readings
_____ Horary Astrology
_____ Chinese Astrology
_____ Modern Astrology (horoscopes)
_____ Predictive Astrology
_____ Relocational Astrology
_____ Renaissance Astrology
_____ Vedic Astrology
_____ other Astrology (please explain)_____ Numerology
_____ Bibliomancy (divination using the Bible)
_____ Dowsing, Doodlebugging, and Water Witching
_____ Body Readings
_____ Phrenology_____ Candle Readings
_____ Face Reading_____ Candle Glass Divination
_____ Candle Wax Divination_____ Pyromancy (fire divination)
_____ Cup Readings
_____ Tea Leaf Reading
_____ Coffee Ground Readings_____ Egg Divinations
_____ I Ching consultations
_____ with yarrow stalks_____ Mediumship (consulting the dead and spirits)
_____ with coins_____ Trance Mediumship_____ Scrying
_____ Channeled Mediumship_____ using crystals_____ Obi
_____ using crystal balls
_____ using ink
_____ using a mirror
_____ using oil
_____ using smoke
_____ using water_____ using 4 cowrie shells
_____ using 4 pieces of coconut_____ Diloggun
_____ Pendulum Readings
_____ Psychometry (reading an article)
_____ using objects
_____ using photographs_____ Interpreting Dreams, Signs, and Omens
_____ Bone Readings
_____ Runic Divination
_____ Graphology (handwriting analysis)
_____ Geomancy
_____ Spiritual Consultations and Practical Advice
_____ other (please explain):
Hoodoo, Conjure, Rootwork, and Spell-Casting
What types of rootwork do you offer? (Please "X" all that apply):_____ Altar Work and Prayers (specialties?):
_____ Containers: Bottle, Jar, Box, and Potted Plant Spells (specialties?):
_____ Candle Spells (specialties?)_____ Fixed Candle Spells_____ Spiritual Cleansings
_____ Moving Candle Spells
_____ Lamp Spells
_____ Setting Lights_____ Bathing_____ in person (what methods?)_____ Foot Washing
_____ at a distance (what methods?)_____ in person (what methods?)_____ Cleansing with a Egg
_____ at a distance (what method?)_____ in person (what methods?)_____ Smoking, Smudging, Censing
_____ at a distance (what methods?)_____ in person (what methods?)_____ Cleansing a location
_____ at a distance (what methods?)_____ in person (what methods?)
_____ at a distance (what methods?)_____ Doll Babies
_____ Prescribing Spiritual Supplies
_____ Herbal Preparations
_____ Oil Preparations
_____ Incense Preparations
_____ Bath Crystal Preparations
_____ Sachet Powder Preparations
_____ Washes and Waters Preparations
_____ Perfume and Cologne Preparations_____ Mojo Bags (specialties?)
_____ Spell Casting
_____ Talismans and Amulets (specialties?)
_____ Working with Spirits (which spirits?)
_____ Graveyard Work
_____ Ancestor Work with Client's Ancestors
_____ Crossroads Work
_____ Petitioning Deities
_____ Archangels and Angels (which ones?)
_____ Petitioning Saints (which saints?)_____ Magical Coaching
_____ Exorcisms and Spirit Removal
_____ of a person_____ Other Forms of Rootwork (please explain):
_____ of a location
Client Condition and Situation Specialties
What types of situation or condition will you work on for clients (Please "X" all that apply):_____ Love Drawing, Romance, Marriage, Fidelity, and Reconciliation
_____ Prosperity, Money Drawing, Business, and Gambling Luck
_____ Blessing, Cleansing, Healing, and Tranquility
_____ Career Success, Personal Power, Mastery, and Wisdom
_____ Protection From Enemies, Warding Off Evil, and Safe Travel
_____ Jinx Breaking, Uncrossing, Reversing, and Road Opening
_____ Court Cases, Legal Matters, and Keeping Off the Law
_____ Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming
_____ Crossing, Jinxing, Hot Footing, Revenge, and Break Ups
Religious and Cultural Traditions
The following is a list of "Working Within the 'X' Traditions" pages.
- If you are a pastor, initiate, medium, or folk-practitioner associated with one or more of these Traditions
- If you maintain altars featuring the iconography of one or more of these religions,
- If you personally espouse the beliefs and and are well-versed in one or more of these religions,
- If you celebrate the holidays, venerate the deities, and prepare the traditional celebratory food offerings of one or more of these religions,
- Are willing and able to serve devout or semi-devout clients FROM WITHIN within the precepts and cultural traditions of one or more of these religions.
Note: You may work in more than one Tradition, but please be respectful and do not select Traditions with which you do not actually have
- A true spiritual and cultural link consisting of belief and practice
- OR
- Whose adherents you cannot serve in a meaningful way using the techniques and practices of the Tradition.
In particular, do not state that you work in any Tradition in which all workers must be initiated or ordained -- UNLESS you are properly initiated or ordained.
Also, you need not choose any of these Traditions at all. The list is purely for the use of clients who are interested in working with readers and rootworkers who are familiar with certain specific Traditions of spirituality.
I work within -- and serve clients within -- the_____ Protestant Tradition
_____ Catholic Tradition
_____ Orthodox Tradition
_____ Jewish Tradition
_____ Islamic Tradition
_____ Spiritualist Tradition
_____ African and African Diasporic Tradition
_____ Buddhist Tradition
_____ Hindu Tradition
_____ Taoist Tradition
_____ Shamanic Tradition
_____ Neo-Pagan Tradition
_____ New Thought Tradition
_____ New Age Tradition
_____ Ceremonial Magic Tradition
_____ Other (you may specify as many as you wish)
Outreach and Public Service
AIRR Members do more than merely promote their own careers -- they function as guides and helpers to clients and to the spiritually-interested public in general. AIRR maintains special pages on which we list the members who perform these roles for the public. Please check any that apply to you, or which you plan to engage,
_____ Magical and Spiritual Coach
_____ Metaphysical Author
_____ Teacher or Workshop Presenter
_____ Radio Podcaster
_____ Video Webcaster
_____ Occult Shopkeeper and Spiritual Supplier
_____ Hoodoo Heritage Festival Presenter
_____ Crystal Silence League Member
_____ AIRR Tech Team Member (if approved for membership)
_____ Ombudsman Team Member (if approved for membership)
_____ Pro Bono Fund Member (if approved for membership)
Please include testimonials from your clients and/or customers. Minimum allowable length is 275 words. Maximum allowable length is 300 words.
In our experience, a number of short, edited testimonials creates more impact than one or two lengthy testimonials.
In the event that you are accepted for AIRR membership, the AIRR Tech Team will edit this Testimonials section of your bio page to conform to AIRR site typographical standards.
(Insert testimonial text here.)
Seven Photos of You and Your Work
A) Please attach 1 portrait photo.
B) Please attach 6 captioned photos of rootwork, altar work, or divination work you have performed for clients. The captions should be explanatory; please see other bio pages at this site for the style of captions we desire to show.
HORIZONTAL FORMAT photos are strongly preferred; optimal size is 400px wide by 300px high. If photos are not horizontal in format they will almost certainly be cropped by the AIRR Tech Team to fit a horizontal or square format.
The 6 captioned photos must include images from at least 4 different categories within the following 9 categories of work. Some pictures may fit into more than one category.The images may include pictures of you and a client, if you have the client's permission, but they may not include a recognizable shop name, business name, URL, or street address. You agree that if you are accepted into AIRR, these photos of your work, plus the portrait photo of you, will be used on your personal Reader and Rootworker (R&R) page and that the photos of your work may be used elsewhere at the AIRR site, and any photos other than your portrait photo used at the AIRR site become the property of AIRR, although you may use them yourself as well at your own web site.
- 1) general altar images (e.g. "An altar to ..." / "My working candle altar")
- 2) figural candle work (e.g. "Male and female figure candles for ..." / "Skull candle and ...")
- 3) vigil or novena candle work (e.g. "Vigil candles for court case work" / "Novena to the Blessed Mother for")
- 4) mojo bags or doll babies (e.g. "A mojo bag for ..." / "Cloth doll baby for ...")
- 5) your personal tools of divination (e.g. "My tarot cards and pendulum" / "My divination tools, including ...")
- 6) bathing or cleansing a client or premises (e.g. "Blessing a new business ..." / "Hands-on egg cleansing for a client...")
- 7) ancestor, graveyard, or spirit work (e.g. "My ancestor altar..." / "Black Hawk bucket with offerings...")
- 8) honey jar, sugar jar, vinegar jar, or mirror box spells (e.g. "A mirror box spell to ..." / "A sugar jar to sweeten ...")
- 9) spiritual supplies you make (with no visible brand name) (e.g. "Hand-made condition oils" / "Hand-made herbal soaps")
Insert captioned photos here
- Portait: Caption: [Your Name]
- Photo 1: Caption: ____
- Photo 2: Caption: ____
- Photo 3: Caption: ____
- Photo 4: Caption: ____
- Photo 5: Caption: ____
- Photo 6: Caption: ____
Quality Assurance Agreements
Please follow the instructions and initial both agreements.
Test Reading
Please be prepared to offer one (1) FREE half-hour reading to the AIRR membership investigation committee so that we may evaluate you for membership.
Prior to beginning your test reading, you will be informed that this will be a 1/2 hour reading with a member of the AIRR membership investigation committee. There will be no financial exchange for this reading.
If you have previously given one reading to Deacon Millett and / or catherine yronwode (both of them members of the Board of Bishops of AISC), you will be pre-approved as a reader and will not be asked to provide a test reading to the AIRR membership investigation committee.
After the reading we may discuss with you further the techniques of divination, the demographic base of your current clientele, your reading location, and other matters.
Please initial here to indicate your agreement to deliver this reading in the manner described: __________
Rootwork Interview
Every prospective member will be interviewed by AIRR personnel and AISC Board members for the purpose of membership evaluation. These interviews may be conducted by phone, by Skype, in person, or through some other method with which you are familiar and which is within your technical capacity.
Please initial here to indicate your agreement to engage in these interviews in the manner described: __________
AIRR Terms of Service
Before submitting your application to AIRR, please familiarize yourself with the AIRR Terms of Service, as outlined on these web pages:
In addition, if you wish to leave AIRR at any point during a year for which you paid for membership, or if you intend to not renew your AIRR listing on June 6th of any year, you agree to participate in an exit interview with the AIRR Ombudsman, so that he or she can determine whether you have any pending, ongoing, or unclosed contracts or any paid-for-but-undelivered readings or rootwork, and that you agree to abide by the Ombudsman Terms of Service regarding all readings or rootwork undertaken while you were a member, even after you leave AIRR.
Please initial here to indicate your agreement to engage in practice under the terms described: __________
Restrictions on AIRR Bio Pages and the AIRR Facebook Page
- Text and images that you upload to AIRR must not violate copyright or trademark laws
- You may not embed watermarks in the images you upload to AIRR
- No audible, visible, or readable URL for any commercial site may appear in any text, image, or video you upload to AIRR
- No nude images or video content are permitted at AIRR
- No language, images, or video content depicting animal slaughter or torture are permitted at AIRR
- No language, images, or video content depicting violence against humans are permitted at AIRR
- No language, images, or video content derogatory to any individual, nation, religious group, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, body type, dietary preferences, medical conditions, or politcal affiliation are permitted at AIRR
- The text on your AIRR Bio page must not be a duplicate in verbal content of the text on your personal off-site landing page
- All uploaded images become the property of AIRR, with joint use retained by you; they may be ported to other AIRR pages and re-captioned and they will remain the property of AIRR even if your AIRR membership lapses or is terminated for any reason
Restrictions on AIRR Members' Off-Site Landing Pages
ONE -- Landing page must exist
- You must have a landing page; clicking the link must not result in "server not found" or a 404 error (page not found on server).
TWO -- Landing page must contain biographical material
- The text on your landing page must not be a duplicate in verbal content of the text on your AIRR page; at AIRR, the link sates, "read MORE about me," so it must not be the same as that at AIRR; it has to literally be "more" or "different."
- The landing page must contain actual text; the text must not merely consist of further links to a blog or to news articles or to a Facebook page or to an email address or phone number; the reader goes to your landing page in search of "more about" you, and you must give them "more about" you on the landing page itself.
- Text and images on your landing page must not violate copyright or trademark laws.
- No nude images on your landing page.
- No images on your landing page depicting animal slaughter.
- No images on your landing page of violence against humans.
- No text on your landing page derogatory to any individual, nation, religious group, or sexual orientation
THREE -- Landing page must not contain shopping options
- Your landing page may be located at a domain at which you sell items, but on the landing page itself, no for-sale goods, priced goods, or shopping cart items may appear.
- Your landing page may include on or more links to further information about the services, products, and events you offer ("click here to read more about my books," "click here for a list of my reading services," etc.) but it must not include any buttons, images, or text which, when clicked, will directly set in motion a monetary transaction.
- Your landing page may not offer any article for sale other than your services as a reader or rootworker (diviner or conjure practitioner); for instance, you may not offer links to your services as an architect or a hairdresser.
FOUR -- Landing page must contain 5 AIRR link-backs
- Your landing page must contain 5 link-backs to the AIRR main page; these are a link-back image of the AIRR logo (the "AIRR bug) that links back to the AIRR main page and a block of link-back text that contains 4 text-links back to the AIRR main page, using code provided to you by AIRR.
- You may not write your own code for the AIRR bug and AIRR text link backs.
- You may not altar the code provided to you by AIRR for the 5 link-backs.
- If you cannot locate the AIRR link-back code, please contact the Secretary of AIRR via Facebook.
FIVE -- If you are out of compliance
- If you update or change either the URL (domain name and / or file name) or the contents of your landing page, please check to see that it remains in compliance with these Terms of Service. Quite often we find that people hire web designers who do not understand these Terms and will fail to copy the code for the AIRR bug and text, leaving it without link-backs. Alternatively, they may not understand that you are restricted from offering items for sale on your landing page and will install shopping options for you. We need to know when your landing page changes so that we can check it and suggest changes that might be necessary. If you wish, we can deal directly with any web designer you have hired. Please contact the Secretary of AIRR via Facebook for assistance.
- If we find that your landing page is out of compliance, we will comment out (blank out) the link from AIRR to your site. People will still be able to book you through your AIRR booking page, but they will not be able to visit your site from the AIRR site. We will send you a notice that your link is no longer at the AIRR site; please rectify the problem and contact the Secretary of AIRR via Facebook with a notification that the problem has been resolved, and we will reinstate the link.
- If one month passes and you do not rectify the problem, we will notify you a second time. While awaiting your response, we will blank out your entire AIRR bio page and state that you are "not available for bookings at this time." No one will be able to book your services through AIRR while your bio page is blanked out, because the links to your booking page will not be accessible; however, your name will still be listed in the directory until the end of your year's subscription to the service.
- If you have not rectified the problem when your yearly fee is due, on June 6th of any given year, we may not accept your attempt to pay or remain on our directory.
Please initial here to indicate your agreement to the Restrictions on Bio Pages and Landing Pages outlined above: __________
AIRR Outreach Services to the Public
Before submitting your application to AIRR, please familiarize yourself with the AIRR outreach service pages that we offer to the public, as outlined on these web pages:
- Tips For Clients
- Questions to Ask Your Reader or Rootworker
- Sample Text for a Rootwork Contract
- AIRR Pro Bono Fund
- AIRR on Facebook
- Crystal Silence League web site
- Crystal Silence League on Facebook
Please initial here to indicate your familiarity with the AIRR outreach service pages which we offer to the public: __________
Application Fee
There is a non-refundable $30.00 application fee. This fee must be submitted along with your completed application form in order for you to be considered for membership. The application fee underwrites the work of the three member interview team that will interview you prior to bringing your application before the group for a vote on your application.
AIRR Annual Dues
Membership in AIRR costs $100.00 per year.
AIRR Membership Benefits
Your annual membership fee entitles you to the following member benefits for one year:
- One personal biographical page (Bio Page) hosting your text and photos, including
- One personal image, supplied by you (obligatory)
- 475-500 words of personal biographical text, supplied by you (obligatory)
- 275-300 words of personal testimonials about your work, supplied by you (obligatory)
- One line of text that links to your off-site "landing page" (obligatory)
- Contact Information, supplied by you (obligatory)
- How to Book and Pay for an Appointment, supplied by you (obligatory)
- Rates, supplied by you (obligatory section on your page, but you may decline to provide rates)
- Six additional images of you or your work, supplied by you, 400pxw x 300pxh (obligatory)
- One link to your AIRR Booking Page
- One personal image, supplied by you (obligatory)
- One personal AIRR Booking Page (linked from your Bio Page),
- Contact Information and Booking Methods (obligatory)
- Your direct booking and/or payment button(s) (optional)
- Links that lead from various AIRR wiki information pages to your Bio Page and back
- One Directory site-wide listing link in the left-side Navigation Bar (Directory) which appears on every AIRR Wiki page and category
- One Nav Box page-specific listing link in the right-side Navigation Box (Nav Box) on each AIRR site category for Reading and Rootworking to which you have subscribed (provided by AIRR)
- One Category page-specific listing link at the bottom of the page ("Members Who Perform This Work") on each AIRR site category for Reading and Rootworking to which you have subscribed (provided by AIRR)
- Text-links from your Bio Page to all of the AIRR site categories to which you have subscribed (provided by AIRR)
- An itemized list of category-links from your Bio Page to all AIRR site categories to which you have subscribed (provided by AIRR)
- One change per year of contact information / how to pay / rates / photos / bio text (provided by AIRR)
- One copy of any future AIRR membership swag issued during your term of membership, such as pins, patches, decoder rings, or funny hats.
How to Remit Payments
The Application Fee is due and payable with this Application Form.
Annual membership Fees are due upon acceptance into AIRR.
Via Paypal:
Send money via PayPal to
or communicate with the Secretary, nagasiva, to conclude payment at this time.
How to Submit This Application Form
Upon completion of this Application Form, please submit your Application Fee and Deposit to the addresses cited above. The form itself, and all relevant photo images, should be submitted via email.
Via email, send your completed Application Form and attached pictures to:
Via postal mail, send your completed Application Fee to:
Association of Independent Spiritual Churches
AIRR Committee
P.O. Box 2211
Joshua Tree, California 92252
This page is brought to you by the AIRR Tech Team:
- Author: nagasiva yronwode
- Contributor: catherine yronwode
- Images: Dr. E., Ms. Robin, Mama E., Papa Gee, Jon Saint Germain, Marin Graves, catherine yronwode, Shimmering Wolf, Madame Pamita, Balthazar, Karma Zain, Unknown Photographer; photos sourced by catherine yronwode
See Also
Forms and Documents
These pages contain the forms and documents used for communication within AIRR, and are posted here for the use of our members and in the interest of transparency to all members of the public who are searching for honest psychic reading services:
- AIRR Application Form: For conjure doctor professionals who are interested in joining AIRR
Revision History
AIRR Membership Application Form
Online 8:00 PM, Thursday, May 21, 2009
Revised 8:00 PM, Monday, June 8, 2009
Revised 7:24 PM, Friday, February 12, 2010
Revised 4:00 PM, Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Revised 9:03 PM, Monday, May 23, 2011
Revised 1:44 PM, Monday, July 18, 2011
Revised 1:53 PM, Monday, November 5, 2012
Revised 1:21 PM, Tuesday, October 22, 2012
Revised 1:35 PM, Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Revised 11:22 AM, Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Revised 10:21 AM, Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Revised 10:21 AM, Sunday, February 12, 2017
Revised 1:00 PM, Thursday, February 8, 2018
Revised 11:45 AM, Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Revised 11:30 AM, Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Revised 5:32 PM, Sunday, December 15, 2019
Revised 6:45 PM, Saturday, May 9, 2020
Revised 7:4516 PM, Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Version: 04/04/22 ny