Read more about
Valentina Burton
Book a reading with
Valentina Burton |
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice
Palmistry Readings,
Tarot Card Readings,
Astrological Readings,
Spiritual Consultation and Rootwork Advice,
Interpretations of Dreams, Signs, and Omens.
Conjure Conditions
Career Success, Personal Power, Mastery, and Wisdom,
Protection From Enemies, Warding Off Evil, and Safe Travel,
Jinx Breaking, Uncrossing, Reversing, and Road Opening,
Court Cases, Legal Matters, and Keeping Off the Law,
Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming,
Crossing, Jinxing, Hot Footing, Revenge, and Break Ups.
Rootwork Spell Casting
Prescribing Herbs, Baths, Powders, Oils, and Washes,
Magical Coaching.
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR. |
"In my long life I have consulted many palm readers, both psychic and scientific, and of those still living and practicing,
I sincerely believe that Valentina Burton is the best. She not only hit the nail on the head in terms of my past and present,
but she was able to give me important and necessary information about my future, all of which proved to be 100% accurate.
She is truly gifted.." -- J.A.J.
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |
Read more about
Deacon Millett
Book a reading with
Deacon Millett |
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice
Astrological Reports, Natal Horoscopes, Relationship Charts,
Card Reading,
Spiritual Consultation, Rootwork Advice,
I Ching Reading,
Interpretation of Dreams,
Conjure Conditions
Revenge, Break Ups,
Uncrossing, Road Opening,
Court Cases,
Rootwork Spell Casting
Altar Work, Prayers,
Candle Spells, Setting Lights,
Mojo bags,
Talismans, Amulets,
Spiritual Cleansing,
Bottle and Box Spells,
Spiritual Supplies,
Magical Coaching.
Religious and Cultural Traditions
Working with Saints and Angels,
Working Within the Spiritualist Tradition,
Working Within the New Thought Tradition.
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR. |
"Since you have been working
for my situation the greatest feeling that I have had is a sense
of ease. And when someone has been as anxious and sad as I was,
that release is more than priceless."
"I am astonished by the speed of this one, not that it
happened, as I am aware of how gifted you are. Just that it has
happened so fast!!!"
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |
Read more about
Miss Elvyra
Book a reading with
Miss Elvyra |
Contact: 707-236-0022 or
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice
Card Readings,
Interpretation of Dreams,
Candle Reading,
Tea Leaves,
Spiritual Consultation, Rootwork Advice.
Conjure Conditions
Love and Romance,
Money and Wealth,
Mental Influence,
Success and Mastery,
Healing, Cleansing, and Blessing.
Rootwork Spell Casting
Altar Work, Prayers,
Setting Lights,
Mojo Bags and Mojo Hands,
Spiritual Cleansing and Healing,
Talismans, Amulets, and Charms,
Spirit Work at Crossroads,
Magical Coaching.
Religious and Cultural Traditions
Working Within the Pagan and Neo-Pagan Tradition,
Working Within the New Thought Tradition.
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR. |
"Just wanted to say a big thank you to Miss
Elvyra Love for the reading you gave me. You are truly gifted
and I can still feel the peace that emanated from you. Thank you
again for using your gift to help others." -- G.F.
"Awesome!!! She is gifted and talented and I
appreciate her so much!!!" -- T. T.
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers
Read more about
Susan Diamond
Book a reading with
Susan Diamond
Contact: 831-423-5477 or
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice
Tarot Card Readings,
Modern Astrology,
Candle Reading,
Psycic Reading,
Obi Four Cowrie Shell Readings,
Interpreting Dreams,
Spiritual_Consultation and Rootwork Coaching.
Conjure Conditions
Love Drawing,
Money Drawing,
Healing, Blessing, Cleansing,
Court Case,
Mental Influence.
Rootwork Spell Casting
Altar Work,
Candle Spells, Dolls,
Mojo bags,
Honey Jars, Bottle Spells,
Spirit Work,
Spiritual Cleansings,
Casting Spells,
Magical Coaching,
Spiritual Supplies.
Religious and Cultural Traditions
Working Within the Africian and African Diasporic Tradition,
Working Within the Pagan and Neo-Pagan Tradition.
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR,
Occult Shopkeepers and Spiritual Suppliers in AIRR. |
"Your light, love, and support carried me through... but
even more amazing is that you actually helped create a shift
in my thinking, in my being. You are an angel sent by
"I remember you telling me during a tarot reading that I
would be a healer and I thought that was so out of reach. You
have been with me the entire way."
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |
Read more about
Lady Muse
Book a reading with
Lady Muse |
Contact: 760-335-6573 or
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice
Bibliomancy, Candle Reading,
Obi Reading, Egg Divination,
I Ching, Interpetation of Dreams,
Mediumship, Pendulum Divination,
Psychic Body Reading, Psychic Reading,
Runic Divination, Scrying with Smoke,
Spiritual and Rootwork Advice,
Tarot and Card Readings,
Throwing the Bones,
Fortune Telling.
Conjure Conditions
Blessing, Healing, and Cleansing,
Career, Mastery,
Court Cases, Legal Matters,
Crossing, Jinxing, and Hot Footing,
Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming,
Prosperity, Money Drawing, Business, and Gambling Luck,
Protection From Enemies, Warding Off Evil, and Safe Travel,
Jinx Breaking, Uncrossing, Reversing, and Road Opening.
Rootwork Spell Casting
Altar Work and Prayers,
Bottle and Container Spells,
Setting of Lights, Fixed Candles and Moving Candle Spells, <
Spiritual Cleansings and Baths,
Magical Coaching and Spiritual Advice,
Mojo Bags and Jack Balls,
Spiritual Supplies,
Spell Casting,
Talismans and Amulets,
Working at the Crossroads,
Working in the Graveyard,
Voodoo Dolls and Doll Babies.
Religious and Cultural Traditions
Working with Spirits,
Working Within the African-Diasporic Tradition,
Working Within the Spiritualist Tradition,
Working Within the Protestant Tradition,
Working Within the Catholic Tradition.
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR,
Video Webcasters in AIRR,
Occult Shopkeepers and Spiritual Suppliers in AIRR. |
Lady Muse helped to unblock my money and open the roads in my career! I was stuck in the same position for over 18 years and through her rootwork and guidance I am finally doing something that I love! D.H. - Plano, Tx
I was currently working for this dark company that I just dreaded going to work for each night, Then the wonderful LadyMuse was sent into my life and I told her my struggle and how I wanted a change . So Lady Muse started working and help me manifest my new job! I am so grateful for everything that she has done for me & to help me prosper & grow. Forever Thankful LadyMuse!!!! UJ-ATL
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |
Read more about
Marin Graves
Book a reading with
Marin Graves |
Contact: 530-272-TAROT (8276) or
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice
Card Readings,
Consulting with the Dead and with Spirits,
Palmistry, Hand Readings,
Candle Reading,
Pendulum Readings,
Crystal Ball Scrying,
Obi Divination with Cowrie Shells,
Modern Astrology (horoscopes), Relocational Astrology,
Dowsing, Doodlebugging, and Water Witching,
Spiritual Consultation, Rootwork Advice.
Conjure Conditions
Money and Prosperity,
Court Cases,
Mental Influence,
Rootwork Spell Casting
Altar Work, Prayers,
Candle Spells, Setting Lights, and Lamp Spells,
Mojo Bags and Mojo Hands,
Fixed and Prepared Talismans and Fertility Brooms,
Spiritual Cleansing and Healing,
Bottle, Jar, Box, and Potted Plant Spells,
Doll Babies and Poppets,
Prescribing Spiritual Supplies,
Working with Ancestors, the Graveyard, and the Crossroads,
Working with Spirits, Angels, Saints, and Deities,
Magical Coaching.
Religious and Cultural Traditions
Working Within the Pagan and Neo-Pagan Tradition,
Working Within the New Thought Tradition.
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR. |
"Marin is a psychic to trust. She'll be straightforward with you
immediately. She will hold your hand, but will not waste your time.
Her words are clear, compassionate, and honest. I highly recommend
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers
Read more about
Mama E.
Book a reading with
Mama E. |
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice
Candle Glass and Candle Wax Reading,
Pendulum Readings,
Psychic Reading,
Tarot Readings
Conjure Conditions
Love Drawing, Fidelity, Reconciliation,
Blessing, Healing, and Cleansing,
Uncrossing, Road Opening,
Court Case and Legal Matters,
Mental Influence,
Money and Business,
Crossing, Hot Footiing,
Protection From Enemies,
Personal Power, Mastery
Rootwork Spell Casting
Altar Work and Prayers,
Bottle, Jars, Box, Potted Plant Spells,
Fixed Candle Spells,
Cleansings and Baths, Clearing Locations, Smudging, Egg,
Magical Coaching and Spiritual Advice,
Mojo Bags, Nation Sacks, and Jack Balls,
Spiritual Supplies,
Spell Casting,
Magical Talismans and Amulets,
Working at the Crossroads,
Working in the Graveyard,
Voodoo Dolls and Doll Babies,
Working with Spirits
Religious and Cultural Traditions
African and African-Diasporic Ancestral Traditions,
Working in the Catholic Tradition,
Working Within the Spiritualist Tradition.
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR,
Occult Shopkeepers and Spiritual Suppliers in AIRR. |
“Mama E. is a wise lady and her reading was hopeful, helpful, and thorough. She explains everything for those who haven't had a tarot reading or a rootwork consultation before, so if you're new to all this, you will find it educational too. :)” -- Cathy, August 18, 2015
“I want to thank Mama E. She gave me hope. This was a great experience.” -- Berard
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |
Read more about
Mama Vergi
Book a reading with
Mama Vergi |
Contact: 516-316-8805, 843-970-0621 (Google Number) or
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice
Psychic Readings, Clairsentient Readings, Clairvoyant Readings,
Conjure Conditions
Uncrossing, Road Opening,
Mental Influence,
Rootwork Spell Casting
Prayer, Altar Work,
Setting Lights,
Doll Babies, Voodoo Dolls,
Mojo Bags, Conjure Hands, Nation Sacks, Jack Balls,
Magical Talismans, Amulets,
Prescribing Spiritual Supplies,
Magical Coaching and Rootwork Advice
Religious and Cultural Traditions
Working Within the Spiritualist Tradition,
Working Within the Protestant Tradition,
Working Within the Catholic Tradition,
Working Within the Shamanic and Neo-Shamanic Tradition,
Working Within the Pagan and Neo-Pagan Tradition,
Working Within the New Age Tradition.
Outreach and Public Service
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR,
Occult Shopkeepers and Spiritual Suppliers in AIRR.
"Things seemed to be upside down in my life. I contacted Mama Vergi and after talking with her she helped me understand that holding on to the past was hindering me from progression. I am so glad that she opened my eyes." B.D.
"When I lost my job, I almost lost my mind! Mama Vergi prayed with me and gave me instructions on raising my vibrations to open doors of success." J.M
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers
Read more about
Angela Marie Horner
Book a reading with
Angela Marie Horner |
Contact: 707-228-2521 or
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice
Candle Reading,
Pendulum Divination,
Psychic Reading,
Runic Divination,
Spiritual and Rootwork Advice,
Tarot and Card Readings,
Throwing the Bones
Conjure Conditions
Blessing and Healing,
Career and Mastery,
Court Case and Legal,
Crossing and Revenge,
Love and Reconciliation,
Mental Influence,
Money and Business,
Uncrossing and Road Opening
Rootwork Spell Casting
Altar Work and Prayers,
Bottle and Container Spells,
Cleansings and Baths,
Doll Babies,
Magical Coaching and Spiritual Advice,
Mojo Bags and Jack Balls,
Spiritual Supplies,
Spell Casting,
Talismans and Amulets,
Working with Spirits,
Working at the Crossroads,
Working in the Graveyard
Religious and Cultural Traditions
Working Within the Pagan and Neo-Pagan Tradition,
Working Within the Christian Tradition,
Working Within the Protestant Tradition,
Working Within the Catholic Tradition,
Working Within the Spiritualist Tradition,
Working Within the New Thought Tradition.
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR,
Occult Shopkeepers and Spiritual Suppliers in AIRR. |
“Never had a reading that was so accurate and so real and I felt comfortable talking with Reverend Angela! I will definitely recommend her services to someone that needs a look into their situation! And I loved how it seemed like I've known her for years.” -- J.P.
“She was great. Listened and gave me great advice on what I needed for my situation.” -- H.S.
“I found your readings were wonderful, and I am looking forward to working with you again.” -- W.M.
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |
Read more about
Sister Girl
Book a reading with
Sister Girl |
Contact: 307-509-0054 or
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice Offered
Candle Reading,
Diloggun and Obi,
Tarot and Card Readings.
Conjure Conditions
Blessing, Healing, and Cleansing,
Career, Mastery,
Court Case,
Rootwork Spell Casting
Altar Work and Prayers,
Bottle and Container Spells,
Mojo Bags and Jack Balls,
Magical Coaching and Spiritual Advice.
Religious and Cultural Traditions
Working Within the Protestant Tradition,
Working Within the African and African-Diasporic_Tradition,
Working Within the New Thought Tradition,
Working with Spirits, Angels, Saints, and Deities.
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR. |
I would like to Sister Girl for lighting candles for me and guiding the Gods to bless me with a full time job when I needed it most. I updated my resume and applied for a few openings in January and I was working the first week in February. -J.R.
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |
Read more about
Book a reading with
Lukianos |
Contact: 410-752-1816 or
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice Offered
Card Readings,
Obi and Diloggun,
Fire and Candle Readings.
Conjure Conditions
Money Drawing,
Blessing,_Cleansing, Healing,
Career Success, Personal Power,
Jinx_Breaking, Uncrossing, Reversing,
Mental Influence and Dreaming.
Rootwork Spell Casting
Altar Work,
Candle Spells,
Spell Casting,
Spiritual Baths and Teas,
Talismans and Amulets,
Mojo Bags,
Bottle Spells and Honey Jars,
Spiritual Cleansings
Magical Coaching.
Religious and Cultural Traditions
Working Within the Africian and African-Diasporic Tradition,
Agnihotra Within the Hindu Tradition,
Working Within the Pagan and Neo-Pagan Tradition.
Outreach and Public Service
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR. |
“Michele is a warm and very talented practitioner. She very accurately provided me with insight as to where I am on my journey, and gave me some very helpful information for moving forward. I enjoyed the reading; it was extremely healing, and I would definitely recommend her.” -- J.M.
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |
Read more about
Elle DuVall
Book a reading with
Elle DuVall |
Contact: 707-701-3553 or
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice Offered
Candle Reading,
Interpetation of Dreams,
Pendulum Divination,
Psychic Body Reading,
Psychic Reading,
Spiritual and Rootwork Advice,
Tarot and Card Readings.
Conjure Conditions
Blessing, Healing, and Cleansing,
Career Success, Mastery, Personal Power,
Crossing, Jinxing, and Hot Footing,
Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming,
Prosperity, Money Drawing, Business, and Gambling Luck,
Protection From Enemies, Warding Off Evil, and Safe Travel,
Jinx Breaking, Uncrossing, Reversing, and Road Opening.
Rootwork Spell Casting
Altar Work and Prayers,
Bottle and Container Spells,
Spiritual Cleansings and Baths,
Magical Coaching and Spiritual Advice,
Mojo Bags and Jack Balls,
Spiritual Supplies,
Spell Casting,
Talismans and Amulets,
Working at the Crossroads,
Working in the Graveyard,
Dolls and Doll Babies, Working with Spirits.
Religious and Cultural Traditions
Working Within the Buddhist Tradition,
Working Within the Pagan and Neo-Pagan Tradition,
Working Within the Catholic Tradition.
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR. |
"I have been talking to Elle for quite some time now and she has always steered me in the right direction. I always try to take her advice because in the end, she is always correct. She has always given me detailed readings and has always been extremely accurate. She is honest, but yet kind at the same time. I would rather have honesty than someone just giving me a line of crap to keep me happy." L.D.
Lady Muse helped us save our house from being foreclosed! She is a true blessing! EJ&LJ
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |
Read more about
Miss Athena
Book a reading with
Miss Athena |
Contact: (347) 295-0662 or
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice Offered
Candle Reading,
Interpetation of Dreams,
Pendulum Divination,
Psychic Body Reading,
Psychic Reading,
Spiritual and Rootwork Advice,
Tarot and Card Readings,
Feng Shui Analysis,
Conjure Conditions
Blessing, Healing, and Cleansing,
Career Success, Mastery, Personal Power,
Crossing, Jinxing, and Hot Footing,
Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming,
Prosperity, Money Drawing, Business, and Gambling Luck,
Protection From Enemies, Warding Off Evil, and Safe Travel,
Jinx Breaking, Uncrossing, Reversing, and Road Opening
Rootwork Spell Casting
Altar Work and Prayers,
Bottle and Container Spells,
Spiritual Cleansings and Baths,
Magical Coaching and Spiritual Advice,
Mojo Bags and Jack Balls,
Spiritual Supplies,
Spell Casting,
Working at the Crossroads,
Working in the Graveyard,
Dolls and Doll Babies,
Working with Spirits.
Religious and Cultural Traditions
Working Within the Buddhist Tradition,
Working Within the Protestant Tradition,
Working Within the Catholic Tradition,
Working Within the Orthodox Tradition,
Working Within Spiritualist Tradition.
Outreach and Public Service
Radio Podcasters in AIRR. |
I had a reading with Miss Athena and I can’t say enough good things about her. She is surely gifted, very kind and her calm energy made her feel like an instant friend. Wonderful experience. -- Jordan S., Brooklyn NY
I’ve had readings before but you are absolutely brilliant and didn’t miss a thing. You saw everything right in your cards, and I’m grateful for how you took time to explain it all to me. I was gobsmacked. You’re now my favourite reader and I will definitely come back again. Cheers to you, dear lady! -- Michael H., London UK
Lady Muse helped us save our house from being foreclosed! She is a true blessing! EJ&LJ
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |
Read more about
Rev. Fred
Book a reading with
Rev. Fred |
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice Offered
Spiritual and Rootwork Consultation.
Conjure Conditions
Money Drawing, Prosperity,
Love Drawing,
Blessing, Cleansing, Healing,
Career Success, Personal Power,
Court Cases and Legal Matters,
Uncrossing and Roading Opening,
Mental Influence.
Rootwork Spell Casting
Altar Work and Prayer,
Candle Spells,
Spell Casting,
Mojo Bags, and Tobies,
Honey Jar Spells,
Petitioning Saints,
Work with Spirit Guides,
Talismans, Charms, and Amulets.
| "I lost my husband and decided to sell our beautiful villa.
The price was very honest, but for two years nobody looked interested in buying
it. I asked Rev. Fred to help. He immediately found that my unconscious
attachment to the house was sabotaging the sale. He prepared a mojo bag and
fixed a couple of his pebbles, to decrease my attachment and help the business.
Two weeks later a very distinguished gentleman of the city came and asked if I
was interested in selling my house... Thank you Rev. Fred for such an excellent
job!" -- F. V., Singer
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |
Read more about
Miss Marguerite
Book a reading with
Miss Marguerite |
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice Offered
Card Readings,
Pendulum Divination.
Conjure Conditions
Blessing, Healing, and Cleansing,
Career, Mastery,
Court Case,
Love Drawing, Romance, Marriage, Fidelity, and Reconciliation,
Prosperity, Money Drawing, Business, Gambling Luck,
Protection From Enemies, Warding Off Evil, and Safe Travel,
Altar Work and Prayers,
Bottle and Container Spells,
Setting of Lights, Fixed Candles, Moving Candle Spells,
Cleansings with Pendulum, Egg, Smoking, Smudging,
Mojo Bags and Conjure Hands,
Spiritual Supplies,
Spell Casting,
Fixed and Prepared Talismans and Amulets,
Doll Babies, Voodoo Dolls, and Poppets,
Working with Spirits, Saints, and Deities,
Working Within the Catholic Tradition,
Working Within the Hindu Tradition.
Religious and Cultural Traditions
Working Within the Catholic Tradition,
Working Within the Hindu Tradition.
Outreach and Public Service
Radio Podcasters in AIRR. |
"I contacted Miss Marguerite through a common friend. I was struggling with my soccer career and repeated injuries. Some Marabouts in Senegal had done a lot of protection and success work for me, but somehow things were not right. I was feeling I needed some healing work, something different. With her very down-to-earth approach Miss Marguerite took my case and, believe it or not, after less than a month I got a very good contract with a professional soccer team. Since then my career has been successful." S. T. , Soccer player (France and Senegal)
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |
Read more about
Miss Michaele
Book a reading with
Miss Michaele |
Contact: 707-456-4407 or
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice Offered
Card Readings,
Candle Wax Reading,
Interpreting Dreams and Signs,
Spiritual and Rootwork Consultation
Conjure Conditions
Money Drawing, Prosperity,
Love Drawing,
Blessing, Cleansing, Healing,
Career Success, Personal Power,
Rootwork Spell Casting
Altar Work and Prayer,
Candle Spells,
Spell Casting,
Spiritual Supplies,
Mojo Bags and Tobies,
Honey Jar Spells,
Doll Babies,
Magical Coaching
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR. |
"You really care about people, and that comes across
when we speak. THANK YOU SO MUCH!"
"I love how you use Biblical scriptures during
your readings. You have given me hope to conquer any
"Miss Michaele made me a Steady Work mojo that
made a great difference in my life."
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |

Read more about
Book a reading with
ConjureMan |
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice Offered
Card Reading,
Pendulum Divination,
Interpreting Signs,
Candle Reading,
Psychic Reading,
Spiritual and Rootwork Advice
Conjure Conditions
Money, Business,
Revenge, Break Ups,
Uncrossing, Road Opening,
Court Cases,
Healing, Blessing, Cleansing,
Mental Influence, Dreaming.
Rootwork Spell Casting
Altar Work,
Candle Spells,
Doll and Poppets,
Mojo bags,
Honey Jars, Bottle and Box Spells,
Working with Spirits, the Dead, Graveyard Work, and Crossroads Work,
Working with Saints and Angels,
Spiritual Cleansing, Exorcisms,
Magical Coaching.
Religious and Cultural Traditions
Working Within the Catholic Tradition,
Working Within the African and African-Diasporic Tradition,
Working Within the Protestant Tradition,
Working Within the Spiritualist Tradition,
Working Within the Islamic Tradition,
Working Within the Jewish Tradition.
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR. |
"He called me last night!!! I don't know how you
did it, but he called... We are meeting this week for dinner to
work things out. Bless you!" -- SC
"You are a very rare individual. You must
really be gifted by God and I thank you for sharing with us the
gift you have." -- MO
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |

Read more about
Jon Saint Germain
Book a reading with
Jon Saint Germain |
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice Offered
Tarot, Oracle, and Playing Card Reading,
Clairaudient and Clairvoyant Readings,
Candle Reading,
Tea Leaf and Coffee Ground Reading,
I Ching,
Pendulum Divination,
Throwing the Bones and Reading Other Natural Curios,
Runic Divination,
Graphology and Handwriting Analysis.
Conjure Conditions
Love Drawing, Romance, Marriage, Fidelity, and Reconciliation,
Prosperity, Money Drawing, Business, and Gambling Luck,
Blessing, Cleansing, Healing, and Tranquility,
Career Success, Personal Power, Mastery, and Wisdom,
Protection From Enemies, Warding Off Evil, and Safe Travel,
Jinx Breaking, Uncrossing, Reversing, and Road Opening,
Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming,
Crossing, Jinxing, Hot Footing, Revenge, and Break Ups.
Rootwork Spell Casting
Magical Coaching and Spiritual Advice,
Bottle, Jar, and Mirror Box Spells,
Candle Spells and Light Setting,
Spiritual Cleansing,
Doll Babies,
Spiritual Supplies,
Mojo Bags,
Spell Casting,
Talismans, Amulets, and Jackballs,
Graveyard Work, Exorcisms and Spirit Removal, Crossroads Work.
Religious and Cultural Traditions
Working Within te New Age Tradition.
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR. |
"Oh Jon, I saw her and like you said she said I was the one she wanted to marry and spend the rest of her life with! Thanks so much I never would have the confidence to ask [her] and I will call you again soon." Romay H, Brunswick, NJ
"My boss called me in and wrote me a check for the money he owed me. I couldn't talk I was so shocked. I mean I was speechless. And the check didn't bounce! I need another reading soon to figure out what to do with this money." Liz T, Knoxville, TN
"She came back!" Jonathan S Nashville TN
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |
Read more about
Ms. Robin
Book a reading with
Ms. Robin |
Contact: 510-228-8700 or
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice
Card Reading,
Candle Reading,
Psychic and Clairvoyant Reading,
Conjure Conditions
Break Ups, Crossing,
Uncrossing, Road Opening,
Court Cases,
Mental Influence,
Rootwork Spell Casting
Altar Work, Prayers,
Candles and Lights,
Mojo Bags and Mojo Hands,
Spiritual Cleansing,
Bottles, Jars, and Casket Spells,
Spell Casting,
Doll Babies,
Talismans and Jewelry,
Magical Coaching.
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR,
Occult Shopkeepers and Spiritual Suppliers in AIRR. |
"The reading you gave was awesome, not only
because you identified the issues so clearly, but also because I
could hear the care and concern in your voice and that meant a
lot to me."
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |
Read more about
Papa Newt
Book a reading with
Papa Newt |
Contact: 402-547-1751 or
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice
Card Readings,
Candle Reading,
Pendulum Divination,
Bone Readings,
Spiritual Consultation and Rootwork Advice
Conjure Conditions
Break Ups, Crossing,
Uncrossing, Road Opening,
Court Cases,
Mental Influence,
Rootwork Spell Casting
Altar Work, Prayers,
Candles and Lights,
Mojo Bags and Tobies,
Fixed and Prepared Magical Talismans and Amulets,
Spiritual Cleansing, Blessing, and Healing,
Bottle and Jar Spells,
Doll Babies,
Spell Casting,
Spiritual Supplies,
Spirit and Crossroads Work,
Magical Coaching
Religious and Cultural Traditions
Working Within the Catholic Tradition,
Working Within the Spiritualist Tradition,
Working Within the New Thought Tradition.
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR,
Occult Shopkeepers and Spiritual Suppliers in AIRR. |
“Papa Newt is kind, considerate and incredibly talented. Not only does he help unbiasedly, he takes your entire situation into account. His suggestions were thoughtful, easy to execute and didn’t drain my wallet dry. I have nothing but respect for him and shall continue seeking his counsel on all things spiritual. Thank you!” Elise, NE
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |
Read more about
Madame Nadia
Book a reading with
Madame Nadia |
Contact: (217) 864-8468 or
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice
Tarot Readings, Playing Card Readings, Oracle Card Readings,
Clairvoyant Readings, Empathic Readings,
Bone Reading,
Communication with the Dead and with Spirits,
Pendulum Divination,
Candle Glass and Candle Wax Divination,
Chamalangos and Obi Readings,
Scrying and Visionary Readings,
Magical Coaching and Spiritual Advice
Conjure Conditions
Love, Romance, Marriage, Fideltiy, Reconciliation,
Money Drawing, Gambeling Luck, Business,
Blessing, Cleansing, Healing,
Career Success, Mastery, Wisdom,
Protection, Warding Off Evil,
Jinx Breaking, Uncrossing, Road Opening, Reversing,
Court Case, Legal Matters, Keeping the Law Away,
Mental Influence, Psychism, and Dreaming,
Crossing, Hot Footing, Jinxing, Revenge
Rootwork Spell Casting
Altar Work and Prayers,
Candles Spells, Prayer Lights, Fixed and Moving Candle Spells,
Spiritual Cleansing, Personal Cleansing, House and Location Cleansing,
Contained Spells, Honey Jar, Bottle Spells,
Mojo Bags, Nation Sacks, and Conjure Hands,
Talismans and Amulets,
Spiritual Supplies,
Spell Casting,
Spirit Work.
Religious and Cultural Traditions
African and African-Diasporic Ancestral Tradition,
Working Within the Jewish Tradition,
Working Within the Protestant Tradition,
Working Within the Catholic Tradition,
Working Within the Africian and African Diasporic Tradition,
Working Within the Pagan and Neo-Pagan Tradition,
Working Within the Spiritualist Tradition,
Working Within the Hindu Tradition.
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR,
Video Webcasters in AIRR,
Occult Shopkeepers and Spiritual Suppliers in AIRR,
Crystal Silence League Member.
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR,
Video Webcasters in AIRR. |
"I have used Madame Nadia’s guidance and assistance many times in the past and have always received gracious and compassionate service as well as accurate guidance and helpful spiritual services. I strongly recommend Nadia, both as a wonderful positive person and as a spiritual healer." Amir
"Madame Nadia is the most honest and accurate reader I've had the fortune to work with. She has a great sense of humor but isn't afraid to be direct, she tells it like it is! Most importantly, she gives you the insight and tools you need for self improvement." Caitlin
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |
Read more about
Dr. Jeremy Weiss
Book a reading with
Dr. Jeremy Weiss |
Contact: 206-495-5312 or
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice Offered
Candle Reading,
Interpetation of Dreams,
Pendulum Divination,
Psychic Body Reading,
Psychic Reading,
Spiritual and Rootwork Advice,
Tarot and Card Readings,
Throwing the Bones,
Psychometry with Photographs or Objects,
Body Reading, Vulvamancy.
Conjure Conditions
Blessing, Healing, and Cleansing,
Career, Mastery, Personal Power,
Court Cases, Legal Matters,
Love Drawing, Romance, Marriage,
Spirituality, Psychism, Mental Influence, and Dreaming,
Protection From Enemies, Warding Off Evil, and Safe Travel,
Altar Work and Prayers,
Bottle and Container Spells,
Setting of Lights, Fixed Candles and Moving Candle Spells,
Spiritual Cleansings and Baths,
Magical Coaching and Spiritual Advice,
Mojo Bags and Jack Balls,
Spiritual Supplies,
Spell Casting,
Talismans and Amulets,
Working at the Crossroads,
Working Within the Jewish Tradition,
Voodoo Dolls and Doll Babies.
Religious and Cultural Traditions
Working Within Kabbalah and Jewish Grimoire Tradition".
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR,
Video Webcasters in AIRR,
Occult Shopkeepers and Spiritual Suppliers in AIRR. |
“You were right. I dumped him and life is so much better. That double strong cut and clear was crazy powerful. I no longer dream about him or think about him all the time. Not anymore. I ran into him the other day and that used to work me up and I’d cry. Now? Nothing. Thank you!” Elizabeth H., London.
Lady Muse helped us save our house from being foreclosed! She is a true blessing! EJ&LJ
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |
Read more about
Miss cat yronwode
Book a reading with
Miss cat yronwode |
Contact: 707-887-7808 for booking
Divination, Readings, and Spiritual Advice
Card Reading,
Palmistry, Hand-Reading,
Tea Leaf Readings,
Pendulum Divination,
Contact with Ancestors and with the Dead,
Candle Reading,
Crystal Ball Scrying,
Psychic Readings,
Spiritual Consultations, Rootwork Advice,
Dream Interpretation,
Obi Reading,
I Ching Readings,
Astrological Evaluations.
Conjure Conditions
Break Ups, Crossing,
Uncrossing, Road Opening,
Court Cases,
Mental Influence,
Rootwork Spell Casting
Prayer, Altar Work,
Setting Lights,
Doll Babies, Voodoo Dolls,
Mojo Bags, Conjure Hands, Nation Sacks, Jack Balls,
Bottle Spells,
Magical Talismans, Amulets,
Casting Spells,
Spiritual Supplies,
Spirit Work with Ancestors and the Dead,
Magical Coaching and Rootwork Advice/
Religious and Cultural Traditions
Working within the Spiritualist Tradition,
Working Within the Protestant Tradition,
Working Within the Jewish Tradition,
Working Within the New Thought Tradition.
Outreach and Public Service
Metaphysical Authors in AIRR,
Teachers and Workshop Presenters in AIRR,
Magical and Spiritual Coaches in AIRR,
Radio Podcasters in AIRR,
Occult Shopkeepers and Spiritual Suppliers in AIRR. |
"I ordered some things from you
for a court case. I was on trial for a crime which I did not
commit. Although the case appeared as though it was not going in
my favor, the final words were 'not guilty' and I was
acquitted." -- A.
"The reading I received from cat was honest and
intuitive, and she gave me some valuable life coaching
that is worth more than I can ever repay her for."
Member of AIRR
Association of Independent
Readers and Rootworkers |