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The seven Jewish biblical prophetesses

Sarah, Miriam, Deborah, Hannah, Abigail, Huldah and Esther are the seven prophetesses in the Jewish tradition. Today, is Hannah’s turn!


The prophetess Hannah was married to a well-respected, moral man named Elkanah. For nearly two decades she petitioned G-d to become a mother. Throughout her attempts at conception she led a spiritual revolution that taught Israelites to use prayer and have faith in G-d over relying on answers to present themselves through miraculous happenstance.

Hannah’s big problem

Hannah devised a number of methods to conceive including the bringing another wife to her husband in order to stir jealousy in her own womb. Hannah was mocked by her husband’s other wife, Peninah, who had many children. Hannah even pretended to commit adultery and believed that her innocence would help her become fertile.

Hannah’s misdiagnosis at the Temple’s Betty Ford Clinic

When a newly appointed high priest, Eli, was sitting at the entrance of the courtyard, the brokenhearted Hannah walked into the temple and, in a tearful whisper, made her impetration to G-d. She promised that, if she were to conceive, her son would become a particularly pious Jew, called a “Nazarite”. Because of her unusually quiet plea, Eli the high priest concluded that Hannah must have been drunk on alcohol to be showing such extraordinary emotion.

Hannah gets laid and gets her wish

Hannah explained to him how bitter she was over her situation, and told him, “I have poured out my soul before G-d.” Upon hearing this, Eli immediately retracted his position and he blessed her. Her desire was granted and, at the age of one hundred and thirty years, she conceived the first of her six children—the first of whom, Samuel, became a prophet in his own right. Like Sarah, Hannah is often considered to be an effective intercessor for issues of fertility.

Hannah and her mystical associations

Hebrew name: חנה

Planet: Venus

Astrological association: Taurus, Libra

Gematria: 63

Stone: Malachite

Developmental stage: Spiritual order

Day: Wednesday

Sefirot: Netzach (victory, eternity)

Sacred species: Figs

Body association: Right leg

Rituals: Prayer, offerings to the Temple

Holidays: Tu’ B’Shevat

Symbols: Shiloh

Prayers: Amidah, Sabbath blessing on the children

Corresponding archangel: Hanael or Anael

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