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    <allpages gapfrom="Rev. Adele Clemens" />
      <page pageid="3748" ns="0" title="Rebecca">
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|title = Conditions for Which &lt;br&gt;Rebecca &lt;br&gt;is Petitioned  
|list1 = [[:Category:Blessing%2C_Cleansing%2C_Healing%2C_and_Tranquility#Fertility.2C_Pregnancy.2C_and_Childbirth|Infertility]]
|list2 = [[:Category:Blessing%2C_Cleansing%2C_Healing%2C_and_Tranquility#Fertility.2C_Pregnancy.2C_and_Childbirth|Difficult Pregnancy]]
|list3 =  [[:Category:Blessing%2C_Cleansing%2C_Healing%2C_and_Tranquility#Fertility.2C_Pregnancy.2C_and_Childbirth|Caring for Twins]]
[[Image:Dr-Jaynes-Rebekah-at-the-Well.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Rebecca at the well; 19th century chromolithograph trade card for Dr. Jayne's herbal medicines, signed by the artist &quot;MKG&quot;]]

'''Rebecca''', also spelled '''Rebekah''', was a [[:Category:Working_Within_the_Jewish_Tradition|Jewish]] matriarch, the ancestress of the nations of Israel and Edom, the wife of the Biblical patriarch [[Isaac]], and the mother of twin sons, [[Jacob]] and Esau. She was the first woman in the Bible, and the only matriarch, to receive a blessing, for as she left for her new life with [[Isaac]], her family blessed her: &quot;May you grow into thousands of myriads. May your offspring seize the gates of their foes.&quot; This blessing is echoed in many modern Jewish marriage services to this day. However, Rebecca's receipt of the blessing was long delayed and she struggled with infertility for the first twenty years of her marriage. She and her husband constantly prayed for her fertility and their prayers were eventually granted. However, during her pregnancy, tradition tells she was in such great distress from constant fetal movement that went from house to house asking if anyone else had ever experienced the like. When she consulted the [[JHVH, Yahweh|Lord JHVH]] to find out why this was happening, [[JHVH, Yahweh|Yahweh's ]] answer to her was: &quot;Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.&quot; She was delivered of twins, Esau and [[Jacob]]. Esau grew up to be a mighty hunter, while his brother [[Jacob]] was a faithful homebody and a keen student of the word of [[JHVH, Yahweh|God]]. As the first-born of the twins, Esau was to inherit [[Isaac]]'s patriarchal blessing, but he was a man of uncertain temperament, and one day, while hungry, he traded his birthright for a bowl of stew from [[Jacob]].

As [[Isaac]]'s life drew to its close and his vision dimmed, he asked Esau to go hunting and prepare his favorite meal with the prey, &quot;that my soul may bless thee before I die.&quot; This may have been a ceremonial meal to solemnize a binding covenant between father and son. Rebecca, overhearing this command, carried out her own plans: she told [[Jacob]] to go to their flock, butcher two goat kids, and she would prepare the meal that [[Isaac]] craved. She told [[Jacob]] to take the food to [[Isaac]] and he would received the blessing intended for Esau. She also made sure to cover [[Jacob]]'s bare arms and neck with the skins of the goats, so that he would be hairy like Esau to his father's touch. She then gave [[Jacob]] Esau's clothes to wear -- which, according to [[:Category:Working_Within_the_Jewish_Tradition|Jewish]] tradition, included the very skin coat which [[JHVH, Yahweh|JHVH]] made for Adam when he left Eden, and which caused all animals to bow down before him. The deception succeeded: [[Jacob]] received the blessing intended for the elder son, to Esau's consternation. Rebecca, fearing for [[Jacob]]'s life, sent him to live with her brother Laban until Esau's rage should burn out. Many years later, the brothers reconciled. Rebecca's manipulation of events enabled &quot;the older to serve the younger,&quot; fulfilling [[:Category:Prophecy|prophecy]], carrying out the will of [[JHVH, Yahweh|God]], and completing the promise which Esau had made when he traded his birthright for a meal. 

Rebecca is venerated as a [[:Category:Prophecy|prophetess]], a woman of kind and gracious hospitality, and as one who cared for the comfort of strangers, guests, and the many domestic animals attached to the family. She is often portrayed by the well where she first met Eliezer, the servant of [[Isaac]], either giving him a drink or watering the thirsty camels that came with him. As a matriarch, she is may be shown receiving the gift of wedding jewelry, or as a participant in the ruse whereby [[Jacob]] received the blessing intended for Esau. She, like [[Sarah]], who also gave birth late in life, is petitioned by women who have been diagnosed with [[:Category:Blessing%2C_Cleansing%2C_Healing%2C_and_Tranquility#Fertility.2C_Pregnancy.2C_and_Childbirth|infertility]], as well as by women whose pregnancies are difficult, or who are anticipating the birth of twins.


'''This page is brought to you by the [[AIRR Tech Team]]:'''
* '''Author:''' [[Miss Michaele]]
* '''Contributors:''' [[Catherine Yronwode|cat yronwode]], [[Papa Newt]], [[Nagasiva Yronwode|nagasiva yronwode]]
* '''Image:''' &quot;MKG&quot; for Dr. Jayne's herbal medicines, 19th century 

==See Also==
* [[:Category:Religious Traditions|Religious Traditions]]
* [[:Category:Working_Within_the_Jewish_Tradition|Judaism]]
* [[JHVH, Yahweh|JHVH, Yahweh, Jehovah, God]]
* [[:Category:Angels and Archangels|Angels and Archangels]]
* [[:Category:Jewish Spiritual Figures|Jewish Spiritual Figures]]
* [[:Category:The Book of Psalms|The Book of Psalms]]
* [[:Category:The Kabbalah and the Jewish Grimoire Tradition|The Kabbalah and the Jewish Grimoire Tradition]]
* [[:Category:Jewish Folk Magic|Jewish and Yiddish Folk Magic]]

&lt;!-- DEFSORT is organized by first letter of LAST name 
(or only name) after subtracting any honorifics --&gt;
[[Category:Jewish Spiritual Figures]]
      <page pageid="1007" ns="0" title="Request for Mediation Form">
          <rev xml:space="preserve">[[Image:Ombudsman.jpg|left|thumb|300px|The Ombudsman ensures fair and friendly communication between clients and AIRR practitioners]] If you have a complaint, problem, or unresolved issue with any member of AIRR whom you have engaged as a reader or have paid for work, we have a mediator who will help resolve problems. 

To have your case mediated, you must follow these three steps:

&lt;li&gt;Read the [[Ombudsman Terms of Service| AIRR Ombudsman Terms of Service]] and make sure that your case qualifies for mediation. 

&lt;li&gt;Read the [[Request for Mediation Form]] on this page, copy it to your computer, and fill in all the data-fields.

&lt;li&gt;Send your filled-out [[Request for Mediation Form]] to our mediator, the AIRR OMBUDSMAN, who will attempt to resolve all disputes in a mutually satisfactory manner. The email address to send the completed form to is


Please put the words &quot;AIRR Ombudsman&quot; in the subject line of your message to the Ombudsman.

==Basic Data==

1) Have you read the [[Ombudsman Terms of Service]], do you understand it, and do you agree to abide by these terms?: 

2) Date you are filing this complaint:

3) Your Name:

4) Your Email Address:

5) Your Telephone Number and the hours you can best be reached:

6) The Name of the AIRR Practitioner with whom you have a dispute:

7) Date you first contacted the AIRR Practitioner:

8) Is this complaint based on a &lt;b&gt;Failure of Contact&lt;/b&gt; or a &lt;b&gt;Failure of Delivery&lt;/b&gt; (or both)?:

9) Please fill out the relevant portions below.

==Failure of Contact Complaint==

[[Image:Mediation-in-chairs.jpg|right|thumb|300px||The Ombudsman listens to both parties and helps bring about a fair resolution]]

If you are complaining about a Failure of Contact, please read the following definitions of terms and make sure that you have a valid complaint:

	&lt;li&gt;&lt;b&gt;Failure to return your call or email:&lt;/b&gt; Please allow three attempts at contact before opening a case with the Ombudsman; if you do open a case, you will be required to provide full details of contact dates and methods of attempted communication.&lt;/li&gt;

	&lt;li&gt;&lt;b&gt;Failure to acknowledge receipt of your payment:&lt;/b&gt; Please allow three attempts at contact before opening a case with the Ombudsman; if you do open a case, you will be required to provide full details of transaction dates and methods of payment.&lt;/li&gt;

	&lt;li&gt;&lt;b&gt;Failure to schedule your appointment:&lt;/b&gt; Please allow three attempts at contact before opening a case with the Ombudsman; if you do open a case, you will be required to provide full details of contact dates and methods of attempted scheduling.&lt;/li&gt;

Please provide the following information:

* Date(s) you initiated contact with the AIRR Practitioner for services:

* Date(s) the AIRR Practitioner failed to respond to contact: 

If you pre-paid for services, such as a reading, please provide the following information.

* Date(s) you paid the AIRR Practitioner for services:

* Method of payment:

* Amount of payment:

* Type of work or service you paid for: 

Please describe the complaint in your own words, and in your message, be sure  state clearly whether there was a 
* &lt;b&gt;Failure to return your call or email&lt;/b&gt;
* &lt;b&gt;Failure to acknowledge receipt of your payment&lt;/b&gt;  
* &lt;b&gt;Failure to schedule your appointment&lt;/b&gt;

==Failure of Delivery Complaint==

If you are complaining about a Failure of Delivery, please read the following definitions of terms and select one or more issues:

	&lt;li&gt;&lt;b&gt;Failure to attend a scheduled appointment with you:&lt;/b&gt; Please allow three attempts at contact before opening a case with the Ombudsman; if you do open a case, you will be required to provide full details of contact dates and methods of attempted communication. If the Practitioner has failed to keep a scheduled electronic, telephonic, or in-person appointment for a reading, a consultation, a spiritual bathing, or a cleansing of the premises, you may file a complaint with the Ombudsman; if you do open a case, you will be required to provide full details of transaction dates, methods of payment, and messages relating to the scheduled appointment.&lt;/li&gt; 

	&lt;li&gt;&lt;b&gt;Failure to ship spiritual supplies that you purchased:&lt;/b&gt; If supplies such as candles, oils, washes, incense, powders, curios, herbs, amulets, seals, mojo bags, doll-babies, or [[:Category:Petitions and Magical Papers|petition-papers]] were paid for and but never shipped, you may file a complaint with the Ombudsman; if you do open a case, you will be required to provide full details of transaction dates, methods of payment, and messages relating to the shipment.&lt;/li&gt;  

	&lt;li&gt;&lt;b&gt;Failure to replace lost or damaged spiritual supplies:&lt;/b&gt; If supplies were paid for and shipped but never received or were received damaged or broken in transit, you may file a complaint with the Ombudsman; if you do open a case, you will be required to provide full details of transaction dates, methods of payment, and messages relating to the shipment.&lt;/li&gt; 

	&lt;li&gt;&lt;b&gt;Failure to supply photos of altar work if altar photos were agreed to in a [[contract]]:&lt;/b&gt; If altar photos were paid for as part of the work and but never received, you may file a complaint with the Ombudsman; if you do open a case, you will be required to provide full details of transaction dates, methods of payment, and messages supporting your claim that altar photos were part of the original [[contract]].&lt;/li&gt;

	&lt;li&gt;&lt;b&gt;Failure to return your personal photos, concerns, or objects, if their return was agreed to in a [[contract]]:&lt;/b&gt; If personal photos, concerns, or objects were used in the work and they were to be returned to you, but were never received, you may file a complaint with the Ombudsman; if you do open a case, you will be required to provide full details of transaction dates, methods of payment, and messages supporting your claim that the return of these items were part of the original [[contract]].&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;/ul&gt; &lt;/blockquote&gt;

Please provide the following information:

* Date(s) you paid the AIRR Practitioner for services:

* Method of payment:

* Amount of payment:

* Type of work or service you paid for: 

Please describe the complaint in your own words, and in your message, be sure  state clearly whether there was a 

* &lt;b&gt;Failure to attend a scheduled appointment with you:&lt;/b&gt;
* &lt;b&gt;Failure to ship spiritual supplies that you purchased:&lt;/b&gt;
* &lt;b&gt;Failure to replace lost or damaged spiritual supplies:&lt;/b&gt;
* &lt;b&gt;Failure to supply photos of altar work if altar photos were agreed to in a [[contract]]:&lt;/b&gt;
* &lt;b&gt;Failure to return your personal photos, concerns, or objects, if their return was agreed to in a [[contract]]:&lt;/b&gt;

==Submitting Your Complaint==

Copy this page to your computer and fill out all the relevant portions. 

Send your filled-out [[Request for Mediation Form]]
via email to our mediator, the
AIRR OMBUDSMAN, who will attempt to resolve
all disputes in a mutually satisfactory manner:


==See Also==

{{: See Also Forms and Documents}}</rev>