Sefer ha-Razim (Book of Mysteries)

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Sefer ha-Razim

Sefer ha-Razim is magical grimoire of Jewish origin which was found at the Cairo Geniza.

The origin of Sefer ha-Razim

Most scholars date original text of Sefer ha-Razim (The Book of the Occult Secrets) to the early fourth or late third century C.E. (Although one well-known scholar has argued that the text is later—dating from sixth or seventh century C.E.) Whatever the true date, it is clear that this text predates the Kabbalah.

Elements of the book were published in 1701 as part of Sefer Raziel (Book of [the Angel] Raziel), which has added to the conflation of this text with that text, as well as with the similarly titled, Sefer Raziel ha-Malach (Book of Raziel, the Angel).

Authorship of Sefer ha-Razim

The book itself tells us that it was revealed to Noah by an angel. This name of this supernal entity is Raziel who is the angel of magic, mysteries, occult knowledge, arcane wisdom, gnosis, and secrets.

Like, Sefer ha-Tzaddikim, the book was then passed through the generations of righteous wizards (tzaddiks) until it became King Solomon's most prized book of magic. Other sources credit Solomon with its authorship.

Contents of Sefer ha-Razim

The book is divided into seven sections, mirroring the seven days of Creation, the seven heavens, and the seven compartments of Gehenna (Hell). The contents emphasize astral magic—the power that can be derived from planetary forces and their associated angels.

It provides obscure information about the angelic commanders, and their respective powers, relationships to the months, the zodiac and discusses the Sun as a numinous source of revelation. It also provides a myriad of useful incantations.

Sefer ha-Razim takes a radical but more inclusive view of deities who have been classically denigrated and viewed as idolatrous or heretical to the Jewish people. Rather, non-Jewish deities, such as Helios, Hermes, Aphrodite, and others are portrayed as another class of angels working under the direction of G-d.

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