Category:Celebrated Mediums and Conjure Doctors

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The cover of Secrets of Magic-Mystery & Legerdemain. The Missing Key to Success, Health and Happiness by Black Herman

The mediums and conjure doctors listed here would be unknown to us today if not for the institutions they created, the books they wrote, the biographical articles written about them, and the interviews they gave.


What is a medium?

For more information, see Mediumship

Mediums are generally known as gifted workers who contact spirit entities including the dead. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when folk magic was legally defined as fraud in certain jurisdictions, spiritual supply house catalogues and publications also used the term "mediums" as a discreet euphemism for conjure doctors or rootworkers. Many, but not all, hoodoo practitioners receive guidance for themselves and their clients through direct spirit contact, so both meanings apply. (Read more ...)

What is a conjure doctor?

For more information, see Hoodoo Conjure Witchcraft Rootwork

Those who practice hoodoo on behalf of clients go by a variety of names, including rootworkers, practitioners, hoodoo ladies, root doctors, conjure doctors, spiritual advisors, two-headed doctors, and conjures. Most hoodoo root doctors are also psychic readere who perform divination prior to taking a client's case. They may take on all sorts of conjure jobs or they may specialize in certain forms of hoodoo work. (Read more ...)

Celebrated Mediums and Conjure Doctors

Leafy Anderson

Leafy Anderson founded the Spiritual Church Movement in New Orleans during the 1920s.

Dr. Buzzard

Dr. Buzzard was both one of the most well-known and, at the same time, mysterious African American psychic readere and root doctors in the United States of the early 1900s.

Rev. Adele Clemens

Rev. Adele Clemens was a spirit medium who conducted seances, lectured on New Thought and Spiritualism, and gave psychic readings as an astrologer and card reader. (Read More ...)

Myrtle Collins

Myrtle Collins was a psychic reader and root doctor in Memphis, Tennessee.

Aunt Caroline Dye

Aunt Caroline Dye was a spirit medium, card reader, and root doctor who also performed powerful healing ceremonies; she lived and worked in Newport, Arkansas. (Read More ...)

Black Herman

Black Herman was the stage name of Benjamin Rucker, a conjure doctor, author, herbalist, social activist, and entertainer of the 1900s. (Read More ...)

Dr. Jim Jordan

Dr. Jim Jordan had a practice that included healing work and hoodoo; in Como, North Carolina, but clients drove to see him from all over the United States. (Read More ... )

Marie Laveau

Marie Laveau was a Lousiana Creole hoodoo practitioner and the most famous of the Voodoo Queens of New Orleans. (Read More ... )

Edward A. Lowe

Edward A. Lowe was a Texas-born root doctor, astrologer, nd manufacturer of spiritual supply house who practiced in Chicago from the 1920s onward.

Paschal Beverly Randolph

Paschal Beverly Randolph was a Spiritualist, conjure doctor, trance medium, and sex magician who established Rosicrucianism in the United States during the mid-1800s. ('|Read More ...)

Dr. E. P. Read

Dr. E. P. Read was a conjure doctor, astrologer, herbalist, and businessman who consulted with clients and sold spiritual supplies from the late 1800s through the early 1940s. (Read More ...)

Madame Fu Futtam

Madame Fu Futtam was a psychic reader, root doctor, and spiritual supply shop keeper in New York City.

Rajah Rabo

Rajah Rabo was a psychic readere, rootworkers, and spiritual supply shop keeper in New York City.

Mother Catherine Seals

Mother Catherine Seals was Leafy Anderson's successor as head of the Spiritual Church Movement in New Orleans.

Rev. Watson, the Frizzly Rooster

Rev. Watson, the Frizzly Rooster, was a Spiritual Church Movement pastor and root doctor in New Orleans.

See Also

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